SOP 10.10.3 - Cardiac Puncture Blood Collection in Rats

University Animal Care Committee Standard Operating Procedure

Document No: 10.10.3

Subject: Cardiac Puncture Blood Collection in Rats

Date Issued: July 7, 2011

Revision: 6

Location: Queen鈥檚 University

Responsibility: Principal Investigators, Research Staff, Veterinary Staff

Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe how to properly collect blood via cardiac puncture in a rat.


Animal Care Services ACS, Principal Investigator PI, subcutaneous SC, intravenous IV, intraperitoneal IP, intramuscular IM, per os PO, per rectum PR


1. Introduction and Definitions:

Use the following table to ascertain the most appropriate site for blood collection based on the volume required.

Site Tail Vein Saphenous Cardiac Puncture Jugular
Multiple sampling Yes Yes No No
Volume 0.05 - 0.1
0.1-0.3 ml 1.0-3.0 ml 1.0 ml
23 25 (23) 23 25 (23)

The following are 鈥済ood practice鈥 guidelines recommended for blood collection volumes Collection sites and needle gauges.

  • The Circulating Blood Volume (CBV) of an adult rat is ~64mL/kg (0.064mL/g).
  • 1% (maximum) of the CBV can be collected every 24 hours.
  • 7.5% (maximum) of the CBV can be collected in a single collection, once a week.
  • 10% (maximum) of the CBV can be collected in a single collection every 2 weeks.
  • 15% (maximum) of the CBV can be collected in a single collection every 4 weeks.

To calculate blood collection volumes:

  • Body weight x Circulating Blood Volume = Total Blood Volume (TBV)
  • TBV x % blood sample required = acceptable volume to be collected (i.e. 100g x 0.064mL/g = 6.4mL/g then 6.4 x 0.075 = 0.5mL is the max accepted volume)
Body Weight (g) Total Circulating Blood Volume (ml/g) Acceptable volume for collection 渭l (mL)
7.5% Single collection/ 1 week 10% single collection/ 2 weeks 15% single collection/ 4 weeks
100 6.4 500 (0.5 ml) 600 (0.6 ml) 900 (0.9 ml)
150 9.6 700 (0.7 ml) 900 (0.9 ml) 1400 (1.4 ml)
200 12.8 900 (0.9 ml) 1200 (1.2 ml) 1900 (1.9 ml)
250 16 1200 (1.2 ml) 1600 (1.6 ml) 2400 (2.4 ml)
300 19.2 1400 (1.4 ml) 1900 (1.9 ml) 2800 (2.8 ml)
350 22.4 1600 (1.6 ml) 2200 (2.2 ml) 3300 (3.3 ml)
400 25.6 1900 (1.9 ml) 2500 (2.5 ml) 3800 (3.8 ml)
450 28.8 2100 (2.1 ml) 2800 (2.8 ml) 4300 (4.3 ml)
500 32 2400 (2.4 ml) 3200 (3.2 ml) 4800 (4.8 ml)

When collecting blood it is very important that the handler is able to recognize signs of shock and anemia. The combined effect of sample volume and sample frequency without appropriate fluid replacement can cause an animal to go into hypovolaemic shock or anemia.

  • Signs of hypovolemic shock include a fast and thready pulse, pale dry mucous membranes, cold skin and extremities, restlessness, hyperventilation, and a sub-normal body temperature.
  • Signs of anemia include pale mucous membranes of the conjunctiva or inside the mouth, pale tongue, gums, ears or footpads (non-pigmented animals), intolerance to exercise and increased respiratory rate at rest with severe anemia.
  • Packed cell volume, haemoglobin level, red blood cell and reticulocyte counts should be monitored throughout the series of bleeds using the results from the first sample from each animal as the baseline for the animal.
  • If volumes larger than10% are collected, replace volumes by 3-4 times the blood volume collected with warmed (30-39 degrees) isotonic fluids.

2. Materials:

  • Sterile syringes (1 鈥 3 ml)
  • Sterile needles (multiple sizes ranging from 23-30g)
  • Collection tubes
  • Anaesthetics

3. Procedures:

  • Only University Animal Care Committee (UACC) approved blood collection techniques can be performed.
  • The least volume required should be collected at all times.
  • All collections should be performed by trained and competent individuals.
  • The smallest needle size that complements collection location without causing hemolysis should be used.
  • Each and every animal requires a new sterile syringe and a new sterile needle/lancet.
  • Only three attempts per site should be practiced. If unsuccessful, allow another (trained and competent) person to collect the sample.
  • Apply pressure with gauze until hemostasis occurs.

Cardiac Puncture

  • This is a terminal procedure.
  • There are three methods. Dorsal recumbency (lateral and ventral aspirate) and lateral recumbency.
  • Anesthetize the rat following the SOP 10.6 鈥淎nesthesia in Rats鈥.
  • Once the animal has reached a surgical plane of anaesthesia, position the animal in dorsal or lateral recumbency.
  • When sterility is of concern, the skin surrounding the puncture site can be excised to expose the underlying muscle area.
  • Release the vacuum on the syringe prior to inserting into vessel.
  • Confirm death after exsanguination via a secondary method of euthanasia.

Dorsal Recumbency (Lateral aspirate)

  • Using the elbow to help indicate location along the rib cage, palpate for a strong heartbeat.
  • Insert the needle bevel up into the thoracic cavity at a 15-20angle directly lateral to the midline.
  • When there is evidence of blood within the hub of the needle, steady the syringe and withdraw blood slowly.

Dorsal Recumbency (Ventral aspirate)

  • From the sternum trace down the centre of the ribcage and locate the xyphoid process of the rib cage. Allow your needle to 鈥渇all鈥 below this landmark.
  • Insert the needle bevel up into the sternum and angle the syringe approximately 30 degrees cranially or towards the strongest heartbeat.
  • When there is evidence of blood within the hub of the needle, steady the syringe and withdraw blood slowly.

Lateral Recumbency

  • Place the animal on its right side facing down.
  • Using the elbow to help indicate location along the rib cage, palpate for a strong heartbeat.
  • Insert the needle into the thoracic cavity where the heart beat is the strongest.
  • When there is evidence of blood within the hub of the needle, steady the syringe and withdraw blood slowly.

  1. Diehl, K.-H. et al., 鈥淎 Good Practice Guide to the Administration of Substances and Removal of Blood, Including Routes and Volumes鈥, J. Appl. Toxicol., 21, 15鈥23 (2001)
  2. Wolfensohn, S., Lloyd, M. 2nd Edition, Blackwell Science Ltd. 1998.
  3. Guidelines for survival bleeding of mice and rats; NIH:
  4. Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, Vol. 1 (2nd ed), Canadian Council on Animal Care, Canada, 1993:
  5. The National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3R鈥檚) 鈥 Blood Sampling Microsite.

Date New Version
09/22/2015 Triennial review
01/25/2018 Triennial review
02/28/2019 Updated SOP
02/28/2022 Triennial review
07/18/2022 Original SOP separated into different blood collections SOPs


SOP 10.10.3 - Cardiac Puncture Blood Collection in Rats

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