Spotlight on Anna Smythe, a new addition to our Graduate Masters program this year! Anna has published two papers, which we have linked below!
Adea Eurydice the ‘Warrior Queen’? Source Bias, Illyrian Gender Norms, and the Political Battlefield of the Diadochi Wars.” Crossings: An Undergraduate Arts Journal 4, no. 1 (2024). .
Julius Caesar and the Spectacular Kneeless Moose: Analogy as Bread and Circuses.” Constellations 15, no. 1 (2024). .
Spotlight on Pungavi Linghan who recently joined our GraduateMasters program! Pungavi did an interview with the CFRC as she was a winning presenter at the Inquiry@Queen's Undergraduate Research Conference 2023.
Colonialism is a long-lasting conversation with impacts that stretch beyond the obvious. There were many seemingly minor changes made to cultures that have then expanded into being a core part of society in the present day. This winning presentation presented by Pungavi Linghan at the Inquiry@Queen's Undergraduate Research Conference, analyzes the impact of the East India Company on Southern India, focusing on societal expectations regarding sex, sexuality, and femineity. The following podcast interviews Pungavi as she discusses her research and the inspiration behind the topic, touching on society in the past and present, and her own struggles growing up in this society marked by colonial perspectives.