A paper published in Nature Photonics, report the direct observation and systematic investigations of dynamic resonance fluorescence spectra beyond the Mollow-triplet in a solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamic system. This work facilitates the generation of a variety of exotic quantum states of light with dynamic driving of two-level systems.
a, Cavity-red-detuned conditions at 4鈥塊: 螖c/(2蟺)鈥=鈥夆垝鈥26GHz and 螖x鈥=鈥0, with a pulse width of 54鈥塸s. b, Contour plot of the measured RF spectra (under the conditions in a) as a function of drive pulse amplitude. c, Simulated dynamic RF spectra for the experiments in b. d, Comparisons of the experimental and calculated spectra (under the conditions in a) at 4蟺 and 6蟺 pulse areas. e, Cavity-blue-detuned conditions at 19鈥塊: 螖c/(2蟺)鈥=鈥22鈥塆Hz and 螖x鈥=鈥0, with a pulse width of 54鈥塸s. f, Contour plot of the measured RF spectra (under the conditions in e) as a function of drive pulse amplitude. g, Simulated pulsed RF spectra for the experiments in f. h, Comparisons of the experimental and calculated spectra (under the conditions in e) at 4蟺 and 6蟺 pulse areas.