Poster of New Eyes on the Universe promoting the Nobel Prize winning research from SNO
Poster of New Eyes on the Universe promoting the Nobel Prize winning research from SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory), Sudbury, Ontario.
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Professor Emeritus and Nobel Prize Laureate Art McDonald intrigued at the London House exhibit
Professor Emeritus and Nobel Prize Laureate Art McDonald intrigued by the cut out image of himself used to project videos and images at the London House exhibit. (Photo credit: Paul Glen of Canada House)
Professor Emeritus and Nobel Prize Laureate Art McDonald at the opening day of the exhibit at Canada House, London
Professor Emeritus and Nobel Prize Laureate Art McDonald at the opening day of the exhibit at Canada House, London. Dr. Art McDonald's cut out image shows a projected film of the Nobel Prize ceremony. (Photo credit: Paul Glen of Canada House)
Photo of Canada House in London promoting New Eyes on the Universe Exhibit.
Photo of Canada House in London promoting New Eyes on the Universe Exhibit.

A week before the international Neutrino 2016 conference, a new exhibit highlighting the 2015 Nobel Prize winning research by SNO was opened to the public on Canada Day in London. The exhibit, New Eyes on the Universe will showcase the prize winning research results, and promote the current research underway at SNOLAB providing new insights and pushing the frontiers in particle astrophysics. The exhibit runs until September 2016 and will travel internationally afterwards.

The intention is that this is a celebration. But also there is that aspect of trying to attract researchers [to Sudbury] to keep the research program fresh and bring new projects into SNOLAB. The ability to show that Sudbury has a research ecosystem that can support Nobel Prize winning science is tremendous. Because people are then connecting to the research that they're interested in doing, and seeing the sort of capabilities that we have to support their own research program.
鈥擲NOLAB director Nigel Smith

The exhibit is a collaboration with Science North, SNOBLAB, City of Sudbury and Canadian High Commission.

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