CLST 333: Rise of the Athenian Empire to the End of the Peloponnesian War

Eurymedon Vase


CLST 333

Type: 300 level
Units: 3.00
Term: Fall 2024
Instructor: Dr. Carbon
Delivery: In-Person

How do empires rise and fall? What can we even begin to call an empire? Immerse yourself in 75 years of ancient history (from 479 to 404 BC) in order to understand the development of Athenian hegemony in the Mediterranean. Explore the curbing of Persian ambitions and the growth of Athenian supremacy, and at the same time, how this power gradually unraveled, as opposition to Athens' rule grew and as Sparta began to acquire its own form of empire! This course will feature frequent interactive roleplaying modules where you get to play an active role in this history. In order to understand and continually problematize imperialism, we will discuss topics such as political theory, warfare, cultural and economic domination, colonialism, and slavery.