Release Dates & Viewing Your Grades

To order an official transcript, and for information on degree release dates, check out our Transcript page.

Fall Term Grades: January 12

Winter Term Grades: May 12*

Summer Term Grades: June 1

  • Although final grades may appear in the SOLUS Student Centre early, they will not print on official transcripts until the date noted above 
  • Grades should be released according to the dates above, however, if grades are missing, you may contact your department to learn when they may be posted. If you place a transcript order and select 'hold for Grade Posting,' orders will be released as per the dates above only if all your grades are in
    • It is important that students verify that all grades have been received and fully entered before ordering their Official Transcripts. Students can verify their information by generating and reviewing an unofficial transcript copy via SOLUS
  • For summer term courses that end after June 1, the final grade will appear on your transcript as soon as it is entered in SOLUS
  • For students in the Queen's School of English and Continuing Teacher Education, grades will print on your official transcript once they have been posted in SOLUS

In releasing official transcripts, a mark of 'IN' is considered a grade, and your transcript will reflect this. Mid-term grades do not print on official transcripts.

  • *Students who defer writing their exam from April to May, please note an IN may be entered in April when grades are posted. Do not order your transcript until the IN is changed to a grade after you write your exam in May

Official transcript ordering information, turn-around times, and degree release and print dates

Senate Policy on Student Debtors

  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre
  2. Select the Academic Records tile
  3. Select the View Grades navigation
  4. Select the appropriate Term/Career combination
  5. Optional: Select the Grade Distribution button to view a grade distribution report
  6. Optional: Select the Change button to view grades for another term
  7. When finished, select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page


Parental Access to Student Information

For parents looking to access their student’s final grades: we are unable to disclose a student’s personal information, including their fee balance, unless the student authorizes us to release this information on our online student registration system (), as per Ontario government law and University Senate policy governing privacy and personal information.


Grade Distribution Report

Through the SOLUS Student Centre, students and alumni are able to generate Grade Distribution Reports which include the enrolment, class average, and distribution of marks for a given course and/or term.

To generate a grade distribution report:


  1. Log into SOLUS Student Centre
  2. Select the Academic Records tile
  3. Select the View Grades navigation
  4. Select the appropriate Term/Career combination
  5. Select the Grade Distribution button to view a grade distribution report.  Note that this will open as a PDF; be sure to enable pop-ups
  6. Optional: Select the Change button to view grades for another term
  7. When finished, select SOLUS Student Centre to return to the main page