Killam Fellowships Program

  • Who: Undergraduate Arts and Science and Smith Engineering students in an Honours program
  • Where: USA
  • When: Fall and Winter
  • How long: Fall and/or Winter
  • For academic credit? Yes
  • GPA requirement: 3.0 cum GPA
  • Application fee: No
  • Program fee: $200 (payable at time of acceptance, not application)
  • Costs borne by student: Travel documentation, flights, insurance, accommodation
  • Tuition: Payable to 成人大片
  • Financial assistance: Yes - $6,000 US per one semester + additional benefits
  • OSAP eligible: Yes

Killam Fellowships logoThe Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the other country. Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student (registering at their home university, paying their home fees, and attending the host university as an exchange visitor) or as a self-placed visiting student (applying for and registering at the host university, and paying host tuition fees).

The Killam Fellowships Program offers an award of $6,000 US per semester, along with an allowance to offset the cost of health insurance in the currency of the host country. The Foundation hosts all new Killam Fellows at an Orientation program in Ottawa each fall and again at a seminar in Washington D.C. each spring. In addition, all Fellows are eligible to apply for a mobility grant in an amount not to exceed $800. The idea of the mobility initiative is to allow students to undertake an educational field trip, providing the Fellows with the opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the culture of the host country. The Killam Fellowships Program also offers enrichment opportunities for alumni. In particular, the Killam Community Action Initiative, which allows alumni to apply for a grant to get involved, and to help make the world a better place, starting in their own communities, and the Local Ambassador Program.


You must be:

  • Enrolled in an Honours (four-year) program at Queen's.
  • Enrolled full-time in second year of a degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science or Smith Engineering and be returning to Queen's to complete an Honours degree.
  • In good academic standing, with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 or higher at the time of the application deadline (January).
  • Meet the requirements of the exchange partner university regarding level of entry, GPA, and term(s) of attendance.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship at time of application; Permanent Residents are not eligible.


Complete the online Killam Fellowship Direct Exchange application form

Killam requires you to submit your application with the relevant supporting documents through the online application form on their website by the IPO internal date. Please follow the instructions for the Direct Exchange Program on the .


Submit supporting documents with the Killam online application

Please make sure you are reading the application instructions on  in full to ensure you are submitting all required supporting documents. 

You only need to submit your supporting documents via the online Killam application, not the online International Programs Office application. Killam will forward your supporting documents to the International Programs Office in January.


Submit IPO application

The final step in the application process is to complete the International Programs Office online Killam Fellowships Exchange Program Application form. This mandatory application form ensures we can align your application data with our database, securing your application.

You do not need to pay the program fee now. You will be asked to pay if your application is successful and you accept your exchange offer.

Selection Process

Once received, the Killam program applications are forwarded to the appropriate faculty exchange coordinator. Applications are then forwarded to the Office of Student Awards, which reviews and adjudicates applications before they are returned to Fulbright Canada for a final review.

All students will receive a communication from the International Programs Office containing their results prior to Reading Week via Queen's email.


Want to learn more about exchange? While most students will start their research in 2nd year, it's never too early to begin! Come to one of our Fall info sessions such as Exchange 101, Get an A+ in Exchange, Funding Exchange, Meet the Partners, and more!

See upcoming events


Look at our resources covering safety, funding and budgeting, as well as identity-based resources to help you research and plan your exchange.

Start by looking at our budgeting tips


Looking for more individualised advice? Book an exchange advising appointment!