Policy on Procurement of Aquatic Species for the Department of Biology

University Animal Care Committee (UACC)

Aquatic species used by the Department of Biology are often ordered directly from the distributor rather than through Topaz Elements (the Animal Care integrative management system). As a result, there is no administrative oversight to ensure the number of animals ordered does not exceed what is approved in the Animal Use Protocol (AUP).

To avoid a breach of compliance, all Principal Investigators are required to email the UACC Coordinator (uacc@queensu.ca) prior to ordering the animals, to ensure that the protocol can accommodate the proposed number of animals. The inquiry will be responded to within 1 business day.

  • If the protocol can accommodate the requested animal numbers, the order is authorized to proceed. The UACC Coordinator will provide written confirmation.
  • If the protocol cannot accommodate the requested animal numbers, the order will be suspended until an amendment requesting an increase in animal numbers is submitted and approved by the UACC Subcommittee/Committee. Only once the approval is in place can the order proceed.

If aquatic species are ordered directly from the distributor without UACC approval, the research may be suspended.

Date New Version
02/21/2019 Policy Created and Approved
03/24/2022 Triennial Review


UACC Policy on Procurement of Aquatic Species for the Department of Biology

Download Procurement of Aquatic Species for the Department of Biology policy (PDF 88 KB)