Solid-State Nanophotonic Spin Systems: Emerging Resource for Quantum Computing


Wednesday March 24, 2021
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm



Tim Schr枚der
Humboldt University, Berlin


Photonic Quantum Computation is an exciting research area that is presently catching a lot of attention, due to the recent demonstrations of quantum advantage in the optical domain, one of them by a Canadian company. Yet, it is still a far way to go to realize universal quantum computation. Here, I will give a short overview of the different approaches for photonic quantum information processing and sketch the pass towards overcoming the experimental challenges with defect centres in diamond that serve both for the implementation of stationary spin qubits as well as resources for the generation of photonic resource states. To achieve the required spin-photon interaction efficiencies, one possible solution is a nanophotonics approach based on diamond nanostructures and optical cavities. I will introduce our efforts towards efficient spin-photon interfaces and applying coherent control schemes for the implementation of quantum gates and the generation of photonic cluster states.


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1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Radiation in Galaxy Formation and Evolution:聽 A tale of 7 dwarfs

Departmental -Radiation in Galaxy Formation and Evolution:聽 A tale of 7 dwarfs