Policy on the Importation and Exportation of Rodents

University Animal Care Committee (UACC)

Animal Care Services (ACS) requires immediate notification of a researcher’s intent to import animals from a commercial or non-commercial source. Notification is required to:

  • Determine the health status of room where the animals are currently housed;
  • Ensure that Queen’s University has adequate housing,
  • All animals will be placed in quarantine (please note animals with a history of pathogens may be refused);
  • Potentially contaminated lines will be handled as described below
  • arrange appropriate transportation;
  • validate timelines and tracking of shipment (4 weeks’ notice once serology has been received).

Import of Research Rodents from Non-Commercial Sources

For the importation of rodents from non-commercial sources (other academic institutions), the following steps must be completed in order to receive these animals:

  • a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) must be signed by the contracts department of both institutions to authorize the transfer of the desired animals
  • a completed Rodent Importation / Exportation form submitted to the Veterinary staff at Queen’s University for review and sign-off
  • validation that the strain to be imported has been listed on an approved animal use protocol.

The veterinary staff will contact the exporting institution to obtain the health information on the animals that are to be imported. This information includes but is not limited to health reports, descriptions of husbandry practices and history of disease outbreaks.

If health reports are clean, the imported animals will be placed in quarantine. Following acclimatization (a minimum of 72 hours), fecal samples will be collected for PRIA PCR testing. If testing indicates the animals are free of pathogens, they will then be transferred into an animal holding room where they must undergo an additional minimum 72-hour acclimatization period.

If health reports indicate that the mice are contaminated or potentially contaminated, or testing in clean quarantine is positive, they will be maintained in quarantine and will be rederived as per protocol. If the mice are from a facility that does not meet our exclusion pathogen status, a request will be made for frozen sperm or embryos that could be cryo-recovered at an outside facility. If not, live mice would be outsourced to a facility for re-derivation.

Animals that arrive at Animal Care Services without having followed the above procedures will be euthanized upon arrival and the UACC will be notified of this incident.

Import of Research Rodents from Commercial Sources

All rodent models must be acclimatized for a minimum of 72 hours upon arrival to the facility. Only basic handling is permitted during this time period.

Export of Research Animals from Queen’s

For the exportation of rodents to other academic institutions, the following steps must be followed in order to ship these animals:

  • a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) must be signed by the contracts department of both institutions to authorize the transfer of the desired animals
  • a completed Rodent Importation / Exportation form submitted by the PI to the Veterinary staff at Queen’s University for review and sign-off
  • confirmation from the receiving institution that they will receive the animals

The Veterinarian will be responsible for contacting the receiving institution to determine what information they will require to allow this transfer. Typically, the information includes health reports, husbandry and handling practices, sentinel program outline and any history of disease outbreaks and how they were handled.

Once the transfer is approved by the receiving institution, the animals to be shipped are examined for any physical abnormalities or health issues that would preclude their shipment. Documentation to accompany the animals will vary depending on whether they are travelling internationally or domestically. The animals to be shipped are described on the documents in regard to age, sex, strain, ear punch or tag and colour.


Transportation of animals is through an authorized courier such as World Courier, JJ Express or Validated Courier. They follow the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations and CCAC guidelines for the humane transport of animals. The shipping containers will be well-labelled to indicate LIVE ANIMALS, HANDLE WITH CARE AND DO NOT EXPOSE TO EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE and THIS SIDEUP. Enough food and water should be provided in each container compartment to account for potential delays.

Date New Version
09/12/2007 Policy Created and Approved
12/15/2011 Triennial Review; Revised title; Clarified veterinary services rederivation protocol and need for Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) prior to animals being received
11/19/2014 Triennial Review 
09/22/2015 Revised to include reference to CCAC Guidelines for the Humane Transport of Animals
01/24/2019 Triennial Review; Revised title to reflect rodents only; Movement between academic institutions clarified; Emphasized prior approval of animals being imported
02/17/2022 Triennial Review; Revised dirty & clean quarantine to simply quarantine


UACC Policy on Importation and Exportation of Rodents

Download Importation and Exportation of Rodents policy (PDF 99 KB)