Dr. Gema Olivo

Dr. Gema OlivoGema R. Olivo, P.Eng.

Office Miller 321
Phone 613 533-6998
Email olivo@queensu.ca

Professor Gema R. Olivo (Ph.D., P.Eng.) has been working since 1999 at Queen鈥檚 University, after completion of her post-doctoral research at McGill University, Canada, and working as exploration geologists for major and junior companies.  She received her B.Sc. in Geology and M.Sc.  in Mineral Exploration from Universidade de Bras铆lia, Brazil, and Ph.D. from Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al, Canada. She has more than 30 years of experience working in academic research on mineral deposits and on mineral exploration projects in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, USA and Canada among others. In 2003 she was granted the Premier's Research Excellence Award for her research on Hydrothermal Gold Deposits, has been associate editor to Canadian Mineralogist, and reviewer for major journals, was member of the NSERC Strategic Grant committee on Natural Resources, Chair of NSERC Alliance Missions committee, and Co-leader of the NSERC-CIMIC Footprint project, among others.  She has supervised more than 60 graduate students since 1999, with research results published in major international journals. She has been fortunate to work with many talented graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, some of them being recipients of major national and international awards and working in very prestigious positions in academia, government and industry around the world.

Research Interests/Current Research

Her research goals are mainly to understand the mechanisms by which metals are stored, have migrated and have been concentrated in anomalous amounts in the upper crust to form mineral deposits. These objectives are achieved by applying a multidisciplinary approach, and the applications of the knowledge generated by this research program are aimed at helping to improve exploration strategies and minimize the costs of mineral exploration. Her research has been focused on precious metal deposits and districts (gold, silver and platinum-group elements) in volcanic-plutonic and sedimentary sequences and base metals in mafic-ultramafic and metasedimentary systems in various geological settings in Canada, Brazil, USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru and Argentina, among others. She has also collaborated in the investigation of a variety of other mineral deposits around the world, including: uranium deposits associated with unconformities in the Athabasca basin and its basement, Canada (Eagle Point, Millennium deposits, and Wheeler River alteration system); Zr, and REE deposits in South Africa (Pilanesberg Project) and New Mexico (Gallinas Deposit); Ag-rich epithermal-type prospects in Peru (Santo Toribio and Pozo Rico) and Argentina (Navidad); and VMS prospects in Dominican Republic (San Antonio Concession) and deposits in Canada (Kidd Creek, Ontario and High Lake, Nunavut); tin deposit in greisen systems in Central Brazil (Mangabeira); gold deposits related to intrusions in Cuba (La Union prospect).

Supervising Information

She has supervised more than 60 graduate students since 1999, with research results published in major international journals. She has been fortunate to work with many talented graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, some of them being recipients of major national and international awards and working in very prestigious positions in academia, government and industry around the world. Her current projects involve field, laboratory and modelling research to understand the processes related to Ni-Cu-PGE in mafic-ultramafic sequences and base metals in metasedimentary systems.


GEOE/GEOL 362: Engineering Resources/ Petrology Applied to Ore Deposits

GEOE/GEOL462: Advanced Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis

GEOL 822: Metallogeny in Mineral Exploration

GEOL 862/ 812: Resource Sustainability

GEOL 453 (B.Sc. thesis supervision), GEOL 340, GEOL 804, 840, 841, 843 (specific topics, directed studies)


Articles in refereed journals:

Aldis, C., Olivo, G.R., Morfim, S. (2022). LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Composition of Sphalerite and Galena of the Proterozoic Carbonate-Hosted Morro Agudo Zn-Pb Sulfide District, Brazil: Insights into Ore Genesis. Minerals 2022, 12(8), 1028; https://doi.org/10.3390/min12081028 (registering DOI) - 16 Aug 2022

Aldis, C, Olivo, G.R., Arruda, J. A.A.C; Cevik, I.S., (2022; online Nov 21). Proterozoic Carbonate-hosted Morro Agudo Sulfide Pb-Zn District, Brazil: Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence of Fluid Mixing during the Ore Stage. Ore Geology Reviews (accepted November 16, 2021, available online) 25 pages, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104592

Cevik, S.I., Olivo, G.R., Ortiz, J., (2021): A combined multivariate approach analyzing geochemical data for knowledge discovery: The Vazante 鈥 Paracatu Zinc District, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 221 106696

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Voinot, A., Chipley, D., Leybourne, M., Reith, W., Leduc, E., Oliveira, G., Kyser, K. (2021) Metal sources in the Proterozoic Vazante 鈥 Paracatu sediment-hosted Zn District, Brazil: Constraints from Pb isotope compositions of meta-siliciclastic units. Canadian Mineralogist 59 (5), 1187-1205

De Souza, S., Perrouty, S., Dub茅, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Linnen, R. L., Olivo, G.R.  (2020) Metallogeny of the Neoarchean Malartic gold mining camp, Qu茅bec, Canada. Society of Economic Geologist- Geology of the World鈥檚 Major Gold Deposits and Provinces, c. 2, p. 29-52.

Gaillard, N., Williams-Jones, A. W., Clark, J., Salvi, S.,  Perrouty, S.,  Linnen, R.L., Olivo, G.R. (2020). The use of lithogeochemistry in delineating hydrothermal fluid pathways and vectoring gold mineralization in the Malartic district, Qu茅bec: Ore Geology Reviews 120 May 2020, 103351, 20p.

Friedrich, B.; Marques, J,C.; Olivo, G.R; Frantz, J,C.; Joy, B.; Queiroz, W.J.A (2020). Petrogenesis of the Massive Chromitite Layer From the Jacurici Complex, Brazil: Evidence from Inclusions in Chromite: Mineralium Deposita 55 (6): 1105-1126

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D., Voinot, A. Chipley, D. Diniz-Oliveira, G. (2019) Geochemistry and provenance of siliciclastic rocks from the Mesoproterozoic Upper Vazante Sequence, Brazil: Insights on the evolution of the southwestern margin of the S茫o Francisco Craton and the Columbia Supercontinent. Precambrian Research v. 335:  105483

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D. (2019). Siliciclastic-hosted zinc mineralization in the Proterozoic Vazante 鈥 Paracatu District, Brazil: Implications for metallogeny and sources of metals in sediment-hosted base metal systems. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 114: 103139

B茅rub茅, C.L., Olivo, G. R., Chouteau, M.,  Perrouty, S. (2019) Mineralogical and textural controls on spectral induced polarization signatures of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit: Applications to mineral exploration, Geophysics, v. 84, p. B. 135-151

Piette-Lauzi猫re, N, Guilmette, C.,  Bouvieri, A.,  Perrouty, S.,  Pilote, P., Gaillard, N.,  Lypaczewski, P,  Linnen, R.L.,  and Olivo, G.R., (2019). The Timing and Extent of Prograde Metamorphism in the Pontiac Subprovince, Superior Craton; Implications for Archean Geodynamics and Gold Mineralization. Precambrian Research, v.320, p. 111-136

Perrouty, S., Linnen, R.,  Lesher, M.,  Olivo, G.R.,  Piercey, S. ; Gaillard, S., Clark, J.; Enkin, R. (2019): Expanding the size of multi-parameter metasomatic footprints in gold exploration: utilization of mafic dykes in the Canadian Malartic district, Qu茅bec, Canada. Mineralium Deposita v. 54, 5, p. 761-786.

B茅rub茅, C. L., Olivo, G. R., Chouteau, M., Perrouty, S., Shamsipoura, P., Enkin, H, Morris, W., Feltrinc, L., Thiemongea , R.  (2018)  Predicting rock type and detecting hydrothermal alteration using machine learning and petrophysical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore and host rocks, Pontiac Subprovince, Qu茅bec, Canada: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 96, p. 130-145

Djon, M.L. N., Peck, D., Olivo G.R., Miller J., Joy B.  (2018): Contrasting Styles of Pd-rich Magmatic Sulfide Mineralization in the Lac des Iles intrusive Complex. Economic Geology v.113, p. 741-767

Olivo, G.R., Monteiro, L. , Baia, F., Slezak, P., Carvalho  I., Fernandes, N. , Oliveira, G. ,   Botura Neto, B., McGladrey, A., Silva, a.,  Moura, M., Layton-Matthews, D. (2018), The Proterozoic Vazante Hypogene Zinc Silicate District, Minas Gerais, Brazil: A Review of the Ore System Applied to Mineral Exploration;  Minerals, v. 8, 22, 1-17.

Carvalho, I. A.K, Olivo, G. R., Moura, M. A., Oliveira, G. D., (2017). Fluid Evolution in the Southern Part of the Vazante Group: Implications for Exploration of Base Metal Deposits: Ore Geology Reviews v.91: 588-611

B茅rub茅, C.L.; Chouteau, M., Shamsipour, P., Enkin, R.J., Olivo, G.R. (2017). Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters for laboratory complex resistivity measurements of rocks and soils. Computers and Geoscience V.105: 51-64

Djon, M.L. N., Olivo G.R., Miller J., Peck, D., Joy B.  (2017). Stratiform Platinum-Group Element Mineralization in the Layered Northern Ultramafic Center of the Lac des Iles Intrusive Complex, Ontario, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews V. 90: 697-722.


Djon, M. L., Miller, J.D., Olivo, G.R. and Peck, D.C. (2017). Petrogenesis of Cyclic Units in the Northern Ultramafic Centre of the Lac des Iles Complex, Ontario, Canada: Evidence of Two Distinct Parental Magmas. Canadian Mineralogist v. 55: 1-26

Perrouty S., Gaillard, N., Piette-Lauzi猫re N., Mir, R., Bardoux, M., Olivo, G.R., Linnen, R.L., B茅rub茅, C., Lypaczewski, P., Guilmette, C., Feltrin, L., Morris, W (2017). Structural setting for Canadian Malartic style of gold mineralization in the Pontiac Subprovince, south of the Cadillac Larder Lake Deformation Zone, Qu茅bec, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews v. 84, p. 185-201

McGladrey, A.; Olivo; G.; Silva; A.M., Oliveira, G.D., Botura Neto, B.; Perrouty, S. (2017). The Integration of Physical Rock Properties, Mineralogy and Geochemistry for the Exploration of Large Zinc Silicate Deposits: A Case Study of the Vazante Zinc Deposits, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 136: 400-416.

Moura, M. A.,  Botelho N. F., Olivo G. R., Kyser T. K.,. Pontesa, R. M. (2014). Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira Tin-Indium Mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from Geology, Petrology, Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Data. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 60, 36-49. 

Slezak, P., Olivo, G.R., Diniz-Oliveira, G., Dardenne, M.A. (2014). Geology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Vazante Northern Extension zinc silicate Deposit, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Ore Geology Reviews, V. 56, p.234-257.

Kitney K.E., Olivo G.R., Davis D.W., Desrochers J-P., and Tessier A. (2011): The Barry Gold Deposit, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada: A Greenstone Belt-Hosted Gold Deposit Coeval with Late Archean Deformation and Magmatism: Economic Geology, v. 106: p. 1129-1154

Santana, M.M., Moura, M.A., Olivo, G.R., Bothelho, N.F.., Kyser, T. K. and Buhn, B.  (2011). The La Uni贸n Au-Cu prospect, Camag眉ey District, Cuba: fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence for ore-forming processes. Mineralium Deposita, v. 46: 91-104

Cloutier, J., Kyser, T., Olivo, G.R., Alexandre, P., Brisbin D. (2011). Geochemical, isotopic and geochronlologic constraints on the formation of the Eagle Point basement-hosted uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada and recent remobilization of primary uraninite in secondary structures. Mineralium Deposita v. 46: p. 35-56

Pitcairn, I. Olivo, G. R., Teagle, D.A.H., Craw, D. (2010). Sulfide Evolution During Prograde Metamorphism of the Otago and Alpine Schists, New Zealand. Canadian Mineralogist v. 48: 1267-1295

Bursztyn, N.E., Olivo, G.R (2010). PGE-Rich Ni-Cu Sulfide Mineralization in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada: Implications for Hydrothermal Remobilization of Platinum Group Elements in Basic-Ultrabasic Sequences. Economic Geology, v. 105: 1469-1490

Almeida, C., Olivo, G.R., Chouinard, A., Weakly C., Pourier, G (2010) Mineral Paragenesis, Alteration and Metal Zoning of the Two Types of Gold Ore from the Carlin-type Deposits in the Southern Part of the Goldstrike Property, Northern Nevada: Implications for Source of Ore-Forming Elements, Ore Genesis and Mineral Exploration. Economic Geology, v. 105: 971-1004

Cloutier, J., Kyser, T., Olivo, G.R., Alexandre, P. (2010) The Wheeler River alteration system, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada: Insights into an apparently uranium barren alteration system. Economic Geology v. 105 p. 303-324

Cloutier, J. Kyser, K. Olivo, G.R., Alexandre, P., Haluburda, J. (2009). The Millennium Uranium Deposit, Athabaska Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada: An Atypical Basement-Hosted Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposit. Economic Geology v. 104, p. 815-840

Olivo, G.R., Isnard, H., Williamsjones, Gari茅py, C. (2007). Pb isotopic investigation on the auriferous C quartz-tourmaline vein of the Siscoe gold mine, Southern Abitibi: constrains on the origin and age of the gold mineralization. Economic Geology, v.102, p. 137-146

Almeida, C.M., Olivo, G.R., Carvalho, S.G. (2007) Platinum group element-bearing Ni-Cu ore from the Komatiite-hosted Fortaleza de Minas deposit, Brazil: evidence for hydrothermal remobilization: Canadian Mineralogist v. 45, p 751-773.

Pitcairn, I. K., Teagle, D.A.H., Craw, D., Olivo, G.R., Kerrich, R. (2006). Source of metals and fluids in orogenic gold deposits: Insights from the Otago and Alpine Schists, New Zealand. Economic Geology, v. 101, n.6, 1525-1546

Olivo, G.R., Chang, F., Kyser, T, K (2006). Formation of Auriferous and Barren North Dipper veins in the Sigma Mine, Val d鈥橭r, Canada: Constraints from Structural, Mineralogical, Fluid Inclusion and Isotopic Data. Economic Geology, v. 101. n.3, p.607-631

Moura, M.A., Botelho, N. Olivo, G.R., Kyser, T.K. (2006): Hydrothermal Alteration, Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Constraints on the Genesis and Evolution of the Granite-Related Paleoproterozoic Serrinha Deposit, Southern Amazonia, Brazil. Economic Geology v. 101, n.3, p.585-605.

Olivo, G.R., and Theyer, P. (2004) Platinum Group Minerals from the McBratney PGE-Au Prospect in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada, Canadian Mineralogist v. 42 p. 667-681

Olivo, G.R. and Gibbs, K. (2003). Paragenesis and Mineral Chemistry of Alabandite (MnS) from the Ag-rich Santo Toribio Epithermal Deposit, Northern Peru. Mineralogical Magazine, v. 67, p. 95-102.

Olivo, G.R. and Williams-Jones, A.E. (2002). Genesis of the Auriferous C Quartz-Tourmaline Vein of the Siscoe Mine, Val d鈥橭r District, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada: Structural, Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Evidence. Economic Geology, v. 97, p. 929-947.

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Levesque, M. (2001). The Au-Pd Mineralization at the Concei莽茫o Iron Mine, Itabira District, Southern S茫o Francisco Craton, Brazil: An example of a 鈥渏acutinga-type鈥 deposit. Economic Geology, v. 96, p. 61-74.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I., Olivo, G.R (2000). The Genesis of Hydrothermal Fluorite-REE Deposits in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico. Economic Geology, v.95, p. 327-342.

Olivo, G.R. and Williams-Jones, A.E. (1999). Hydrothermal REE-rich eudialyte from the Pilanesberg Complex, South Africa. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 37 p. 653-663.

Olivo, G.R. and Gammons, C.H. (1996). Thermodynamic and textural evidence for at least two stages of Au-Pd mineralization at the Cau锚 Iron Mine, Itabira District, Brazil. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 34, p. 547-557.

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Gari茅py, C., and Carignan, J. (1996). Transamazonian tectonism and Au-Pd mineralization at the Cau锚 Mine, Itabira District, Brazil: Pb isotopic evidence. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 9, p. 273-279.

Olivo, G.R. and Gauthier, M. (1995). Palladium minerals from the Cau锚 iron mine, Itabira District, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 59, p. 457-465.

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Bardoux, M., Leao De Sa, E., Fonseca, J.T.F. and Santana, F.C. (1995). Palladium-bearing gold deposit hosted by Proterozoic Lake Superior-type iron-formation at the Cau锚 iron mine, Itabira District, Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: geologic and structural controls: a reply. Economic Geology, 90, p. 2372-2374

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Bardoux, M., Leao de Sa, E., Fonseca, J.T.F., Santana, F.C. (1995). Palladium-bearing gold deposits hosted by Proterozoic Lake Superior-type iron-formation at the Cau锚 Iron Mine, Itabira District, Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: geologic and structural controls. Economic Geology, v. 90, p. 118-134.

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., and Bardoux, M. (1994). Palladian gold from the Cau锚 Iron Mine, Itabira District, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 58, p. 579-587.

Michel, D., Giuliani, G., Olivo, G.R. and Marini, O.J. (1994). As-growth bandings in pyrites from the Santa Rita gold vein occurrence hosted in Proterozoic metasediments (骋辞颈谩蝉 State, Brazil). Economic Geology, 89: 193-200

Giuliani, G., Olivo, G.R, Marini, O.J., Michel, D. (1993). The Santa Rita gold deposit in the Proterozoic Parano谩 Group, 骋辞颈谩蝉, Brazil: an example of fluid mixing during ore deposition. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 8, p. 503-523.


Book Chapter:

BOTELHO, Nilson Francisquini ; MOURA, M. A. ; TEIXEIRA, L. M. ; OLIVO, Gema Ribeiro; CUNHA, L. ; SANTANA, M. U.( 2005).  Caracteriza莽茫o Geol贸gica e Metalogen茅tica do Dep贸sito de Cu (Au, W, Mo, e Sn) Breves, Caraj谩s: In: Onildo Jo茫o Marini; Emanuel Teixeira de Queiroz; Benedicto Waldir Ramos (Eds.). Caracteriza莽茫o de Dep贸sitos Minerais em Distritos Mineiros da Amaz么nia. 1 ed. Bras铆lia: DNPM-CTMINERAL-ADIMB, 2005, v. 1, p. 339-389.


Papers in refereed conference proceedings:

Olivo, G. R., Fernandes, N., Aldis, C., Oliveira, G., Romagna, G., Arruda, J.A.A.C, Layton-Matthews, D. (2019). Basin evolution, fluid flow and base metal deposits: the Proterozoic Vazante-Paracatu zinc district, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Society of Economic Geologists Conference, Santiago, Chile, October 7-10, 3p.

Marques, J. C., Friedrich, B. M., Olivo, G.R., Joy, B., Frantz, J.C., Matos, N.C. (2019). Review of the formation of the thick chromitite of the Jacurici Complex (S茫o Francisco Craton, Brazil): further evidence from inclusions in chromite. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Glasgow, UK, August: p.27-30.

B茅rub茅 CL, Chouteau M, Olivo GR, Perrouty S, Shamsipour P, Enkin RJ, 2017, Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo zone, Quebec, Canada, Extended abstract, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Environment and Engineering Geophysical Society SAGEEP 2017, Denver, USA, March, 204-208. doi:10.4133/SAGEEP.30-010.

Lesher, M., Hannington, M., various., 鈥.Olivo, G鈥.(2017) Multi-Parameter Exploration Footprints of the Canadian Malartic Disseminated Au, McArthur River-Millennium Unconformity U, and Highland Valley Copper Porphyry Cu Deposits: Preliminary Results from the NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints Research Network. Exploration 2017, Toronto, October 2017, 23 pages.

Fernandes, N., Olivo, G.R, Layton-Matthews, D., Oliveira, G.D. (2017). Metal-enriched pelitic units in the Proterozoic sediment-hosted Vazante Zn district, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Sources of base-metals for the carbonate-hosted deposits? 14th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Quebec, August 2017, 3 pages,

Perrouty S, Linnen RL, Gaillard N, Clark JR, L-B茅rub茅 CL, Lypaczewski P, Mir R, Olivo GR, Lesher CM, Piercey SJ, Williams-Jones AE, Chouteau M, Rivard B, Enkin RJ, 2017, Integrated multi-parameter footprints of the world-class Canadian Malartic gold deposit, QC, Canada, Extended abstract, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), Qu茅bec, QC, 3, 1103-1106

Djon, M. L., Olivo, G.R., Miller, J.D., Peck, D.C. and Joy, B. (2016) PGE Mineralization in the Northern Ultramafic Center of the Lac des Iles Complex, Ontario: Evidence of Magmatic and Hydrothermal processes. ILSG, 2016, 3 pages

Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅, C., Chouteau, M., Olivo, G. (2016) Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters at the Canadian Malartic disseminated gold deposit. International Symposium in Induced Polarization: Aarhus, Denmark; June 6-8: 3 pages

Olivo, G. R., Archibald, D.A., Hattori, K. (2015). Petrogenesis and Ar-Ar Dating of the Intrusive Rocks from the North Carlin-Trend, Nevada: Implications to Genesis of the Carlin-Type Gold Mineralization. 13th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Nancy, August 2015, MINERAL RESOURCES IN A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, VOLS 1-5   Pages: 177-180, 3 pages

Djon, L., Olivo, G.R., Miller, J., Stewart, R. (2015). The Layered Ultramafic North Lac Iles Intrusion, Ontario, Canada: Lithological Controls of the PGE Mineralization. 13th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Nancy, August 2015, MINERAL RESOURCES IN A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, VOLS 1-5   Pages: 913-916

Perrouty, S., Linnen, R. L., Lypaczewski, S., Gaillard, N., Olivo, G.R.,  Lesher, M., Piette-Lauzi猫re, N., Crocker, M., Piercey, S., El Goumi, N., Enkin, R. (2015): Footprint of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, QC, Canada: Preliminary Evaluation of Mafic Dyke Alteration, 13th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Prague , August 2015, MINERAL RESOURCES IN A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, VOLS 1-5: p. 189-191.

Carvalho, I, Olivo, G. and Moura Marcia (2015): Evolution of the Hydrothermal Systems in the Southern Extension of the Vazante Basin: Implication to Silicate Zinc Mineralization.: Brazilian Symposium of Centre-West Geology, Brasilia-DF, Brazil (2015) 3 pages. Best poster award in Economic Geology

Almeida, C.M and Olivo, G.R. (2011): Mechanisms of precipitation of auriferous pyrite in the Carlin-type deposits: pyritization vs sulfidation. 13th Brazilian Geochemical Congress and III Geochemical Congress of Mercosul countries, Gramado, RS, October 9-14, 2011, 5 pages

Olivo, G.R., Archibald, D., Ullrich D (2011): 40Ar/39Ar Evidence for the Brasiliano (ca. 500 Ma) Tectono-Thermal Event in the Southern Margin of the S茫o Francisco Craton: Implications for the Remobilization and Preservation of Gold-PGE Deposits Hosted in the Minas Supergroup Iron-Formation. 11th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Antofogasta, Chile 26-29 September 2011, 3 pages

Slezak, P., Olivo, G.R., Diniz-Oliveira, G., Dardenne, M. A (2011): Hypogene zinc-silicate mineralization in the Northern Extension of the Vazante Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil: 11th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Chile, 26-29 September 2011, 3 pages

Kitney, K., Olivo, G.R., Davis, D., Desrocher, J-P, Tessier, A. (2009). Structural, Mineralogical, Geochemical and Geochronological Investigation of the Barry Gold Deposit, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada: Precisely Dated Greenstone-Hosted Mineralization Coeval with Late Archean Deformation and Magmatism: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, August 17-20, 2009, Australia: Smart Science For Exploration And Mining, Vol 1 and 2   Pages: 288-290- Best Student Presentation Award

Moura, M. A.; Botelho, N. F.; Souza, V. Da S., Olivo, G. R.; Kyser, T. K. (2005) Caracter铆sticas isot贸picas e de inclus玫es fluidas dos greisens e veios mineralizados do dep贸sito de estanho do Bom Futuro (RO) e implica莽玫es metalogen茅ticas. In: I Simp贸sio Brasileiro de Metalogenia, 2005, Gramado. 4p. CD Rom, with Symposium Proceedings.

Moura, M. A.; Santana, M. U. ; Bothelho, N. F. ; Kyser, T. K. ; Olivo, G. R. (2005) Inclus玫es fluidas e is贸topos est谩veis da mineraliza莽茫o do tipo Au-Cu P贸rfiro no Setor La Uni贸n, Camaguey, Cuba. In: I Simp贸sio Brasileiro de Metalogenia, 2005, Gramado. 2005. 4p. CD Rom, with Symposium Proceedings.

Olivo, G.R. (2003), Hydrothermal Au-Pd Deposits hosted by Proterozoic, Lake Superior-type Iron-formation in the Itabira District, Brazil Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposium Iron Ore and Related Deposits Symposium, Montreal, May 4-7, 2003, 20p. Papers cd (Invited Speaker)

Olivo, G.R., Williams-Jones, Gari茅py, C. and Isnard, H. (2000). Pb isotopic investigation of hydrothermal pyrite from the auriferous quartz-tourmaline vein of Siscoe Mine, Val d鈥橭r, Quebec. GeoCanada 2000, 4 p.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I. M., Olivo, G.R., Mueller, B. (1997). Hydrothermal REE and fluorite mineralization in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico, USA4th SGA Meeting, Turku, Finland, August 11-13 p. 687-690.

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Bardoux, M., Le茫o de S谩, E., Fonseca, J.T.M., Santana, F.C. (1993). A Mina de Cau锚: deforma莽茫o e controle estrutural da mineraliza莽茫o aur铆fera. Simp贸sio sobre o Craton S茫o Francisco, II, Proceedings, p. 359-361.

Olivo, G.R., Marini, O.J., and Giuliani, G. (1991). Hydrothermal gold occurrences hosted by middle to upper Proterozoic carbonate sequence: The example of Santa Rita Prospect, 骋辞颈谩蝉, Brazil. In: Brazil Gold'91: An international symposium on the geology of gold (ed. E.A.Ladeira), Belo Horizonte1991, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam: p. 339-342.

Giuliani, G., Olivo, G.R., Marini. O.J., Dubessy, J., and Michel, D. (1991). CO2-N2-hypersaline-bearing fluids associated to the Santa Rita hydrothermal gold occurrences Parano谩 Group (骋辞颈谩蝉-Brazil). Plinius, 5: 91-92.

Giuliani, G., Fortes, P.T.F.O., Olivo, G.R., Nilson, A.A., Dardenne, M.A., Ronchi, L.H., Santos, M.M. and Marini, O.J. (1991). Contrasting Archean-Proterozoic-hosted gold deposits: types and associated gold-bearing fluids. In: Source, Transport and Deposition of Metals (ed. Papel & Leroy), Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 665-668.

Olivo, G.R. and Marini, O.J. (1988). Ouro no Grupo Parano谩: distribui莽ao, contr么le e tipos das ocorr锚ncias. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 35, Bel茅m, Proceedings, Vol. 1: 93-106.


Abstracts in refereed conferences (mainly) and others (indicated):

Canales, A., Olivo, G.R, Vasily, B. (2022): Types of wollastonite, and identification of host skarns and their protoliths at the St. Lawrence Wollastonite Skarn, SE Ontario. 29th. International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Villa del Mar, Chile, October 23-28 (poster).

Nunes T., Olivo, G., Joy, B., Thompson, J., Porto,  F., Desrochers, J-P, Richard, M., Mejia, P. (2022): The Ni-PGE rich zones of the Vermelhos Cu-Deposits, Cura莽谩 Valley District, Brazil: Constrains on the Spinel Composition, PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)-June 13-15 (Poster, Honor Mention)

Nunes, T., Olivo, G.R., Joy, B. Porto, F., Thompson, J., Richard, M., Mejia, P. (2022). 

Ni-PGE enrichment on the Vermelhos Cu deposit, Cura莽谩 Valley district, Brazil- 16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand, March 28-21, 2022 (Poster)

Montes, M., Olivo, G.R., Chamberlain, C., Marques, J.S., Creaser, R.A. (2021). The Evolution of the Los Negritos Porphyry Copper Deposit, Coquimbo, Chile: Geological, Geochronogical, Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence. Society of Economic Geology -SEG100 Conference, Whistler, BC (speed talk)

Lang, H.R..;. Olivo, G.R, Tessier, A.C. (2021) Zinc Sulfide Mineralization Hosted in Marbles of the Proterozoic Grenville Supergroup, Canada: Implications for Base Metal Exploration in High-Grade Terranes. Society of Economic Geology -SEG100 Conference, Whistler, BC (speed talk)

Aldis, C, Olivo, G.R., Cevik, I.  B. Joy, J. Arruda (2021). Sulfide Mineral Chemistry Integrated with Principal Component Analysis to Constrain the Ore Genesis of the Morro Agudo Pb-Zn District, Brazil. Society of Economic Geology -SEG100 Conference, Whistler, BC (speed talk).

De Souza, S., Perrouty, S., Dub茅, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Linnen, R.L., Olivo, G.R. (2021) Timing of Neoarchean gold mineralization in the Malartic camp and implications for gold metallogeny along the Larder Lake 鈥 Cadillac fault zone, Superior Province, Society of Economic Geology -SEG100 Conference, Whistler, BC (Invited Speaker)

Lang, H.R, Olivo, G.R, Tessier, A.C. (2020) Styles of zinc mineralization in high-grade metamorphosed carbonate sequences of the Proterozoic Grenville Supergroup: Evidence from the Salerno Lake and Calumet-Sud occurrences in Ontario and southern Quebec, Canada; PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Aldis, C, Olivo, G.R., Romagna, G., Arruda, J. (2020). The Proterozoic Morro Agudo Pb-Zn District, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Stratigraphic, Mineralogical and Lithogeochemical constrains. PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Cevik, I., Olivo, G.R., Ortiz, J., (2020). A Combined Multivariate Approach Analyzing the Geochemical Data for Knowledge Discovery: The Vazante 鈥 Paracatu Zinc District, Minas Gerais, Brazil. PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (Best post award)

Cevik, I., Ortiz, J., Olivo, G.R. (2019). Knowledge Discovery from Geochemical Data and Sensitivities on Random Forests Algorithm. CIM conference, Montreal, April28-30 (2nd best post award)

Cevik, I., Ortiz, J., Olivo GR. (2019). Random Forest Classification and Principal Component Analysis in Geochemical Data of a Sulfide and Silicate Base Metal Mineralization in Vazante District, Brazil.  PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Lang, H., Olivo, G.R., Perreault, Champigny, N. (2019). Sediment-hosted mineralization in the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province, Canada: Calumet Sud case study. PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Aldis, C. Olivo, G.R., Romagna, G., Arruda, J. A.A.C. (2019). The Morro Agudo Pb-Zn Mine: Mineralogical and Lithogeochemical Evidence of Multiple Mineralizing Events. PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Paleczny, A., Olivo, G.R., Jorgensen, T.R.C., Rehm, A, (2019). A mineralized exhalative interval in the Pontiac Subprovince: characterization and potential for mineral exploration, Lac Bellecombe, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada, PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto PDAC conference (poster)

Perrouty S, Linnen RL, Olivo GR, and the CMIC Au-Site Team (2018), Exploration footprint of the Canadian Malartic disseminated gold deposit, Abstract, Society of Economic Geologists

Friedrich, B., Marques, J.C, Olivo. G.R., Joy, B., Franz, J.C., (2018) Volatile-Rich Minerals Enclosed in Chromite of the Massive Layer from the Jacurici Complex: Evidence of Crustal Contamination; International Platinum Symposium, Polokwane, South Africa, 30June-6July, 2p.

Marques, J.C, Olivo. G.R., Friedrich, B., Joy, B. (2018). PGM in the Jacurici Complex Thick Chromitite Layer (Brazil): Possible Evidence of Early S-Saturation during Chromitite Formation. International Platinum Symposium, Polokwane, South Africa, 30June-6July, 2p.

Olivo, G.R., Fernandes, N.A., Oliveira, G.D., Baia, F., Monteiro, L.M.,  Carvalho, I., Botura Neto, B., Slezak, P.,  McGladrey, A.,  Silva, A.M.,  Moura, M.A. and  Layton-Matthews D. (2018). Metallogeny of the Vazante and Paracatu Zinc Silicate and Sulfide Districts, Brazil: Applications to Exploration of Base Metals in Proterozoic Basins. Resources for Future Generations, RFG 2018, Vancouver, June 16-21.

Taylor CE, Ross M, Perrouty S, Lypaczewski P, Rivard B, Clark JR, Linnen RL, Olivo GR, Taves R, (2018) Defining the glacial dispersion of the Canadian Malartic stockwork-disseminated Au deposit through hyperspectral imaging analysis of surficial clasts, Abstract, PDAC-SMC, Toronto, ON, March 2018 

Perrouty S, Linnen RL, Olivo GR, and the Au-Site Team, 2018, Exploration footprint of the Canadian Malartic disseminated gold deposit, Abstract, Northern Prospectors Association, Kirkland Lake, Ontario

Waberi, S., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D.  Characterization of the mode of occurrence and compositions of strategic elements in the Vazante willemite ore and hematite-rich breccia, Minas, Brazil. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-18.

Olivo, G.R.., Dobosz, A., Chouinard, A. (2017) Integration of Textural, Mineralogial and Geochemical Characterization of Refractory Carlin-Type Gold Ore:  Application to Ore Processing. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-18.

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D., Diniz-Oliveira, G., 2017, Siliciclastic units of the Proterozoic Vazante Group, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Evidence for arc provenance, Poster at Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-18.

Djon, M.L. N., Peck, D., Olivo G.R., Miller J., (2017). Contrasting Styles of Pd-rich Magmatic Sulfide Mineralization in the Lac des Iles intrusive Complex. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-18.

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D., Voinot, A., Chipley, D., Oliveira, G.D., 2018, Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-18.

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D., Voinot, A., Chipley, D., Oliveira, G.D (2018) Potential metal sources in the carbonate-hosted Vazante 鈥 Paractu Zn District, Brazil: Constraints from lithogeochemical and Pb isotopic compositions of siliciclastic units, Poster at Gordon Research Conference, Waterville Valley, U.S.A., June

Perrouty, S., Linnen, R. L., Olivo, G. R., Gaillard, N., B茅rub茅, C., Lypaczewski, P., Clark, J. R., Lesher, C. M., Piercey, S. J., Mir, R., Morris, W. A., and Enkin, R. J. (2017), Integrated multi-parameter footprints of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, QC, Canada, in Qu茅bec Mines, Qu茅bec City, QC, Nov 2017

Perrouty, S., Linnen, R. L., Gaillard, N., Clark, J. R., L-B茅rub茅, C., Lypaczewski, P., Mir, R., Olivo, G., Lesher, C. M., Piercey, S. J., Williams-Jones, A. E., Chouteau, M., Rivard, B., and Enkin, R. J., (2017). Integrated Multi-Parameter Footprints of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, QC, Canada. 14th Biennial SGA Meeting. Qu茅bec City, 2017

Taylor, C.E., Ross, M., Perrouty, S., Lypaczewski, P.,  Rivard,  B.,  Clark, J.R.,  Olivo, G., Linnen, R.L.,  and Taves R. (2017): Detecting increasingly larger footprints of a world-class stockwork-disseminated Au deposit: integration of hyperspectral imaging and petrography of glacial clasts in surficial sediments; Exploration 2017 Conference, Toronto

B茅rub茅 CL, Chouteau M, Olivo GR, Perrouty S, Linnen RL, Enkin RJ, Shamsipour P, Lypaczewski P, Gaillard N, Piette-Lauzi猫re N, 2017, Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit., Abstract, PDAC-SMC, Toronto, ON, March 2017. 2nd place poster award.

Djon, L., Olivo, G., Miller, J., Peck, D. (2016). High-PGE Low-Sulphur Stratiform Mineralization in the Layered Northern Ultramafic Centre of the Lac Des Iles Complex, Ontario Canada. International Ni-Cu-PGE Symposium, Australia, September 5th to 9th (talk 8th September).

Olivo, G.R., Carvalho, I., Moura, M.P., Oliveira, G, Baia, F, (2016): Fluid-Flow in the Proterozoic Carbonate Sequences of the Vazante Group, Brazil: Implications for the Genesis of the Hypogene Silicate Zinc and Sulfide Zinc-Lead Deposits. Gordon Research Conference (Poster, June 2016, Switzerland (Abstract and Poster)

Fernandes, N., Olivo, G.R., Layton-Matthews, D., Diniz-Oliveira, G. (2016): Mineralogical and geochemical evolution of metal 鈥 and organic-rich horizons in Proterozoic fine-grained siliciclasic rocks of the Vazante-Paracatu Zn-Pb mining district, Minas Gerais, Brazil: constrain on metal sources for sediment-hosted zinc and lead deposits. 7th PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto March 7, 2016

Garcia, P., Misi, A, Harold Sa, J., Olivo, G. (2016). The Copper Deposits of the Cura莽谩 Valley, Bahia State, Northeastern Brazil. 7th PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto March 7, 2016

Lafreniere Berrube, C. Perrouty, S., Lypaczewski, P, Chouteau, M., Olivo, G.R., Shamsipour, P., Enki, R.J., Linnen, R. L (2016) :  Outcrop-scale physical properties mapping and integration of muldisciplinary mineral exploration data from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo Zone, Quebec, Canada. 7th PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto March 7, 2016

Feltrin, L., Bertelli, M., McGaughey, J., Morris, Crocker, M, Piercey, S, Perrouty, S., Linnen, R., Olivo, G., Lypaczewski, P., Rivard, B, Gaillard, N, El Goumi, N, Enti, R, Lafreniere-Berube, C. Chouteau, M., Lesher, M. Bouchard, G. (2016). Visualizing the Multivariable Footprint of the World-Class Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit by Using Clustered Heat Maps.  7th PDAC-SEG Student Mineral Colloquium, Toronto March 7, 2016

Fernandes, N.A., Olivo, G.R., Oliveira, G. (2015), Siliciclastic metal source rocks for the Vazante mining district, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Preliminary paragenesis and pyrite trace element zonation SEG-SGA-UNESCO symposium, Campinas, Brazil, July 2015

Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅, C, Chouteau, M., Olivo, G.R., Perrouty, S., Linnen, R.L., Enkin R., El Goumi N., Wares, R. (2015): Physical Properties of the Canadian Malartic Orebody and Host Rocks: Preliminary Results. Society of Economic Geologist and Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Student Colloquium, March 2015. (Poster with abstract) 2nd Best Poster Award

Perrouty, S., Lypaczewski, P., Gaillard N., Linnen, R., Olivo, G.R., Lesher, M. (2015) Mafic Dyke Alteration Features throughout the Footprints of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, QC, Canada. Cordillera Round-Up Annual Meeting, Vancouver, January 2015

Perrouty, S., Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅 C., Lesher C.M., Linnen, R.L., Olivo, G.R., Wares, R. (2014) Structural, mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical characterization of the mafic dykes: a key to explore the Canadian Malartic gold deposit footprint. Society of Economic Geologists Biannual Meeting, Colorado, USA (abstract, poster).

Olivo, G.R., Percy, E., Kyser, K., Oliveira, G, McGladrey, A., Slezak, P., Neto, B.B. (2014): The Vazante and Northern Extension Hypogene Zinc Silicate Deposits: Evidence for Fluid Mixing During Mineralization. 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, South Africa, September 1-5, 2014 (Oral Presentation and Abstract).

Blacklock N., Olivo G.R., Enkin R.J., Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅 C, Chouteau M.,  Perrouty S., Linnen R.L.,  El Goumi N., Wares R. (2014). Integration of Mineralogy and Rock Physics Proprieties Applied to the Footprint of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, May 21-23, 2014 (accepted).

Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅, C., Chouteau, M., Olivo, G.R., Perrouty, S., Linnen R.L., Enkin, R., El Goumi, Wares, R. (2014): Physical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore body and host rock: Preliminary Results. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, May 21-23, 2014 (accepted).

Linnen, R.L. Perrouty S., Olivo G.R., Piercey S.J., Crocker M., Wares, R. (2014). Canadian Malartic Geological Footprint: New insight from portable XRF data. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, May 21-23, 2014 (Talk and Abstract accepted).

Perrouty S., Linnen, R.L., Olivo, G.R., Lesher, C.M., Wares R. (2014): Canadian Malartic Geological Footprint:  Integration of Airborne Magnetic Surveys, Field Observations, Mineralogical and Geochemical data of and Mafic Intrusive Rocks. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, May 21-23, 2014 (Talk and Abstract accepted).

Lafreni猫re-B茅rub茅, C., Chouteau, M, Olivo, G.R., Perrouty, S. (2014). Physical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore body and host rock: preliminary results. Society of Economic Geologist and Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Student Colloquium, March 2014. (Poster with abstract)

Perrouty S., Feltrin L., Linnen R. L., Banerjee N.R., Olivo G.R., Piercey S.J., Crocker M., Wares. R. (2014): Canadian Malartic Geological Footprint: Integration of Airborne Magnetic Surveys, Field Observations and Portable XRF data. Society of Economic Geologist and Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Student Colloquium, March 2014. (Poster with abstract)

McGladrey, A., Olivo, G., Silva, A. M., Oliveira, G.D., Botura-Neto, B. (2014): Integration of Mineralogical, Geochemical and Physical Rock Properties Applied to the Exploration of Large Hypogene Zinc Silicate Deposits, Poster presented at AMEBC Mineral Exploration Roundup 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia.

McGladrey, A., Olivo, G., Silva, A. M., Oliveira, G.D., Botura-Neto, B. (2014): Integration of Mineralogical, Geochemical and Physical Rock Properties Applied to the Exploration of Large Hypogene Zinc Silicate Deposits, Poster Presented at Society of Economic Geologist and Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Student Colloquium, March 2014

Dobosz, A., Olivo, G. R., Pratt, A. (2011). VESPERS XRF and Laue Diffraction Mapping of Carlin-Type Auriferous Arsenian Pyrite: Goldschmidt Conference, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19, 2011 (accepted for oral presentation).

Marsden, S and Olivo, G. R. (2011): Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of the Gold Eagle Deposit: A New Discovery in the Red Lake Camp, Canada. Canadian Mining and Metallurgy Institute Conference, Montreal

Olivo, G.R., Almeida, C., Chouinard. A. (2009). The sources of gold and associated elements in Carlin-type deposits, Northern Nevada, USA: Lithogeochemistry and mineral chemistry constraints: Goldschimidt Conference 2009, Davos, Switzerland. In Geochimca et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 73, p. A970

Findley, A, Olivo, G.R., and Godin, L. (2009). The genesis of the Precious and Base Metal Mineralization at the Miguel Auza Deposit, Zacatecas, Mexico, AGU-GAC-MAC Joint-Meeting, Toronto, EOS Trans. AGU, 90 (22), Jt. Assem., suppl. B13B-06.

Kitney, K., Olivo, G.R., Davis, D.W., Desrochers, J-P., Tessier, A. (2009). Gold Mineralization Coeval with Late Archean Syn-Collisional Magmatism in the Urban-Barry Greenstone Belt, Southern Abitibi, Quebec, Canada: U-Pb Geochronology Constraints. AGU-GAC-MAC Joint-Meeting, Toronto, EOS Trans. AGU, 90 (22), Jt.  Assem., suppl. GA31B-03

Olivo, G.R. (2008). World-Class Gold Deposits Hosted by Sedimentary Rocks. 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration- SIMEXMIN, Ouro Preto- MG, Brazil, May 18-21, 2008. Invited Speaker

Cloutier, J. Kyser, K. Olivo, G.R., Alexandre, P. (2008) The Millenium Uranium Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchawan, Canada: insights into an atypical basement-hosted Uranium Deposit. In Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Quebec, Program with Abstract cd SY:3, May 2008 (oral presentation)

Grant, H. L. J., Layton-Matthews, D., Peter, J. M., Olivo, G. R., Kim, D. (2008) Silver enrichment in the 2.68 Ga Hackett River volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, Hackett River Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada: Mineral Deposits Studies Group UK (MDSG) January 2008 (poster)

Olivo G., Chang, F., Williams-Jones, A., E. and Hughes, K.A. (2007) Evolution of the lode gold deposits in the Val d鈥橭r district, Southern Abitibi, Canada: structural, alteration, mineralogical, isotopic and fluid constraints. CIM conference, Montreal, 2007 (Invited Speaker)

Olivo, G.R. and Machado, N. (2006).  Summary of the Symposium on Precambrian Evolution and Mineral Deposits of the Canadian and Brazilian Shields: Similarities and Differences: sponsored by the Mineral Deposit Division of the Geological Association of Canada, CAMECO and the Local Organizing Committee and held during the GAC-MAC joint meeting in Montreal from May 14 鈥 16, 2006. Gangue, October issue, 2006, 4 pages

Mitchell, F.M.; Godin, L.; and Olivo, G.R. 2006. Multiple brittle deformation events recorded along Grenvillian shear zones: implications for seismic risk. POLARIS Ontario (POLO) research workshop 2006, Ottawa Multiple brittle deformation events recorded along Grenvillian shear zones; implications for seismic risk: Conference   2006 annual meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006: Seismological Research Letters, vol. 78, no. 1, pp.168-169, Feb 2007. (Prize: Best poster award)

Olivo, G.R., Archibald, D. A., Ullrich, T. (2006). Tectonic Evolution and Timing of Pd-Au Mineralization in the Itabira District, Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: insights from Ar-Ar Geochronological Data. In Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Montreal, Program with Abstract cd and p. 112, May 2006 (oral presentation).

Moura, M., Olivo, G.R., Archibald, D. A., Bothelho, N. (2006). Ar-Ar Geochronological Evidence of Brasiliano-Pan African Orogenesis overpriting the Goias Tin-Bearing Granitic Province, Central Brazil. In Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Montreal, Program with Abstract cd and p. 106, May 2006 (oral presentation).

Lapointe, U. Boyer, L. Olivo, G.R., Archibald, D.A., Grant, J. W. (2006). Mineralogy and Lithogeochemistry of Mafic Units from the Archean Kidd Creek Volcanic Complex, Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, and Its Implication for Base Metal Exploration. In Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Montreal, Program with Abstract cd and p. 83, May 2006 (poster).

Mitchell, F.M., Godin, L., Olivo, G.R. (2006) Neotectonic Evaluation of Brittle Features Affecting Grenvillian Shear Zones, Southern Ontario. In Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Montreal, Program with Abstract cd and p. 103, May 2006 (poster).

Pitcairn, I.K., Olivo, G.R., Teagle, D.A.H., Craw, D. (2006), Sources of metals in orogenic gold deposits: mineralogical evidence from the Otago and Alpine Schists, New Zealand: 29th AGM of the Mineral Deposits Studies Group, Imperial College and The Natural History Museum, London, 4th-6th January

Mitchell, F.M., Godin, L. & Olivo, G.R. (2005). Brittle deformation of Grenvillian structures in Southeastern Ontario. Annual Continental Tectonics Group Workshop, Orillia, Canada.

Almeida, C. M. and Olivo, G.R (2005). The Hydrothermal Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Ore of the Fortaleza de Minas Deposit, Brazil. In Goldschmidt Conference, Idaho, May 20-25, 2005 (Abstract, oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R. and Hughes, K.A. (2004) The two distinct types of auriferous veins in the Val d鈥橭r district, Southern Abitibi, Canada: structural, alteration, mineralogical and fluid constraints. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, 2004 (oral presentation)

Bursztyn, N. and Olivo, G.R. (2004) Hydrothermal platinum-group minerals associated with Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization at the McBratney occurrence, Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba :32th International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, 2004 (oral presentation)

Moura, M. A. ; Botelho, N. F. ; Olivo, G. R. ; Kyser, T. K. ; Pontes, R. M.  (2004) Fluid geochemistry and evolution of the Mangabeira topaz-albite granite and related tin-indium mineralization (骋辞颈谩蝉, Brasil). In: XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 2004, Arax谩. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia.Arax谩 : SBG - N煤cleo Minas Gerais, 2004. p.700-701 

Botelho, N.F.; Moura, M.A.; Olivo, G.R.; Kyser, T.K.; Teixeira, L.M.; Cunha, L.M.; Santana, M.U (2004). Tipologia do dep贸sito de Cu, (Au, Mo, W e Sn) do Breves, Caraj谩s. I Simp贸sio de Explora莽茫o Mineral, Anais. Adimb: Ouro Preto, Brazil, May 17- 19, 2004. (poster)

Bursztyn, N. and Olivo, G.R. (2004) McBratney PGE-Au occurrence hosted in a mafic-ultramafic sequence of the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Manitoba: petrogenetic characterization and ore mineralogy: Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, St. Catharines Program with Abstract cd, May 2004 (oral presentation) (Contributed to the field work, petrological, geochemistry and mineralogical investigation and in the generation of the model; supervisor)

Moura, M.A.; Olivo, G.R; Kyser, K; Botelho, NF;  Pontes, R (2004). The Proterozoic Mangabeira Sn-In mineralization, Central Brazil: geological and geochemical characterization. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, St. Catharines, Program with Abstract cd, May 2004 (oral presentation)

Sterrit, V.A. and Olivo, G.R. (2004). Petrographic and mineralogic investigations of the Doris and Madrid gold deposits, Hope Bay greenstone belt, Slave Structural Province, Nunavut: Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada; joint annual meeting; abstracts-St. Catherines, ON, Canada, May 12-14, 2004, p. 380

Houle, M.Y and Olivo, G.R (2004). Lithogeochemistry and Alteration of Host Rocks at the High Lake VMS Deposit, Nunavut. In 32nd Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November 18-18, 2004.

Almeida, C. M., Carvalho, S.G and Olivo, G.R. (2004) Hydrothermal PGE-rich mineralization associated with the magmatic Ni-Cu sulphide orebodies hosted by the Fortataleza de Minas Komatiitic Sequence of the S茫o Francisco craton, Brazil. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence (poster)

Olivo, G. R. (2003,) Hydrothermal Pd-Au Deposits Hosted by Proterozoic, Lake Superior-Type Iron-Formation in the Itabira District, Brazil. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposium on Iron Ore and Related Deposits, Montreal, Program with Abstracts-cd. (Invited speaker; Montreal May 2003)

Chang, F, Olivo, G.R. and Kyser, T.K. (2003). Characterization of Auriferous and Barren North Dipper Veins at the Sigma Mine, Val d鈥橭r, Quebec, Based on Structural, Mineralogical, Fluid Inclusion and Isotope Results. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Vancouver, Program with Abstracts (cd) (oral presentation)

Daubeny, P. and Olivo, G.R. (2003). Geology, Chemo-Stratigraphy and Exploration Vectoring for Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulphide Deposits on the San Antonio Concession, Dominican Republic. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting, Vancouver, Program with Abstracts (cd) (oral presentation)

Dilworth, K.M. and Olivo, G.R. (2001). Evidence of pre-metamorphic gold mineralization at the Campbell Mine, Balmertown, Northwestern Ontario: the inverstigation of the West Drift Dyke. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, v.23, A-138 (presented results of K. Dilworth鈥檚 Honours Thesis). (poster)

Olivo, G.R. and Gammons, C.H (2000). Palladium and gold remobilization during supergene alteration of the jacutinga ore in the Itabira District, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Invited oral presentation and poster)

Olivo, G.R. and Williamsjones, A.E. (1998). Paragenesis and mineral chemistry of tetradymite and gold alloys from the auriferous 'C' quartz-tourmaline vein of the Siscoe Mine, Val d'Or district, Quebec. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, v.23, A-138. (Oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R. and Williamsjones, A.E. (1997). Mineral Chemistry and Origin of REE-rich eudialyte from the Pilanesberg Complex, South Africa. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, v. 22, p. A-110. (poster)

Samson, I.M., Williamsjones, A.E., Olivo, G.R. (1997). Genesis of the Gallinas Mountains REE-fluorite Deposits, New Mexico: evidence from mineral paragenesis and fluid inclusions. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, v. 22, p.A-130. (poster)

Kerr, I.D., Samson, I.M., Olivo, G.R., Williamsjones, A.E. (1996). Mineralogic and paragenetic studies of the Rock Canyon Creek F-Ba-REE deposit, Bristish Colombia. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, V. 21, p. A-49. (Poster)

Jebrak, M., Yushei, L., Bellehumeur, C., Olivo, G.R. (1995). Contexte tectonique des min茅ralisations de type Olympic Dam (Cu-Au-U): de Australie 脿 la Basse-C么te-Nord.  S茅minaire d鈥檌nformation sur l'exploration g茅ologique et min茅rale (16 e 茅dition), minist猫re des Ressources Naturelles du Qu茅bec, Programmes et R茅sum茅s: p. 8. (Oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Gari茅py, C., Carignan, J. (1995). Epigenetic palladium-bearing gold deposits hosted by Lake Superior-type iron-formations in the Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. In Precambrian 95, Program with Abstracts, p. 149. (Oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R. and Gauthier, M. (1993). Mineralogy of palladium-bearing gold deposits hosted by a Lake Superior-type iron-formation, Cau锚 Mine, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, Boston, October 1993, p. A-276. (Oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R., Gauthier, M., Bardoux, M., Le茫o de S谩, E., Borges, N., and Santana, F.C. (1993). Palladium-bearing gold deposits hosted by a Lake Superior-type iron-formation, Itabira Iron District, Minas Gerais, southeast Brazil. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, Edmonton, May 1993, p. A-79. (Oral presentation)

Olivo, G.R., and Marini, O.J. (1989). Gold occurrences in the Middle to Upper Proterozoic Metasediments in Central Brazil. In. International Congress Gold, Toulose, France, Abstracts, p. 14. (Oral presentation)


Invited presentations in thematic symposia and workshops:

Olivo G.R. (2021). Keynote speaker in the 50th Brazilian Geology Congress: Integrated Multi-Parameter Footprints of Ore Systems and Implications for Ore deposit Models

Olivo G.R. (2020): Talk on Multiscale Mineral Systems: Fertility, Footprint, Fingerprint & Applications to Discovery was given as part of the BRAZIL INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION CAPES-PRINT/ Universidade the Bras铆lia/ Unb with Queen鈥檚 University/ Olivo Research Team. This talk was a culmination of a collaborative program that was partially supported by the Brazilian government. I was awarded an International Professorship in Fall 2019 as part of this collaborative project and asked to provide the summary of the results in this forum. This meeting was recorded by Unb YouTube and can be recovered in the following link: [UNb Tv PRESENTATION: https://youtu.be/1GjntQSYoPw (between 31.52 min and 1.07 h].

Olivo G.R. (2018). Integrated Multi-parameter Footprint of Ore Systems: The Next Generation of Ore Deposit Models. SIMEXMIN 2018. Symposium on Mineral Exploration 2018, Brazil.

Olivo, G.R. (2016). Metallogeny of the Vazante Basin: Metals from Source to Sink. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Speaker Series at Cornell University, Ythaca, NY, (https://events.cornell.edu/event/seminar_-_earth_and_atmospheric_sciences_1330).

Olivo, G.R. Slezak, P.; Percy, E; Kyser, K.; Oliveira, G.; McGladrey, A.; Neto, B.B., Moura, M. A., Silva, A., Durham, A. (2015): Metallogeny of Silicate Zinc Deposits hosted in the Vazante Basin: Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) workshop: Belo Horizonte, MG, June 2015

Olivo, G.R. (2013):  Diversity Among Greenstone Gold Deposits in Brazilian Symposium of Metallogeny, June 2-5, 2013, Gramado RS., Brazil

Olivo, G. R. (2013): Source, Transport and Trap for Gold Deposits Hosted in Sedimentary and Metasedimentary Sequences, Brazilian Symposium of Metallogeny, June 2-5, 2013, Gramado RS, Brazil.

Olivo, G. R. (2013): Diversity of Types and Ages of Gold Deposits Hosted in Archean Abitibi Greenstone Belt Invited Speaker at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Society of Economic Geologist Student Chapter at UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, May 18, 2013

Olivo, G. R. (2013): Diversity of Gold Deposits Formed During the Evolution of Archean Greenstone Belts, Invited Speaker by the Brazilian Society of Geology (SBG) in Brasilia, DF, (25/April/2013)

Olivo, G.R. (2013) Gold Deposits hosted in Sedimentary and Metasedimentary Sequences: Source, Transport and conditions of Deposition: Invited Speaker by the Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter (UnB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil (02/06/2013)

Olivo, G.R. (2013): Metallogenesis of Greenstone Belts with Emphases on Canadian Examples, Invited Speaker by Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM), Compania Baiana de Prospe莽茫o Mineral (CBPM), Brazilian Society of Geology (SBG) and Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter at UFBA, Salvador, Brazil (18June, 2013)

Olivo, G.R. (2013): Hydrothermal Platinum-Group Elements Deposits Hosted in Mafic Ultramafic Sequences, Invited Speaker by Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM), Compania Baiana de Prospe莽茫o Mineral (CBPM), Brazilian Society of Geology (SBG) and Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter at UFBA, Salvador, Brazil (18/June/2013)

Olivo. G.R. (2013): Models of Source, Transport and Deposition of Gold in Sedimentary and Metasedimentary Sequences, Invited Speaker by Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM), Compania Baiana de Prospe莽茫o Mineral (CBPM), Brazilian Society of Geology (SBG) and Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter at UFBA, Salvador, Brazil (19/June/2013)

Olivo. G.R. and Lesher, M. (2013): CMIC Footprint Field Workshop:  Gold Site: The Canadian Malartic Footprint Project (October 4, 2013)

Olivo, G. R. (2012). Iron-formation hosted gold deposits from the Quadril谩tero Ferr铆fero, Brazil: Major regional and local controls. Presented in Geological Survey of Canada-Target Generation Initiative-4 Meeting- 22-23 April in Quebec City, (invited speaker)

Olivo, G. R. (2012). Advances on the Research of Gold Deposits in Canadian Archean Greenstone Belts, Proterozoic Banded Iron Formations and in the Carlin Trend. Workshop to the Chinese Delegation at Queen鈥檚 University (June 25, 2012: 9-12 am).

Olivo G. R. (2012). Canadian Archean Greenstone Belt Hosted Gold Deposits, 5th Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration- SIMEXMIN-, Ouro Preto- MG, Brazil, May 20-23, 2012.

Olivo, G.R. (2010). The World-Class Carlin Type Deposits at the Goldstrike Property, Nevada. 4th Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration- SIMEXMIN- Society of Economic Geologists-SEG, Ouro Preto- MG, Brazil, May 23-26, 2010.

Olivo, G.R. (2008). World-Class Gold Deposits Hosted by Sedimentary Rocks. 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration- SIMEXMIN, Ouro Preto- MG, Brazil, May 18-21, 2008.

Olivo, G. (2007). Evolution and Metallogenesis of Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt with Emphasis on Gold Deposits: Sociedade Brasileira de Geology Meeting, Universidade de Brasilia, June 28, Brasilia, Brazil.

Olivo G., Chang, F., Williams-Jones, A., E. and Hughes, K.A et al. (2007) Evolution of the lode gold deposits in the Val d鈥橭r district, Southern Abitibi, Canada: structural, alteration, mineralogical, isotopic and fluid constraints. CIM conference, Montreal, May 2007

Olivo, G.R. (2006). Comparison between Brazilian and Canadian Mineral Resources: Applications to Mineral Deposit Exploration Strategies. 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Mineral Exploration- SIMEXMIN, Ouro Preto- MG, Brazil, May 21-24, 2006.

Olivo, G.R. (2003). Genesis of auriferous quartz-tourmaline veins at the Siscoe mine in the Val d鈥橭r district: connection with S-type magmatism? 3rd Annual Workshop in Mineral Exploration: Gold Exploration. Society of Economic Geology Student Chapter, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, April 26-28, 2003 (invited speaker)

Olivo, G.R. (2001). Banded Iron-Formation Hosted PGE-Au deposits. 2nd Annual Workshop in Mineral Exploration: PGE Exploration. Society of Economic Geology Student Chapter, Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, April 26-28, 2003 (invited speaker)


Symposium Summary:

Olivo, G.R. and Machado, N. (2006).  Summary of the Symposium on Precambrian Evolution and Mineral Deposits of the Canadian and Brazilian Shields: Similarities and Differences, sponsored by the Mineral Deposit Division of the Geological Association of Canada, CAMECO and the Local Organizing Committee and held during the GAC-MAC joint meeting in Montreal from May 14 鈥 16, 2006. Gangue v.91/92, p.7-8.


Selected Government Reports:

Branson, A., Walter, C., Olivo, G., Braun, A., Fotopoulos, G. (2020): Geophysical Exploration for Podiform Chromite Occurrences in the Quesnellia Terrane (NTS 82L04), British Columbia; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2019: Minerals, Geoscience BC, Report 2020-01, p. 13-22

Olivo, G.R., Theyer, P. and Bursztyn, N. (2002). GS-32-Platinum group element investigations in the Flin Flon greenstone belt: petrography and mineralogy of the McBratney Lake PGE-Au occurrence (NST 63K13) Manitoba. In Report of Activities 2002, Manitoba Industry Trade of Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey 鈥損. 94-99.

Olivo, G.R. (1995). Preliminary evaluation of the mineral potential of the Vasson Property based on geology, geochemistry and geophysical data. Minist猫re des Ressources Naturelles. 15 p (in French).

Olivo, G.R. (1994). Detailed mapping, structural controls and evaluation of the Siscoe Property, Val d'Or region, Qu茅bec. Minist猫re des Ressources Naturelles. 68 p (in French).


Selected reports/presentations:

Nunes, T., Olivo, G.R. (2022), Ni mineralization in the Cura莽谩 Valley: Field report + PhD research update- Internal Research meeting with Ero Copper and University of Leicester, UK: October 7, 2022

Olivo, G.R (2022). Ero Copper Nickel Project Cura莽谩 Valley: Possible processes related to the formation of Ni-Cu mineralization based on field observations (2022). Field Workshop Pilar, Bahia, Brazil. September 14, 2022

Olivo, G.R. (2022): Hydrothermal PGE deposits hosted by: Mafic-Ultramafic Sequences in McBratney, Manitoba and Fortaleza de Minas, Brazil. Ero Copper Exploration Workshop, Pilar, Bahia, Brazil September 7, 2022

Olivo, G.R. (2022): Petrogenesis of the massive chromitite layer from the Jacurici Complex, Brazil:
evidence from inclusions in chromite. Ero Copper Workshop, Pilar, Bahia, Brazil September 7, 2022

Olivo, G.R. et al. (2019-2021) and graduate students reports and presentations to NEXA Resources (2016-2021) and Ero Copper.

Olivo, G.R. Slezak, P.; Percy, E; Kyser, K.; Oliveira, G.; McGladrey, A.; Neto, B.B., Moura, M. A., Silva, A., Durham, A. (2015): Metallogeny of Silicate Zinc Deposits hosted in the Vazante Basin: Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) workshop: Belo Horizonte, MG, June 2015

Olivo, G.R., Perrouty, S. (2013) Canadian Malartic Footprint Field workshop: 3-day field workshop with participation of various industry representative of the Canadian Mining Innovation Council (CMIC)/NSERC project

Olivo, G.R, Chemale, F and Silva, A. (2013) New insights on the Metallogeny of the Vazante Sequence and Suggestions of Future Research Presented in the Votoratim Collaborative Research Workshop

McGladrey, A., Olivo, G.R and Silva, A. (2013) Integration of Petrophysical, Geochemical and Mineralogical Results and Suggestions for Following-Up Research: Presented in the Votoratim Collaborative Research Workshop

McGladrey, A., Olivo, G.R and Silva, A. (2013): Field Report on Vazante Zinc Silicate Deposit Investigation, Presented to Votoratim Metais, 23p.

Slezak, P. and Olivo G.R. (2011). Progress Report on the Petrographic Investigation of the North Extension Vazante Mine Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization, Presented to Votoratim Metais, 12p.

Slezak, P., and Olivo G.R. (2011). Field Report of the North Extension Vazante Mine, Brazil (Mapping, Drill-Hole Logging and Sampling. Presented to Votoratim Metais, 29 p.

Marsden, S. and Olivo G.R. (2010): Progress report on the research of the Gold Eagle Deposit, Red Lake, Ontario, 16 p.

Findley, A., Olivo, G.R. and Godin, L. (2008). Progress Report on the Study of the Miguel Auza polymetallic Deposit, Mexico. Presented to Silver Eagle Mines, 132 p.

Almeida, C. and Olivo, G.R. (2008) Mineral Alteration, Paragenesis and Metal Zoning at Goldstrike Property Carlin-type Gold Deposits: implications to genesis and exploration, 78p.

Olivo, G.R. (2008) Preliminary Mineralogical Study on Ni-Laterite, Presented to Kingston Processing Metallurgy. Presented to KPM, 19p.

Kitney, K., and Olivo, G. (2008). Progress Report on the Paragenesis and Lithogeochemistry Investigation of the Barry Gold Deposit, Quebec.  Presented to Murgor Resources, 98 p.

Olivo, G.R (2007) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of Fe-Ti concentrates, Presented to Kingston Processing Metallurgy, 7p.

Kitney, K., and Olivo, G. (2007). Progress Report on the Investigation of the Barry Gold Deposit, Quebec.  Presented to Murgor Resources, 58p.

Olivo, G.R (2006). Preliminary Textural and Mineral Chemistry Studies of the Hackett River Ag-bearing minerals: Presented to Kingston Processing Metallurgy and Sabina Silver Coorporation, 39p.

Almeida, C. and Olivo G.R. (2006). Lithogeochemical Investigation at the Goldstrike Property, Nevada: Betze-Post and Screamer deposits: Preliminary result, 237 p. Presented to Barrick Gold. (I am involved in all aspects of this project, providing training during field and laboratory work and contributing to the interpretations) (Q & I=Barrick)

Chouinard, A., Olivo, G.R and Poirier, G. (2006). Chemistry and Spatial Distribution of Trace Elements in the Auriferous Pyrite of the Goldstrike Property, 235 p. (I am involved in all aspects of this project, providing training during field and laboratory work and contributing to the interpretations) (Q & I=Barrick)

Chouinard, A., Olivo, G.R and Poirier, G. (2005). Variations in compositions of the pyrite from the main auriferous event at Goldstrike property.

Chouinard, A., Olivo, G.R and Poirier, G. (2005). Analytical Method and Preliminary Mineralogy and Petrography of Fe-Sulphides for the Betze-Post Area of the Goldstrike Deposit, Nevada. Presented to Barrick Gold, 33p.

Chouinard, A. and Olivo, G. R. (2004): Field report: Vectoring of the Goldstrike ore distribution using deposit scale sulfide chemistry signature with application to exploration and ore genesis - Presented to Barrick Gold, 13 p. (I am the supervisor of this project and participated in the field work and sampling on the Goldstrike property, Nevada).

Olivo, G.R.  (1999). Santo Toribio Project, Peru: petrographic studies, 68 p.

Olivo, G.R. (1997). Preliminary evaluation of the auriferous potential of iron formation horizons at the Pershing Property, Qu茅bec. 2946-2983 Qu茅bec Inc., 23 p.

Olivo, G.R. (1996). Procedure to detect amphibole under 0.1% in the Asbestos ore from the Jeffrey Mine. McGill University, EPS Internal Report, 9 p.

Olivo, G.R. and Halter, W. (1996). Guide for utilization of gas chromatography on fluid inclusion studies. McGill University, EPS Internal Report, 47 p.

Olivo, G.R. (1995). Preliminary evaluation of the mineral potential of the Vasson Property based on geology, geochemistry and geophysical data. (for Roger Doucet Prospector; internal report) 15 p (in French).

Olivo, G.R. (1995). Preliminary evaluation of the mineral potential of the Mines Dynacor Inc. Property at Sakami Lake region, Qu茅bec, Mines Dynacor Inc. internal report., 30 p (in French).

Olivo, G.R. (1994). Detailed mapping, structural controls and evaluation of the Siscoe Property, Val d'Or region, Qu茅bec. Mines Dynacor. Inc. internal report, 68 p (in French).

Olivo, G.R. (1994). Siscoe Property: Field Trip Guide. Congr猫s de l'Association des Prospecteurs du Qu茅bec, 9 p. (in French).

Olivo, G.R. (1994). Guiana Shield diamond occurrences and target selection (with maps). Golden Star internal report, 44 p.

Olivo, G.R. (1994). Synthesis of the Geology of the Guiana Shield (with maps). Golden Star internal Report, 68 p.

Olivo, G.R. (1990). Target selection for diamond exploration in the Guiana Shield based on geological, geophysical and geochemistry data. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report, 10 pages (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. (1990). Diamond occurrences in the Guiana Shield. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report (with 1: 2 500 000 map), 26 p. (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. (1990). Continental extension models applied to Guiana Shield: preliminary comments. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report, 44 p. (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. and Leite, A. (1990). Integration of geological and geophysical data (gravimetry and magsat) to the Guiana Shield. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report, 5 p. (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. (1989). Precambrian geology of Ghana, Africa. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. (1989). Guiana Shield: text to explain the geological map in 1: 2 500 000 scale, in which the geology of Northern Brazil, Guiana, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezulela and Western Colombia were correlated by G. R. Olivo. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report, 36 p. (in Portuguese).

Olivo, G.R. (1989). Guiana Shield-geological synthesis. SOPEMI-De Beers and Angloamerican internal report, 13 p. (in Portuguese, with an English abstract).

Olivo, G.R. (1989). Possibilities of diamond occurrences in Bolivia. SOPEMI-De Beers and Anglo-American internal report, 14 pages (in Portuguese, with English abstract).


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