Lorena Jessop

Lorena Jessop



Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Arts and Science

People Directory Affiliation Category

Research interests: Second language acquisition, laboratory phonetics, sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics


Ph. D. (ABD) in Second Language Education, University of Toronto, OISE
M. A. in Linguistics, University of California, Davis, California, 2001
Graduate work in Anthropological Linguistics, University of British Columbia, 1991
B. A. in Linguistics, University of British Columbia, 1989


Professor Jessop has held Teaching Appointments in English as a Second Language and Linguistics in Japan, USA and Canada. Since 2004, she has been working for the Linguistics Program at Queen’s. She designed and teaches the Language and Power course (LING 205), which examines how language reflects and creates power relations in society. She has also taught Phonetics (LING 310), Introduction to Linguistics (LING 100) and Investigating English Style (LING 205)

Professor Jessop investigates the acquisition of phonetics and phonology by second language learners. The overall objective of this research is to provide pedagogical recommendations for the teaching of pronunciation based on empirical research. She has been investigating English, Spanish and French. She has also researched ‘uptalk’ (when it sounds like people are speaking all in questions) and latrinalia (washroom graffiti). Her recent publications include "Isolated and integrated form-focused instruction: Effects on different types of L2 knowledge." With Spada, N.,Suzuki, W., Tomita, Y., & Valeo, A. Language Teaching Research (2014), 1-21. and "Uptalk: Towards a quantitative analysis." With DiGioacchino, M.  Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (2010), 33. 


Professor Jessop teaches the following course(s):

LING 100: Introduction to Linguistics
LING 310: Phonetics
LING 210: Language Acquisition and Learning