Sustainability in the Curriculum

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The work of the Sustainability in the Curriculum sub-working group is now part of Queen鈥檚 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-focused work led by the Principal鈥檚 Advisory Council on SDGs.

Summary of work: Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Working Group

Co-Chairs: Sandra den Otter and Klodiana Kolomitro

The Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Working Group has focused on embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the curriculum, through initiatives such as:

  1. Framing education for sustainable development on the UNESCO Learning Objectives.
  2. Conducting departmental surveys to identify courses focused on sustainability. The results are being used to better understand gaps in our educational offerings, and to help guide units in ensuring that we have comprehensive offerings related to the SDGS, including developing new courses that fit within each of the SDGs.
  3. Curating a full data set of SDG-related courses in order to identify exemplar courses, find gaps in the curriculum, and support the creation of new certificate programs (currently underway).

Phase I: Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Group

Co-chairs: Warren Mabee and Marcus Taylor

A scrape of all SDG-related courses at Queen鈥檚 was completed and a survey to validate these was distributed to all department heads. The results were collected and analyzed. 

Phase II: SDGs in the Curriculum Advisory Committee

A. Mandate and Major Responsibilities:

To provide recommendations to ensure learning experiences that embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are available and accessible to students at Queen鈥檚 University.

The core work of this committee would include:

  1. To inventory and curate existing sustainability-themed learning experiences at Queen鈥檚 that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  2. To provide strategic direction and recommendations toward the development of existing or new SDG learning experiences.
  3. To support a sustainability culture as it relates to pedagogy, identifying pathways for students and advancing SDGs at Queen鈥檚.
  4. To receive, assess, discuss, review, and make recommendations regarding proposals and development planning that will provide SDG learning opportunities.

B. Membership

Co-Chair: Sandra den Otter, Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International); Professor, Department of History                           

Co-Chair: , Associate Vice-Principal (Teaching and Learning)

  Name   Title
Jenn Stephenson Associate Dean (Academic)
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Professor & Associate Dean (Academic)
Associate Professor & Assistant Dean (Teaching & Learning)
Assistant Dean, Education Innovation and Online Programs
Professor, School of Medicine  
Warren Mabee Associate Dean and Director, School of Policy Studies
Professor of Geography and Planning
Canada Research Chair in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation
Director, Queen's Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy (QIEEP)
Marcus Taylor Associate Professor and Head of Department
Global Development Studies
Heather Kincaide Strategic Internationalization Lead, Office of the Vice-Provost, International
Lisa Francis Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

C. Meeting Schedule and Procedural Issues

路 Meetings will be held on a monthly basis, or as needed.

路 Agenda and meeting materials will be pre-circulated by the recording secretary.

路 Administrative support will be provided by the Office of the Associate Vice-Principal (Teaching and Learning).

D. Relationship to Other Committees

This committee will report to the Principal.

Members of the advisory committee will communicate and consult with relevant committees for the units they represent and with the Sustainability Working Group.

Sustainable Queen鈥檚 strives to ensure diverse and equitable participation in its initiatives. The sub-working group welcomes nominations from all interested members of the Queen鈥檚 community, and particularly invites nominations of women, people with disabilities, Indigenous community members, racialized community members, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. For more information or to submit a nomination, please contact us

Co-Chair: Warren Mabee

Co-Chair: Marcus Taylor




Jess Boland

Manager, Career Education and Experience, Corporate Relations
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Pascale Champagne

Directrice scientifique, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Director, Beaty Water Research Centre
Professor & Canada Research Chair in Bioresources Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering &
Department of Chemical Engineering

Executive Director, Institute for Sustainable Finance
Director, Master of Finance
BMO Professor of Finance
Smith School of Business

Adjunct Associate Professor
Distinguished Faculty Fellow of International Business
Smith School of Business

Assistant Professor
Queen's Law

Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization
Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Strategy
Director, Centre for Social Impact
Smith School of Business

Warren Mabee

Associate Dean and Director, School of Policy Studies
Professor of Geography and Planning
Canada Research Chair in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation
Director, Queen's Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy (QIEEP)

Associate Professor of Outdoor Education

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, School of Medicine 
Clinical Microbiologist with Public Health Ontario

Lecturer, IS Geography Programs, Faculty of Education
President,  Ontario Association of Geographic and Environmental Education (OAGEE)
Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

Assistant Professor of Curriculum Theory, Graduate Faculty

Adjunct Lecturer
Smith School of Business

Gema R. Olivo

Professor, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering

Professor, Cross-appointed to the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Chair of GSAC Committee
Graduate Seminar Series Coordinator
Director of Collaborative Masters of Sustainability Program

Marcus Taylor

Associate Professor and Head of Department
Global Development Studies