Centre Personnel聽


Photograph of Oded Haklai

Oded Haklai
Department of Political Studies

Associate Director

Stephen Larin

Stephen Larin
Assistant Professor 
Department of Political Studies


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Democratic Institutions and Diversity

Democratic Institutions and Diversity Fellows

Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization & Conflict Resolution

Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Research Fellows

Gender, Race, Class, Religion, Ethnicity, Caste, Sexuality & Intersectionality

Gender, Race, Class, Religion, Ethnicity, Caste, Sexuality & Intersectionality

Multiculturalism, Migration, Integration & Citizenship

Multiculturalism and Migration Research Fellows

Land Rights, Indigeneity & Territorial Claims

Land Rights and Indigeneity Fellows

International Politics, Democracy & Democratization

International Politics Research Fellows

Other Centre Contacts

Political Studies Department Head
Jonathan Rose


Administrative Manager
Kyle Hodder


Website Administration
Rachel Lang
