Engineering Physics

Getting to know Engineering Physics

The Engineering Physics program allows students to apply the knowledge of fundamental physical principles underlying modern technology and processes. Students will study a strategic combination of math, physics, and engineering courses from a chosen specialty area. Courses in quantum mechanics, laser optics, and nanotechnology will help prepare students for an engineering career at the leading edge of technology. Students will acquire advanced problem-solving and instrumentation skills and will be able to apply their superior mathematical, analytical, and abstract-thinking abilities to modern engineering challenges. Engineering Physics opens up a wide range of career options.

In the Engineering Physics program, core courses provide students with fundamental physical principles and theoretical tools for professional practice as well as a firm foundation in modern experimental techniques. Each year of the program has a course in experimentation and a design course. To relate these abilities to other engineering disciplines, the program provides 4 options:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Electrical
  3. Materials
  4. Computing

These options provide a sequence of courses in other engineering departments and thus provide career or graduate studies opportunities in both engineering and applied physics.

What Can I learn from Engineering Physics?

  • Proficiency in mathematics and numerical modelling with courses in math and physics
  • Time and resource management - taught formally in class and then applied in your projects
  • How to work independently and in a team on a project - a group design project is undertaken every year and a thesis in the final year
  • Ability to solve complex problems using your broad scientific knowledge
  • You gain practical skills as an engineer, and back them up with the deep knowledge of a scientist
  • Ability to make careful measurements with sophisticated equipment in laboratory classes
  • Proficiency with modern physics allowing you to work with  tomorrow's technologies

Engineering Physics Major Maps

For the listing of Major Maps, including Engineering Physics, visit:

Awards and Scholarships

Check out the available Awards and Scholarships

Program Contact Information

Dr. James Stotz
Chair of Engineering Physics

Office: Stirling 208J
Email: jstotz[at]
Phone: 613-533-6817

Melissa Balson
Undergraduate Program Assistant

Office: Stirling 205B
Email: 4mjb5[at]
Phone: 613-533-2706

Degree Options

Can specialize in Mechanical, Computing, Electrical or Materials Engineering

  • Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Bachelor of Applied Science with Professional Internship

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Useful Links for Eng Physics Students

Kyle Oppenheimer - Dean's Scholar

Kyle Oppenheimer

Kyle Oppenheimer received the highest GPA in Engineering Physics Program. (Photo from video created by Matt Mills)