2022 Education Leaders-In-Residence

2022 Education Leaders-in-Residence

The 2022 Education Leaders-in-Residence (ELIR) program was designed to support the development of high-impact practices by providing Queen’s faculty members with protected time and funds to develop and implement campus-wide teaching and learning initiatives.

Each Education Leader is dedicated approximately 20% of their time to the ELIR program and received a teaching and learning development fund of $15,000 over two years. The Education Leaders consulted broadly to develop and implement actionable and innovative projects with clearly stated outcomes.

Successful Applicants

Announced February 2, 2022

See the Gazette Article

Dr. Michelle Searle

Faculty of Education

Dr. Searle is an Assistant Professor of Educational Evaluation and their research focuses on increasing the value of program evaluation through collaborative approaches and innovative forms of knowledge dissemination that enhance capacity within organizations.  As an ELIR, Dr. Searle developed a university-wide opportunity for students to engage in experiential learning and community-based research. The initiative partnered with students and with community organizations to systematically examine the organization’s programs and practices, allowing students to build their interdisciplinary skills as evaluators and researchers, while having a positive impact in their local communities.


 Contact Dr. Michelle Searle

Dr. Mala Joneja

Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Joneja is an Associate Professor and the Division Chair for the Division of Rheumatology at Queen’s. As an ELIR, she worked to create resources to integrate anti-racist pedagogies into teaching and learning at Queen’s. Dr. Joneja collaborated with students, staff, and faculty from across the university to identify opportunities and challenges to the integration of anti-racist pedagogy and develop resources to connect anti-racist pedagogy to traditional learning theories at Queen’s.

 Contact Dr. Mala Joneja

Dr. Lee Airton

Faculty of Education

Dr. Airton is an Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies in Education and their research focuses on gender-expansive pedagogies and gender diversity inclusion. In their role as an ELIR, Dr. Airton worked to develop campus-wide resources to make Queen’s classroom experiences more accessible to transgender and/or gender non-conforming students. This work included developing resources for gender diversity curriculum integration, growing and facilitating a community of practice on gender-friendly post-secondary teaching, and creating a professional development series for Queen’s faculty members.

 Contact Dr. Lee Airton