Automatic Engineering & Applied Science Awards

The following awards have been made available thanks to the generosity of Queen's donors.

Students who are currently registered at ³ÉÈË´óƬ will be automatically considered for the following awards. Most of these awards are based on grades. You will be notified by either Financial Aid and Awards or your faculty if you have been selected for an automatic award. 

Eligible current students will also be considered for automatic awards open to all current students.

Robert Switzer Armstrong Scholarship 

Established in May 2024 by the late Robert S. Armstrong, BSc 1952. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third, or fourth year of Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.  

Diana Blake Memorial Book Prize

A memorial book prize established by the Alumni and Alumnae Associations of Queen's in memory of the late Diana Blake, who was Assistant Chief Librarian at Queen's and Vice-President of the Alumni Association at the time of her death in February, 1975. To be awarded upon graduation to a student in the faculty of Arts and Science, Smith Engineering or the Smith School of Business, who has attained at least second class standing and who has made a significant contribution to campus life.

Donovan Brown Scholarship in Applied Science

Established in May 2006 by Alice J. Brown in memory of her husband, Donovan Brown, B.Sc. (Engineering Chemistry) 1949, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to student(s) entering the third or fourth year of any Engineering program in Smith Engineering.  Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Smith Engineering.

Leonard G. Berry Memorial Bursary 

Established in April 1983 by family, colleagues, friends, and former students in memory of Professor Leonard G. Berry, professor of mineralogy at ³ÉÈË´óƬ from 1944 to 1980, as a tribute to his outstanding contribution to mineralogical science and his devotion as a teacher. Last revised in July 2022. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of any Faculty or School at ³ÉÈË´óƬ. Preference will be given to students with an academic plan offered by the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Financial Aid and  Awards by 31 October. 

Robert Bruce Scholarship

Established under the terms of the will of R. Bruce of Quebec and awarded annually on the basis of first-class standing to students entering second year.  The award is renewable in third and fourth year providing satisfactory standing is maintained in Smith Engineering.

Peter Carty Memorial Award

Established in memory of Peter Michael Carty and awarded to the engineering student who has contributed most to the spirit and good reputation of the Queen's Engineering Society. This medal commemorates Peter Michael Carty, undergraduate engineer in the Class of Science '85, who, through his unwavering faith and quiet strength in the months of his illness, taught us how to live in this world and how to leave it.

Helen and Ralph Cleland Prize

Established by a bequest of the estate of Mr. Ralph Henry Cleland as a memorial to Helen and Ralph Henry Cleland. This prize is to be awarded to a student who is a Canadian citizen and has maintained a high standing in Smith Engineering.

H. G. Conn Awards

Named in honour of Professor H.G. Conn, who has contributed much to ³ÉÈË´óƬ. It is awarded to graduating students who have rendered valuable and distinguished service to the Engineering Society and the University in non-athletic, extra-curricular activities.

William Coombs Baker Memorial Prize

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Physics awards.

H. Arnold Cowan Scholarship

Established in December 2005 from the estate of Ellen Harcourt Boyd in memory of her husband H. Arnold Cowan. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering the third or fourth year of any Engineering program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of Smith Engineering.

Eric R. and Lorraine Davis Memorial Award in Applied Science

Established by friends and family in memory of Eric Davis, B.Sc.(Eng) 1950, former member of the Board of Trustees of ³ÉÈË´óƬ. Awarded on the basis of standing of year's work to a student entering second, third or fourth year in any program in Smith Engineering.

J. S. Donnelly Award

Established by the Engineering Society Council of 1980-81, this award has been named after John S. Donnelly, one of the founders of the Engineering Society (1897-98). It is the purpose of this award to acknowledge the continuing interest and dedication of the individual(s) in and toward the general welfare, prosperity, and reputation of the Engineering Society. This award is open to all members of the Engineering Society who currently are not members of the executive.

D. S. Ellis Memorial Award

Given by the class of Science ‘55 as a memorial to Dean D.S. Ellis. Awarded to a graduating student who, in the opinion of classmates, has contributed to University life through extra-curricular activities and athletics and has maintained satisfactory academic standing.

Engineering Society Prize

Given by the Engineering Society to the student in second year Engineering who has exhibited the most ability in non-athletic extracurricular leadership and activity. The recipient is chosen in consultation with the Engineering Society Awards Committee.

Governor General’s Silver Medal

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science awards.

Robert Hall Memorial Award

Awarded on the basis of interest in the Engineering Society, participation in intramural or intercollegiate sports and the demonstration of those qualities exemplified by Robert Hall: spirit, fellowship, and enthusiasm. The recipient will have passed all the courses of the first year and maintained a full academic program in the second year. Selection is by the Engineering Society from nominations made by the engineering student body. A replica of the commemorative plaque will be presented annually with the award.

George M. Hood (Sci '43) Award

Established in February 2002 in memory of George M. Hood (B.Sc. 1943), by his son George N. Hood (Arts 1978, MPA 1981).  Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and athletic excellence to student-athletes in any degree program at ³ÉÈË´óƬ and who are on the competition roster of a Gaels interuniversity hockey team.  Preference will be given to students in Smith Engineering.  The award will be available to either male or female student-athletes in alternating years.  If in a given year there is no recipient from the eligible applicants on the basis of gender then the award may be granted to a qualified applicant from the opposite gender.  The award will be administered in compliance with all CIS and OUA regulations. Value: Variable.

Cyril W. Knight Scholarship

From a bequest by Douglas G.H. Wright and awarded to a student who attains the highest average in all science and engineering courses in both first and second years of the program. 

Mark Latham Memorial Award

Established in 1989 by family and friends in memory of Mark Latham (B.Sc. 1983), a Smith Engineering Chemist. The purpose of this award is to recognize students with personal characteristics similar to those of Mark Latham. It will be awarded to students in good academic standing entering the fourth year of Smith Engineering. The recipients will be well rounded students combining enthusiasm and leadership with integrity and a sense of humour. Candidates for this award will have made significant contributions to Queen's and community.

Reuben Wells Leonard Penultimate Scholarships

Given by Reuben Wells Leonard for standing on year's work in any program in engineering. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required.

Alexander Macphail Scholarship

Maintained by the Class of Science '14, for standing on year's work.

Jacob Malomet Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family, friends and fellow-students of Jacob Daniel Malomet, who died in 1978 during his first year at Queen's. The award is presented annually to a first year Smith Engineering student for general proficiency in term-length courses of the fall term.

J. D. McCowan Prize in Integrated Learning

Established by colleagues and friends in recognition of the contribution made by Dr. James D. McCowan to the Integrated Learning Initiative in Smith Engineering. Awarded to a graduating student or graduating members of a student team who have made significant contributions to integrated learning during their time in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value:  $1,600.

Roberta McCulloch Prize in English

The Roberta McCulloch Prize in English, was founded by the late Andrew McCulloch of Thorold. Awarded to the student in second, third, or fourth year Smith Engineering who achieves the highest standing in an English course.

Andrew McMahon Standards of Excellence Award (first year)

Established in memory of Andrew M. McMahon Sc'59, a former president of the Engineering Society and member of the Board of Trustees. Awarded annually in Applied Science on the basis of excellent academic achievement to a first-year student in the top ten per cent of the class who is entering second year. The recipient should demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, with a commitment to excel in all aspects of university life, and high personal standards. The recipient will be chosen by a Selection Committee, to be chaired by a member of the family, consisting of the Associate Dean (first year), one member of the business community and a family member.

Andrew McMahon Standards of Excellence Award (third year)

Established in January 1989 by family, friends, and colleagues in memory of Andrew M. McMahon (BSc (Eng) 1959), former president of the Engineering Society and member of the Board of Trustees. Last revised in (SCSSA month/year). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering the second, third, or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value: $13,800.

Mining 1988 Scholarship

Established in November 2012 by the class of Mining 1988 leading up to their 25th reunion in 2013.  Awarded, on the recommendation of the Head of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Engineering, to a student entering the third or fourth year of the Mining Engineering academic plan in Smith Engineering who demonstrates good character and strong industry leadership potential, a keen interest and aptitude for his or her studies in mining engineering and the desire and ambition to truly make a difference in the global metals and minerals industry. Consideration will also be given for the candidate's involvement in extra-curricular activities at Queen's, school spirit, and impact on class camaraderie. Approx. value: $2,000.

Dr. William Moffat Prize

Founded by Dr. W. Moffat of Utica, N.Y., for second-highest standing in APSC 120 and 121.

Mowat Prize

Founded by John McDonald Mowat for standing on year’s work.

Paithouski Prize

Established in memory of Nicholas J. Paithouski (B.Sc.'40) by his son N. Joseph Paithouski (B.Sc.'80) and friends and awarded to the graduating engineering student who has demonstrated the most consistent improvement in academic performance. The cumulative annual point spread in sessional average over the most recent eight terms will be used as a basis for determining the winner.

Robert J. Pritchard Scholarship

Established in October 1999 by Robert J. Pritchard, B.Sc. (Eng) 1964, and revised in January 2017. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering the second, third, or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarships) in Smith Engineering. Value: TBD.

QUIP International Tuition Award

Established in November 2007 by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and awarded on the basis of academic achievement to international students participating in the ³ÉÈË´óƬ Internship Program (QUIP).

James H. Rattray Memorial Scholarships in Applied Science

Established by Major James H. Rattray, M.C. Several scholarships are awarded annually on the basis of academic merit to students entering the second, third and fourth years of programs in Smith Engineering.

Christopher Rousch and Nicole Lilge Award

Established in May 2017 by Christopher Rousch, BSc 2002 (Chem Eng), MBA 2010, and Nicole Lilge, BA (Hons) 2001. Last revised in May 2024. Awarded to students entering second year of a Bachelor of Applied Science in Smith Engineering who have displayed the ³ÉÈË´óƬ improvement at the end of first year after completing the Extended Program. Evaluation will be based on a comparison of the student’s Fall ECGPA, excluding APSC 101, 102, and 103 (formerly APSC 100), to the student’s year-end ECGPA. Students in a full first-year course load will be considered in their admit year. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.

Science '11 Scholarship

Awarded for standing on year's work.

Science '22 Scholarship

Maintained by the Class of Science '22, for standing on year's work.

Science '41 Memorial Scholarship

Maintained by the class of Science '41 in memory of Mr. J.O. Watts, for standing on year's work.

Science '44 Memorial Prize

Maintained by the class of Science '44 in memory of members who were killed in World War II. Awarded on the basis of extra-curricular student activities. Candidates must have passed all work of year.

Science '45 Memorial Scholarship

Maintained by the Class of Science '45 as a memorial to members who gave their lives in World War II. Two awards are available – one for standing on the first-year's work and another for standing on the second year's work.

Science '48 S. N. Graham Award

Founded by the class of Science '48 in honour of Professor S. N. Graham. Awarded on the completion of the second year to a student in Smith Engineering with a sound academic record who has demonstrated outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities on campus. Nominations are to be made by Heads of Departments by 31 March , who will then forward their nominations to Smith Engineering for selection by the Operations Committee (Scholarship).

Science '71 Norman Fritz Memorial Award

Awarded annually to a fourth year student of Smith Engineering who displays conspicuous leadership and management skill in a student-organized faculty activity, which has educational value. An example of such an activity might be that of Convener of the Science Formal. The recipient of the award is to be selected by the Dean of Smith Engineering and the presentation will be made during the first quarter of each calendar year.

Raymond H. and Phyllis J. Smart Scholarship in Applied Science

Established in January 2010 by a bequest from the Estate of Phyllis J. Smart and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third, or fourth year in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value: variable.

J. B. Stirling Gold Medal in Engineering and Applied Science

Awarded annually to a student of the graduating class who has made the highest standing throughout the four-year program. A student who has failed a year is not eligible.

Peter R. White Memorial Award

Given as a memorial to Peter R. White by his friends and awarded to a graduating student in Smith Engineering who has made the most outstanding contribution to the creative arts and the development of inter-personal relations both on and off campus. Nominations will be submitted by the Engineering Society to Smith Engineering Scholarship Committee; books and a work of art.

W. P. Wilgar Memorial Scholarship

Maintained by the classes of Science '03-'06 and other friends of W.P. Wilgar, B.Sc. '03, for standing on year's work.

Alfred Bader Scholarship in Chemistry

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Chemistry awards.

Dr. Wallace Graham Breck Memorial Prize in Engineering Chemistry

Established by the family of Dr. Wallace Graham Breck, Sc.'50, M. sc.'51, Ph.D. (Cantab) and awarded annually to the graduating student who is the recipient of the University Medal in Engineering Chemistry in Smith Engineering.  Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of the Department of Chemical Engineering and approved by the Awards Committee of Smith Engineering.

Dr. Erwin Buncel Scholarship in Organic Chemistry

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Chemistry awards.

Canadian Society for Chemistry Award

Given by the Canadian Society for Chemistry and awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Chemical Engineering to the student with the highest standing on the work of the third year in the Engineering Chemistry program in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.

R. I. Dorrance Memorial Scholarship

Given by the Engineering Society for highest standing in first-year Chemistry.

Engineering Chemistry Industrial Scholarship

Established in February 2010 to recognize the industrial practice of engineering chemistry, as embodied by the DuPont Industrial Research Chair held by Dr. Warren Baker from 1985-1995 in the Department of Chemistry at Queen's. Awarded to a student entering the third year of the Engineering Chemistry program in Smith Engineering on the basis of academic excellence in the second year of the Engineering Chemistry program, who does not hold a scholarship of greater value from ³ÉÈË´óƬ.  Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering, Department Head of Chemical Engineering and Chair of Undergraduate Studies. Value: $2,250 approx.

B. E. C. Joyce Memorial Award

Awarded to a student graduating in Chemical Engineering who, in the opinion of classmates and department staff, is the outstanding graduate in Chemical Engineering; book prize.

Solomon Lieff Prize in Physical Chemistry

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Chemistry awards.

Michele Mainland Memorial Medal in Chemical Engineering

Established in memory of Michele Mainland, B.Sc. 1997, by family, friends, and fellow students in recognition of Michele’s efforts and courage. Awarded to a graduating Chemical Engineering student who, in the opinion of classmates and department staff, best exemplifies Michele’s personal qualities: persistence and cheerfulness in the face of adversity, sense of adventure, tenacity, courage, and helpfulness to others; medal.

Michele Mainland Memorial Scholarship in Chemical Engineering

Established in memory of Michele Mainland, B.Sc. 1997, by family, friends, and fellow students to honour Michele’s love of learning and education. Two awards are given annually to Chemical Engineering students in second and third year with the highest overall standing on their year’s work.

Barbara and James McCowan Scholarship

Established in September 2015 by Dr. James McCowan and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second year of an Engineering Chemistry program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.

R. T. Mohan Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry

Established by the estate of R.T. Mohan and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering year three or year four in the Engineering Chemistry program in Smith Engineering or Honours Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Science.  Selection will be based upon a nomination by the Department of Chemistry to the Faculty of Arts and Science, Awards Committee, or by nomination from the Department of Chemical Engineering to Smith Engineering, Operations Committee (Scholarships).

L. A. Munro Award in Engineering Chemistry

Established by Professor L.A. Munro, who for many years was a member of the Department of Chemistry at Queen’s. The award is presented annually for general proficiency to a graduating student of the Engineering Chemistry program.

Dr. William H. Nichols Prize in Analytical Chemistry

Founded by Mr. C. Walter Nichols in memory of his father, Dr. William H. Nichols. Awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science or in Smith Engineering who has attained the highest standing in CHEM 213*.

Harold Quinn Scholarship

Established in September 2016 by Harold W. Quinn, B.Sc. 1953, M.Sc. 1954. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering third year of an Engineering Chemistry program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value: $2,500.

Society of Chemical Industry Student Merit Award

Established by the Canadian Section of the Society of Chemical Industry to encourage scientific education in the universities and to recognize student achievement in scientific fields. Awards are given to students with the highest standing in the final year in each of the four fields of chemical engineering, engineering chemistry, honours chemistry, and honours biochemistry, provided that they have first-class averages and have completed their program in the normal number of years. The award is a plaque bearing the crest of the Society of Chemical Industry and the winner’s name, program, University, and year.

E. T. Sterne Prize

Founded by Dr. E.T. Sterne and awarded annually to a student graduating in Chemical Engineering who has highest aggregate standing in Chemical Engineering subjects taken throughout undergraduate years.

M. Sullivan and Son Limited Scholarship

Established in December 2005 by the Sullivan family and awarded to a graduating student in Chemical Engineering or Engineering Chemistry in Smith Engineering or Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of outstanding achievement for a research project in Chemistry. Selection will be made by the Departmental Awards Committee and approved by the Awards Committee of Smith Engineering and the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Isaac Cohen Scholarship

Given by Mr. Isaac Cohen for standing on year's work. Open to candidates in Civil Engineering.

H. M. Edwards Memorial Award

Established by his family in memory of the late H.M. (Bert) Edwards, B.Sc. '44, MSCE (Purdue), faculty member of Civil Engineering 1946-1985, as a tribute to his outstanding contribution to the Civil Engineering Department and the faculty. Awarded annually to the graduating student in Civil Engineering who, in the opinion of the Head of the Department and the Civil Engineering Scholarship Committee, has demonstrated notable proficiency in all fourth-year courses.

Fifth Field Company Prize

Provided from funds accumulated by members of the unit since World War I. Awarded to a student in Civil Engineering standing highest in a third year course in hydraulics.

Shirley C. Kennedy Scholarship in Civil Engineering

Established in November 2006 in memory of Shirley C. Kennedy, Arts 1940, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in the Department of Civil Engineering.

C. W. Marshall Memorial Award

Awarded annually to a graduating student in Civil Engineering who, in the opinion of the instructors, has demonstrated notable proficiency in the field of structural engineering during third and fourth years and whose academic proficiency has not been identified by a General Proficiency Medal or other distinctive honour.

Edward Hugh McLellan Scholarship in Coastal Geotechniques

Established in memory of Edward Hugh McLellan, Sc.'80. Awarded annually to the Civil Engineering student with the highest aggregate standing in CIVL 341 and CIVL 451.

Edward Hugh McLellan Scholarship in Soil Mechanics

Established in memory of Edward Hugh McLellan, Sc.'80. Awarded annually to the Civil Engineering student with the highest standing in CIVL 340.

Parsons Award in Geotechnical Engineering

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, in consultation with geotechnical engineering instructors, to a graduating student in Civil Engineering or Geological Engineering (Geotechnical Option) who has demonstrated notable proficiency in the area of geotechnical engineering; bronze medal.

Howard Vance Memorial Book Prize

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, in consultation with geotechnical engineering instructors, to a graduating student in Civil Engineering or Geological Engineering (Geotechnical Option) who has demonstrated notable proficiency in the area of geotechnical engineering; bronze medal.

Alice Pierce Waddington Scholarship in Civil Engineering

Open to students in Civil Engineering specializing in building construction. Awarded on scholastic ability and attainment, integrity of character and purpose.

James Carrigan Walls Scholarship

Established in October 2012 in memory of James Carrigan Walls, BSc (Civil Engineering) 1982, by Stephen Sorensen, BCom 1976.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students in any year of the Civil Engineering program in Smith Engineering, with preference given to students whose address at the time of admission was within Kingston, Ontario. Selection will be made by Smith Engineering, Operations Committee (Scholarships). Value:  $4,000.

David Woeller Scholarship

Established in January 2019 by David Woeller, BSc 1978 (Civil Engineering) and awarded on the basis of academic excellence in geotechnical engineering courses to students entering fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering or Geological Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.

Martin Wolff Memorial Prize

Established by Dr. A.R. Bader in memory of Martin Wolff, for standing on year's work. Open to candidates in Civil Engineering.

CMC Electronics Scholarship

Established by the Canadian Marconi Company, this scholarship is awarded annually to a student with high academic standing in the third year of an Electrical or Computer Engineering program in Smith Engineering.

D. M. Jemmett Award

Awarded to a student graduating from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department who has achieved the highest average in Electrical Engineering courses of all years. Average is based on marks of final examinations and not on results of any repeated courses.

Thomas F. LaPierre Award

Awarded annually to a graduating student from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department who has achieved the highest honours standing in the program.

Ho Ming Tai Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family in memory of Ho Ming Tai, Sci '83, who died tragically when Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down on 1 September 1983. Awarded on the basis of standing in first year to an international student who is studying Electrical Engineering or Computing Engineering on a student authorization or a student visa and is subject to the payment of higher tuition fees. The scholarship will be renewed in the third and in the fourth years provided honours standing is maintained.

George Thomas Warren Scholarship in Computer Engineering

Established in October 2000 by Mrs. Evelyn Warren, in memory of her husband, George Thomas Warren, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1938.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to full-time students entering second year of the Computer Engineering program in Smith Engineering.

AECOM Canada Ltd. Scholarship in Geological Engineering

Established by Gartner Lee Limited, and awarded to a student entering the fourth year of either the Geotechnical or Geo-environmental Option of the Geological Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. The recipient will be the student who in the judgment of the Head of the Department, in consultation with appropriate instructors, meets satisfactory academic standards, and combines qualities of character, leadership, and reliability. If there is no suitable recipient entering fourth year, the scholarship may be awarded to a student entering third year.

Manley B. Baker Scholarship in Geology

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Geological Sciences awards.

J. J. Denny Memorial Scholarship in Geological Engineering

Established from the sale of gold nuggets donated by Mrs. J.J. Denny in memory of James Denny, M.Sc.'21, and awarded on the basis of academic performance in the second year to two students entering the third year of a program in Geological Engineering. The scholarships are awarded on the recommendation of the department and students entering fourth year may be chosen if there are no suitable candidates entering third year.

J. Allan Donaldson Prize in Geology

Established by J. Allan Donaldson, B.Sc. 1956, and awarded to a student entering the fourth year in either an Honours B.Sc. program in the Faculty of Arts and Science with a concentration in Geological Sciences or in the Geological Engineering program in Smith Engineering. If there are no eligible recipients the award can be given to a student entering third year. The recipient of the award will have demonstrated an involvement and ongoing interest in the broad area of Precambrian geology, as demonstrated by coursework and/or summer field employment. The recipient will be chosen by the Head of the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, in consultation with the Chairs of Arts and Science Geology and Geological Engineering.

Endeavour Silver Corp. Scholarship

Established in January 2012 by Endeavour Silver Corp. and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering third or fourth year of the Geological Sciences program in the Faculty of Arts and Science, or the Geological Engineering program in Smith Engineering.  Selection will be made by the Undergraduate Scholarship Committee in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. Value: $5,000.

Thayer Lindsley Book Prize

Established in memory of Thayer Lindsley and awarded to the graduating student in Geological Engineering in Smith Engineering, or Geological Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Science, who has contributed the most to his or her year as judged by staff and students in the Department of Geological Sciences.

Joan M. Lund Memorial Scholarship

Established in September 1982 by the family and friends of Joan M. Lund, a geophysics student in the Department of Geological Sciences at the time of her death. Last revised in July 2024. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students in the fourth year of either the Applied Geophysics option, Smith Engineering, or the B.Sc.(Honours, Geological Sciences), in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Selection will be made by the Office of the University Registrar, Financial Aid and Awards.

A. J. McNab Scholarship

Given by Mr. A.J. McNab, this scholarship is awarded for standing in APSC 151 to a student with no failed courses. Open to students proceeding in Geological or Mining Engineering.

P. E. Newbury Prize in Geological Sciences

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Geological Sciences awards.

Major James H. Rattray, M.C., Scholarship in Geological Sciences or Geological Engineering

Founded by Major J. H. Rattray. Open to students in Geological Engineering in Smith Engineering or Geological Sciences in Arts and Science on the basis of standing in Economic Geology, and tenable by a student registered for graduate work in the following year. If there is no suitable candidate it may be awarded at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, either as a prize in the fourth year or as a scholarship in the third year, to be held by a student whose program included Economic Geology in the following year. Aptitude as well as standing will be considered.

Carl Reinhardt Scholarship

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Geological Sciences awards.

WAMIC Scholarship

Established in October 2010 by the Women’s Association of the Mining Industry of Canada Foundation and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering year four in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining or the Geological Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. Selection will be made by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Operations Committees (Scholarship).

Morley E. Wilson Scholarship in Geological Sciences

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Geological Sciences awards

David Woeller Scholarship

Established in January 2019 by David Woeller, BSc 1978 (Civil Engineering) and awarded on the basis of academic excellence in geotechnical engineering courses to students entering fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering or Geological Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value: 6 x $2,500.

William and Beatrice Alder Scholarships

Established in March 1988 by Iva Beatrice Alder and last revised in (SCSSA month/year). Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third, or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value: $1,600.

N. F. Dupuis Prize

Founded by Science graduates, for standing in Mathematics.

Les Gulko Award

Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to a student entering the third year of the Mathematics and Engineering program, based on academic performance in the second year. At the discretion of the Department, the award may be divided equally between two qualified candidates.

Nellie and Ralph Jeffery Awards in Mathematics

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Mathematics and Statistics awards.

Annie Bentley Lillie Prizes in First-year Calculus

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Mathematics and Statistics awards.

Annie Bentley Lillie Prize in Mathematics

Awarded to a graduating student in Mathematics and Engineering who has the highest average on courses in mathematics in the final year; book prize.

Hashambhoy-Ramsay Apple Math Scholarship

Established in May 2024 by Yasmin Hashambhoy-Ramsay, BSc 2003. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program with an academic plan in Mathematics and Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.

Joseph Abramsky Prize

Founded in memory of Joseph Abramsky by his sons, for standing on year's work. Open to candidates in Mechanical Engineering.

American Society for Metals Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering (Kingston)

Established by the Kingston Chapter of the American Society for Metals to provide an annual scholarship to a full-time student entering the third year of the Materials Option in the Mechanical Engineering program in Smith Engineering. Awarded to the student with the highest cumulative average.

L. M. Arkley Prize

Founded by the Scots Run Fuel Corporation of Morgantown, W.Va., in recognition of Professor Arkley's interest in the proper methods of purchasing, analyzing, and burning Coal. Awarded to a fourth year Mechanical Engineering student, or group of students, who submits the best paper, supported by an oral presentation, on a subject of the students' choice and with the approval of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Selection will be made by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Colin T. Bayne Memorial Award

Founded by the Class of Mechanical Engineering '76 and friends in memory of Colin Thomas Watson Bayne, B.Sc.'76. Awarded to the graduating Mechanical Engineering student who, in the opinion of the Department, has shown most proficiency in innovative design.

Kenneth B. Carruthers Scholarship

Founded in memory of Major K.B. Carruthers, B.Sc., for standing on year's work. Open to candidates in Mechanical Engineering.

George Christie Design Awards

Established by J.G. Parrett, B.Sc. '89, W.R. Sherwin, B.Sc. '89 in memory of the late George Christie. The awards are presented to individual students or groups of students in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of their performance in the area of design and product modification in their fourth year Mechanical Engineering Design Project. The selection of award winners will be made by the Department.

Conn-Gilbert Award

To be awarded to a Mechanical Engineering student, in the year in which the student graduates, who has the highest average on the core courses in Thermodynamic; bronze medal and certificate.

CSME Gold Medal

Awarded by the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering to the student graduating in Mechanical Engineering who has achieved the highest overall cumulative average in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years.

Charles W. Drury Scholarship

The will of C.W. Drury, B.Sc. 1909, provides for this scholarship. Open to students entering third or fourth year of the Materials Option in Mechanical Engineering. Awarded on recommendation of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering mainly for academic excellence but consideration will be given for evidence of additional traits desirable in a professional engineer.

Lorne C. Elder Scholarship in Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Established in April 2006 by Lorne C. Elder, B.Sc. 1942, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering the second, third, or fourth year of the Mechanical and Materials Engineering program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by the Awards Committee of Smith Engineering. Value: Number and Value to be determined annually by Smith Engineering.

John Deere Foundation of Canada Scholarship in Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Commerce

Established in December 2003 by the John Deere Foundation of Canada and awarded on the basis of academic merit to a student entering the final year of the Mechanical Engineering program in Smith Engineering or to a student entering the final year of the Commerce program in the Smith School of Business. The award will be presented to a student in Mechanical Engineering in even-numbered years and to a student in Commerce in odd-numbered years.

J. Nelson Gibson, B.Sc. Memorial Prize

Established in honour of J. Nelson Gibson B.Sc and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in fourth year of a degree program in Mechanical Engineering in Smith Engineering.  Applications are to be made to the Office of the University Registrar, Financial Aid, and Awards by October 31. Value: $150

Willard G. Henry Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Established by the family, friends, colleagues, and students of the late Dr. Willard Geldard Henry, Professor of Metallurgical Engineering 1962-1981, Head of Department 1977-1981, as a tribute to his outstanding contribution of metallurgical science, his excellence as a teacher and above all, his concern for his fellow man. The scholarship is awarded in the fall on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, following consultation with departmental colleagues and students, to a student registered in the fourth year of the Materials Option in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of scholarship, character, industry and contribution to furthering the well-being of the student body. On occasion the scholarship may be given to an exceptional student registered in the third year of the above program.

James Hickey Memorial Prize

Established by Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hickey, Marmora, Ontario, in memory of their son, James Hickey, for standing in Mechanical Engineering 213.

Ian Joseph MacDonald Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Founded in memory of Dr. Ian J. MacDonald, Sc. '54, and awarded to the Mechanical Engineering student completing second year with the highest aggregate mark in the courses in Statistics, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Solid Mechanics. A certificate accompanies the award.

Clifton Campbell MacKinnon and Barbara Claire Adsit MacKinnon Prize in Mechanical Engineering

Established by the family of the late C.C. MacKinnon, Science '36. Awarded to the second-year Mechanical Engineering student with the highest standing on the year's work.

Kogi Lon Mayell Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Kogi Lon Mayell, B.Sc.'91, by his family and friends and awarded on the basis of academic performance to a student entering the final year of the Mechanical Engineering program. The recipient should also be involved in student affairs, sports, and other extracurricular activities and show a willingness to assist fellow students.

Glen Chandler Milbourne Memorial Scholarship

Established by his family, friends, and colleagues to perpetuate the values Glen demonstrated during his time at Queen’s. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic performance to a student graduating from the Materials option in Mechanical Engineering who best exemplifies Glen’s interpersonal and communication skills, his dedication to teamwork and sportsmanship and his interest and proficiency in the metallurgical profession. In the case of students being equally eligible, preference will be given to a student who is continuing to graduate studies in the Materials and Metallurgical program at Queen’s. The selection is made by the Head of the Department in consultation with faculty and students.

Michael Moziar Scholarship

Established in December 2010 by Michael Moziar, B.Sc.(Mech. Eng), 1962, and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third or fourth year in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Smith Engineering.  Preference will be given to students from the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering. Value:  $200.

W. T. Pound Engineering Design Award

Established in memory of William Thomas Pound, who graduated from ³ÉÈË´óƬ in Mechanical Engineering in 1929 and awarded to a third year student upon completion of MECH 323 and MECH 324 (Design I and Design II). The award is directed to the individual who has demonstrated an exceptional understanding of machine design principles, and an outstanding aptitude for creative and innovative design.

Applied Rock Mechanics Scholarship

Established in January 2012 by Jamie Archibald and the Rock Mechanics Group of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining to honour those in the mining industry who strive to augment rock mechanics training and enhance the safety of all who participate in this industry.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student in the fourth year thesis course in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, who has submitted a thesis that relates to practical applications of rock mechanics principles in mining, or to the development of fundamental applications of rock mechanics practice that may advance studies of enhanced mine safety.  Selection will be made by the Smith Engineering Operations Committee (Awards). Value: $2,000.

Alan Bauer Memorial Prize in Mining Engineering

Established by friends, colleagues, and students of Alan Bauer, former Head of the Department of Mining Engineering, as a tribute to his outstanding contributions in teaching and research to the department. Awarded on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to fourth-year graduating students in Mining Engineering at Queen's. Two awards will be made annually for the thesis presentation component of course MINE 434. Awards will be presented on the basis of technical content and presentation skills.

Drilling and Blasting Scholarship

Established in October 2012 by Jamie Archibald and the Rock Mechanics Group of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining to honour those in the mining industry who strive to augment explosives technology training and enhance the safety of all who participate in explosives applications within this industry.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence in MINE 321 (Drilling and Blasting) to students entering year four in the Mining Engineering program in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by Smith Engineering Operations Committee (Awards). Value: $2,000.

Kenneth B. Carruthers Scholarship

Founded in memory of Major K.B. Carruthers, B.Sc., for standing on year's work. Open to candidates in Mining Engineering.

J. J. Denny Memorial Scholarship

Founded by Mrs. J. J. Denny and by the Classes of Science '03-'06 and other friends of James Denny, M.Sc.'21, for standing on year's work. On the recommendation of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining at ³ÉÈË´óƬ, two awards are made, one in the mining option and the other in the mineral processing option, with preference given to students in their second year.

J. C. Gwillim Prize

Awarded for standing on year's work to candidates in Mining Engineering.

Kostuik Scholarship in Mining Engineering

Established by Anne and John Kostuik, B.Sc. Eng. '34, and awarded on the basis of academic standing to one student entering the third year and one student entering the final year of the Mining Engineering program.

F. K. McKean, Science '40, Prize in Mining Engineering

Established by the McKean family in memory of Fleetwood K. McKean, Science '40. Awarded to the student in Mining Engineering who best demonstrates good written communication in the final-year thesis. Selection will be made by the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining at ³ÉÈË´óƬ.

A. J. McNab Scholarship

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Engineering and Applied Science, Geological Engineering awards.

L. J. Patterson Prize in Mine Management

Founded by Lewis J. Patterson, retired President of Quebec Cartier Mining Company, who taught management within the Mining Engineering Department for 10 years. Awarded, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department, to a student graduating in Mining Engineering who has obtained the highest combined standing in fourth year mine management courses.

Polycorp Ltd./Kumar Scholarship in Mining Engineering

Established in April 2007 by Polycorp Ltd. in recognition of Polycorp Ltd.'s Manager, Mining Products, Pramod Kumar, P.Eng. and in memory of his father, Dr. Jiwan Lal Gupta. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering second, third or fourth year of the Mining Engineering program in Smith Engineering. Value: $450.

Major James H. Rattray, M. C., Prize in Mining

Founded by Major J.H. Rattray, M.C., for general proficiency in Mining. Aptitude as well as academic standing will be taken into account in making the award.

Rock Mechanics Achievement Scholarship

Established in January 2012 by James F. Archibald and the Rock Mechanics Group of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining.  Awarded on the basis of academic excellence in the third year course in Applied Rock Mechanics to a student entering the fourth year in Mining Engineering in the in Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining. Selection will be made by Smith Engineering Operations Committee (Awards). Value: $2,000.

Alvin Craig Ross Memorial Scholarships

Established in memory of Alvin Craig Ross by his father, Mr. A. H. Ross, B.Sc. (Eng) '36. One scholarship is awarded annually on the completion of the second year and one on the completion of the third year, to candidates enrolled in Mining Engineering, who are Canadian citizens resident in Canada who have demonstrated an interest in the field of extractive metallurgy and have expressed an intention of making a career in the mining industry in Canada. Selection is based on academic standing, character, personal initiative and industry, and reliability. Financial need will only be considered if two applicants exist with comparable other qualifications. Candidates will be recommended to the Smith Engineering Operations Committee by a committee composed of the Dean of Smith Engineering and the Head of Mining Engineering, by 1 May.

Robert F. Segsworth Scholarship in Mining Engineering

Awarded at the beginning of the second year of the Mining Engineering program for general proficiency and renewable in the third and fourth years, provided satisfactory standing is maintained.

Sherritt International Corporation Prize in Mining Engineering

Awarded for combined standing in courses MINE 325 and MINE 444.

Robert E. Smith Memorial Scholarship in Mining Engineering

Established by the family and friends of Robert Evan Smith, a Queen's Mining Engineer, who died in a tragic mining accident shortly after graduation in 1984. Awarded to a full-time Canadian student entering the third or fourth year. The recipient will be one who conscientiously contributes to all aspects of university life, while maintaining good academic standing and who exhibits cheerful enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards the Mining Engineering program and the mining industry in general. Financial need will also be taken into consideration, as well the recipient's personality and compassion towards fellow students. Selection will be made by the Head of the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining at ³ÉÈË´óƬ in consultation with appropriate instructors.

WAMIC Scholarship

Established in October 2010 by the Women's Association of the Mining Industry of Canada Foundation and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering year four in the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining or the Geological Engineering program in Smith Engineering. Selection will be made by Smith Engineering Operations Committees (Scholarship). Value: $800.

Don Lindsay – Teck Award

Established in May 2024 by Teck Resources Limited in honour of Don Lindsay, BSc 1980. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Mining Engineering. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate community involvement or extracurricular activities. The award is renewable for 2 subsequent years provided a satisfactory academic average is maintained each year and students remain enrolled in full-time study. Nominations may be made by faculty members of Smith Engineering to the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering for final selection.

E. B. Wilson Memorial Prize in Mining Engineering

Established by family, friends, colleagues, and students of the late Edward B. Wilson, Professor of Mining Engineering 1964-1983, as a tribute to his outstanding contribution to the Mining Department and excellence as a teacher. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to the fourth-year Mining Engineering student producing the highest rated undergraduate thesis on a topic involving operations research or computer applications in Mining.

David Woeller Scholarship

Established in January 2019 by David Woeller, BSc 1978 (Civil Engineering) and awarded on the basis of academic excellence in geotechnical engineering courses to students entering fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering or Geological Engineering. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) in Smith Engineering.

William and Beatrice Alder Scholarships

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Engineering and Applied Science, Mathematics and Engineering awards.

David Atherton Engineering Physics Design Award

Awarded to the graduating student in Engineering Physics whose Engineering Physics thesis is judged, by the examiners, to be the best on the basis of design, engineering content, innovation, and presentation.

Orville and Carmel Brown Scholarship

Established in November 1992 by Orville and Carmel Brown and last revised in May 2024. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering second, third, or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program with an academic plan in Engineering Physics. Preference will be given to students who are from Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, or Leeds and Grenville Counties. Selection will be made by the Operations Committee (Scholarship) of Smith Engineering.

Harold M. Cave Scholarship in Experimental Physics

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Physics awards.

Harold Arthur Cohen Book Prize in Engineering Physics

Established by the family in memory of Harold Arthur Cohen, B.A. 1928, B.Sc. 1930 (Engineering Physics). Awarded to a student entering the fourth year of Engineering Physics who shows the most promise for inventiveness and discovery in Engineering Physics, as determined by the Chair of the Engineering Physics program.

John A. Harvey Memorial Scholarship

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic awards for Student Athletes.

H. Janzen Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of H. Janzen who taught in the Department of Physics at Queen's until his death in 1988. Awarded annually to the student entering the second year of the Engineering Physics program who attained the highest standing in the first year physics courses in Smith Engineering.

Christopher Petrie Memorial Scholarship in Physics

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Physics awards.

Queen's C.A.P. Prize Examination Award

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Physics awards.

Carl Reinhardt Scholarship in Physics

The terms for this award are cross listed with automatic Arts and Science, Physics awards.