Roundtable on Refugee Crisis


Friday October 2, 2015
12:00 pm - 2:15 pm


Miller Hall, Room 201

Sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Diversity (CSDD) and the School of Graduate Studies


What forces are leading refugees to seek protection in Europe?
How are they being received in the countries they travel to and through? 
What expectations and rights do refugees have? 
What is Canada doing? 
What can we do?

 A panel of experts will explore various dimensions of the refugee crisis:

  • Marie-Jöelle Zahar, Professor at Université de Montréal, and Senior Mediation Expert with the U.N.
  • Charles Pentland (Political Studies, Queen’s University) – on European challenges
  • Zsuzsa Csergö (Political Studies, Queen’s University) – on reception in European countries
  • Keith Banting (Political Studies, Queen’s University) – on Canada’s immigration policy
  • Chaired by:  Sara Pavan, Doctoral candidate, Queen’s.