Retirees' Association of ˴Ƭ (RAQ) Constitution 


Approved: RAQ Annual General Meeting, April 26 2004 
Amended: RAQ Annual General Meeting, April 28, 2014 
Amended: RAQ Annual General Meeting, April 24, 2017 
Amended: RAQ Annual General Meeting, April 29, 2019 

Amended: RAQ Annual General Meeting, April 18, 2020 

Amended: October, 2021


     Article One – Name and Definitions

     Article Two – Mission

     Article Three – Objectives

     Article Four‐ Membership

     Article Five‐ Organization

     Article Six – Nomination, Elections and Term of Office

     Article Seven‐ Meetings of Members

     Article Eight – Amendments to the Constitution


Article One – Name and Definitions

    1.01 Name

            The name of the organization is the Retirees’ Association of Queen’s University, also referred to as RAQ or the Association.

    1.02 Definitions

            University or Queen’s means Queen’s University.

           Council means the Council of the Association.

           Member means a member of the Association, more fully described in Article Four.

           Retiree means someone who has retired from or left the employ of Queen’s and is in receipt of a Queen’s pension.


Article Two – Mission

    To represent and promote the interests of the Members, to provide opportunities for interaction among the Members and to facilitate their continuing engagement with Queen’s.


Article Three – Objectives

     The objectives of the Association are:

          i) to contribute as may be possible to the welfare, prestige and excellence of Queen’s;

          ii) to provide timely information about University activities, events and facilities of interest to and open to Retirees and Members;

          iii) to provide an avenue  for presenting Retirees’ concerns and suggestions to the University Administration;

          iv) to arrange activities  which may be of interest to the Members; and

          v) to provide information on the University benefits accruing to Retirees, major changes or developments in University policies, goals, academic or personnel

              organization, administration, technology or other University issues of interest to Retirees.


Article Four ‐ Membership  

4.01 Members

         Membership in the Association shall consist of Regular, Associate and Honorary members, all of whom are known as Members

4.02 Regular Member

        A Retiree.

4.03 Associate Member

           (a) Any person who is a spouse or surviving spouse of a Retiree.

           (b) Retirees from other universities and their spouses.

           (c) Anyone who has had a significant association with Queen’s with or without remuneration.

           (d) There shall be a modest annual fee for Associate Members.

4.04 Honorary Member

      Honorary membership may be granted by the Council to senior University administrators and to those who have been recognized by Council for their service to the



Article Five – Council Organization  

5.01 The affairs of the Association shall be overseen by the Council.

5.02 The Council shall consist of 12 Retirees  elected at the Annual General Meeting, with approximately equal numbers from the academic and non‐academic staffs and if possible, one of whom resides more than 50 kilometers from Kingston.

5.03 Officers ‐ The officers of the Association are the President, Vice‐President, Secretary and Treasurer, elected by Council as set out in 5.06(b).

5.04 Executive Committee – The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice‐ President, Treasurer, Secretary and other members of Council as determined by Council.

5.05 Standing Committees and Chairs‐ Council may form Standing Committees as necessary. The chairs of committees shall be appointed by Council.  If the person appointed as Chair is not a member of Council, she or he shall become a non‐voting ex‐officio member of Council during the term of the appointment.

5.06 Term of Office.

(a) Members of Council shall serve for two years and may be re‐elected for an additional 3 terms for a total of eight years. The term of any Council member who serves as an officer shall be extended as required.

(b) Officers shall be elected by Council for a term of two years and may be re‐elected for one additional term for a total of four years exclusive of any partial term served to fill a vacancy.

(c) If, during his or her term, an officer resigns or is unable to complete the term of office, the remaining members of the Executive Committee may recommend a member of Council to fill the vacancy which shall be approved by Council by mail or email or at the next Council meeting. 4 5.07 Quorum Quorum at meetings of Council is seven, with the exception of meetings considering amendments to the Constitution in which case 9 members should be present.


5.07 Quorum

Quorum at meetings of Council is seven, with the exception of meetings considering amendments to the Constitution in which case 9 members should be present.

Article Six – Nominations and Elections

     (a) The RAQ Council shall annually form a Nominating Committee to select new Council members consisting of a Chair and two other members, all of whom are Queen’s retirees. The Nominating Committee shall send a recommended slate of nominees to the Council for  approval. Once approved, the names  of nominees (including a brief biography) shall be included in the notice to RAQ Members of the AGM  and approved by Members at that meeting.

Before preparing its slate of nominees, the Nominating Committee shall canvass the membership for nominations and self‐nominations. In its search for new members, the Nominating Committee will attempt to achieve the balance of membership that is specified in RAQ’s constitution (Article Five, 5.02) which indicates that “The Council shall consist of 12 Retirees elected at the Annual General Meeting, with approximately equal numbers from the academic and non‐academic staffs and if possible, one of whom resides more than 50 kilometers from Kingston”. To assist the Committee in its mandate, the Secretary of Council shall provide the Chair with the number and type of vacancies which need to be filled on Council, and an updated list of Council members, including the year of appointment and the expected date of the end of their term of service.

Role of the Chair of Nominating Committee

The Chair will assist Council in selecting other individuals to serve on the Nominating Committee. These additional members of the committee do not need to be members of RAQ but must be Queen’s retirees. The Chair shall organize meetings of the Nominating Committee with the objective of identifying candidates for Council (also Queen’s retirees) who have the potential and willingness to contribute significantly to RAQ’s mission. Once selected nominees have agreed to serve, the Chair of the Nominating Committee shall bring forward their names and a brief biography of each for approval by the RAQ Council.

     (b) If a member of Council is unable to complete her or his term, Council may ask the Executive Committee to recommend a Retiree to fill the vacancy or Council may decide to leave the position vacant until the next Annual General Meeting when the Nominating Committee shall present its slate of recommended candidates.


Article Seven – Meetings of Members

(a) Each year an Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the Executive Committee. All Members shall be given at least 21 days notice by mail or email of the date, time and place of the AGM.

(b) A special meeting of Members may normally be convened:

          (i) by the Council or Executive Committee giving the Members at least 21 days   notice by mail or email of the purpose of the meeting, and the date, time and place of the meeting. If the matter is considered to be urgent, the notice period may be shortened to 15 days with an explanation of the reasons(s) for the urgency;

          (ii) by written request signed by at least 20 Members sent to the President; within 14 days of receipt of the request, the Executive shall convene the meeting giving the Members at least 21 days notice in writing or  by email of the purpose of the meeting and  the date, time and place of the meeting.

(c) The quorum for meetings of Members is 30.

(d) Members may vote at meetings of the Members. Subject to 7(f) voting shall be by raised hands, unless a majority of those present and voting agree to a secret ballot in respect of any matter. With the exception of amendments to the Constitution, decisions shall be made by a simple majority of those present and voting.

 (e) In the event there is a procedural question during a meeting that is not addressed in this Constitution, the Chair of the meeting shall consult Bourinot’s Rules of Order for guidance.

 (f) In exceptional circumstances, when it is impossible to convene an in‐person meeting, the meeting will take place by email or some other electronic means.


Article Eight – Lease arrangements with Queen’s University

Council is authorized to enter into negotiations with Queen’s University regarding arrangements to lease Queen’s property and to finalize any leases with Queen’s.


Article Nine ‐ Amendments to the Constitution

     (a) Amendments to the Constitution shall be approved by two‐thirds of Council members present at the meeting. Such amendments will only take effect when ratified at the Annual General Meeting by a two‐thirds majority of Members present at the meeting.

     (b) Council or the Executive Committee shall include the proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution in the notice to the Members of the Annual General Meeting.