FAQs: Degree & Plan

Students can take their studies of the Classics in numerous directions, choosing to focus on any number of areas, including history, literature, papyrology, archaeology, ancient science and medicine, religion, mythology, drama and philosophy, and ancient Greek and Latin.

The Classics Department offers the following degrees:

  1. Classics Specialization Honours Plan (BAH)
  2. Classical Studies Honours Plans (BAH) – with the option of a Major, Medial or Minor in Classics
  3. Classical Studies General Plan (BA)

BAH Major = 114 units (for students admitted to the FAS prior to Fall Term 2017) or 120 units (for students admitted to the FAS in Fall Term 2017 and later),  
BAH Medial = 114 units (for students admitted to the FAS prior to Fall Term 2017) or 120 units (for students admitted to the FAS in Fall Term 2017 and later), 
BAH Minor or General= 90 Units, 
For information on degree types and combinations, see the  under Degree Programs

Students should consult their "advisement report" on SOLUS (go to "my academics" and click on the "generate advisement report.") This tells you which degree and plan(s) requirements you have fulfilled, and which have yet to be satisfied.  Courses in which you are enrolled are marked by a yellow diamond and those in your shopping cart are marked by a blue star; SOLUS indiscriminately counts courses in both categories towards your requirements, so make sure you empty your shopping cart of courses you do not get into, or decide not to take, to ensure that your advisement report accurately reflects the courses you will complete.

Studying Classics can lead to a wider appreciation of human values and achievements, and a more objective understanding of ourselves and our times. It will hone your logical, intellectual, linguistic and writing skills which are so important to the business world where a Classics degree is valued the same as other Humanities degrees (e.g. English, History). Your BA or BAH will count as the post-secondary education that most employment opportunities now require.

Our undergraduates have gone on to a  and been accepted in graduate programs nationally and internationally. You may choose to continue with your academic career in a number of the following programs or choose occupations in areas such as Museum Work, Publishing, Law, Library Information Sciences, Education, Art Conservation, Archaeology, MA Studies at RMC, Private School Latin Teachers, Civil Service, Policing Services, Ministerial Work, Administration and the Finance Sectors. Please chat with us anytime about some of our most recent graduate program acceptances or job placements.

Yes. You can drop the minor later if necessary, but having it now will give you concentrator status and may increase your chance of getting into a popular course.

Arts and Science sets specific dates in May during which second year students (Level 2 students) can apply for entry into a plan and during which upper year students can apply to change plans. For automatic acceptance into one of our Classics plans, you need to have completed at least 24.0 units at Queen’s, and have met the GPA thresholds listed below.
For admission to a four-year Classical Studies Major, Medial, or Specialization:
       A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 For admission to a four-year Classical Studies Minor: A minimum cumulative GPA of 1.9
For admission to a three-year Classical Studies General Plan:
       A minimum cumulative GPA of 1.6

If none of the FAQs above address your question, feel free to contact us at classics.undergrad@queensu.ca. Be sure to include your full name and student number in your e-mail.