WebPublish Roles

There are four roles that a user can be assigned in WebPublish:

  1. Visitor: A visitor has read-only access to the authoring environment. They can view published and unpublished content but cannot modify content.

  1. Editor: An editor can create new content and edit existing content. They cannot publish or delete content.

  1. Publisher: In addition to creating and editing content, publishers can publish and delete.

  1. Site Administrator: Site administrators have all the capabilities of a publisher, however they have additional administrative capabilities for managing the site, including adding and removing users.

You may see two additional roles associated with WebPublish users: Anonymous Users and Authenticated Users.

Anonymous users are the equivalent of any user accessing the public version of your site. They can only view published content on the live site and cannot login to the authoring environment.

Authenticated users are any users internal to Queen鈥檚 - that is anyone with an active netID and password. These users can login to your site鈥檚 authoring environment; however, unless they have been granted one of the previous four roles (I.e., visitor, editor, publisher, or site administrator), they will only see the equivalent of the published content on the live site.