Report Animal Welfare and Compliance Concerns

File a Report

Report any circumstance that you feel may be in breach of animal welfare or compliance in one of three ways:

Use the online form:

By campus mail (anonymously if desired)

addressed to the University Animal Care Committee

Use the anonymous hotline


Any person reporting a concern is protected by the Queen鈥檚 Safe Disclosure Reporting and Investigation Policy 

Queen鈥檚 University regards the use of animals in science as an integral component to our research-intensive program. We are committed to conducting the highest-quality research and to providing animals with the best care.

All animal use in science is mandated by the guidelines and policies of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and the Animals for Research Act, enforced by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).

The University Animal Care Committee (UACC) conducts protocol reviews and annual laboratory & facility assessments to ensure that animals are only used when necessary and under humane conditions in accordance with the relevant guidelines and policies.

All participants in the Animal Care & Use Program have a dual role:

  • Collegiality between the different stakeholders (researchers, instructors, veterinarians, animal care staff, UACC members, managers, administrators and anyone involved directly or indirectly), and
  • Accountability to the UACC, Queen鈥檚 University, the CCAC, OMAFRA and the granting agencies

All participants have the responsibility to report concerns as a moral obligation.

See the  UACC Policy on the Reporting of Animal Welfare and Compliance Concerns (PDF 60 KB) for more information.