WebPublish 3.0 is the newest version of the WebPublish Service. It is built using Drupal 9. The WebPublish 3.0 project began in Fall 2019 as a collaboration between University Relations and IT Services. Our objectives throughout this initiative have been to:

  1. Modernize - Introduce updates to the service, including updated theming, features and functionality
  2. Govern - Transition the service from a model that enforces technical restrictions to a model that operates with oversight, through broader governance
  3. Upgrade - Upgrade WebPublish from Drupal 7 to the Drupal 9 content management system
  4. Secure - Build on Queen's cloud infrastructure, improving the security of the system
  5. Attract - Deliver features and service levels that meet the needs of broader stakeholder groups across campus

How has the service changed?

WebPublish is now offered in a tiered service model. The service definitions are as follows. For full details, see our Service Level Agreements.


The basic tier of the service most closely resembles the existing WebPublish service offering. It offers a modernized theme, including a full-width layout and responsive design. We have focused on creating an improved user experience by introducing modular layouts like card styles, columns, images next to text, and buttons, that can easily be added to a page, without needing to enter the source code. We've introduced a new slideshow feature, and improved both how News and Events function and are displayed. All upgrades and patches, etc., will be performed by IT Services, just like they are today. The basic tier of the service is now available.


The custom tier of the service is intended to meet the needs of users who require some customization to the look-and-feel (i.e., theme) of their site. This is a good option for users who have some resources to dedicate toward web design. While all upgrades and patches, etc., will be performed by IT Services, some testing may be required from site owners to ensure updates don't interfere with site customizations. This tier of the service is coming soon


The advanced tier of the service is intended to meet the needs of users who have continuing full-time developer resources allocated to maintaining their web presence and have more complex feature requirements. Upgrades and patches for the base offering (i.e., modules and features included in the initial site instance) will be provided by ITS, but can be completed at the discretion of the site owner. This tier of the service is coming soon

Read more about our service level agreements

New features

Basic WebPublish 3.0 theme

Full-width design

The WebPublish 3.0 template is built using a full-width design. In WebPublish 2.0, the template used a boxed layout, where a content region existed to display basic page content and any additional content was added to blocks and configured to appear on specific regions and pages.

The full-width layout used in WebPublish 3.0 simplifies these regions - other than the header, menu navigation and footer, all other content lives in the main content region of the site. These changes, combined with the introduction of built-in page layouts, make it quick and easy to add styled content to your site.

Improvements to the header and footer

The WebPublish 3.0 template header and footer have been updated to create a streamlined look across sites. It is offered in Queen's blue and offers the ability to customize certain elements:

  • Site navigation: optionally, request a link in your header to a top-level site, to create a connection and make it easier for users to navigate. This can done by submitting a through ServiceNow.
  • Footer menus: add customized lists of links to your footer region using footer menus
  • Footer address: you can request updates to your site's footer address by submitting a through ServiceNow.

Built-in page layouts ("paragraphs")

The WebPublish 3.0 template offers a series of styled page layouts, called paragraphs, that can be added, removed or rearranged on any basic page. Paragraphs make it easy to place content on your site, without needing to add styles through the source code. The initial template includes the following paragraphs:

  • Staggered Block
  • Block View
  • Circle Column Icon
  • Circle Column Image
  • Column Card
  • Accordion
  • Slider
  • Extra Body

Improvements to News and Events

In WebPublish 2.0, news and events were managed by tagging basic pages. In WebPublish 3.0, we have introduced separate content types for each. This has allowed us to introduce and display information specific to each type. For example:

  • You can now specify a start and end date and time, and location for your event
  • You can include information like sub titles, short titles, published dates and bylines for your new articles
  • Both types of content allow you to include a featured image that will be displayed in their respective Block View styling
  • Both types of content can be tagged (i.e., grouped) using vocabulary terms that you build for your site
  • Rather than adding blocks to display your aggregated news and events, you can use the Block View paragraph to display this information directly on your pages. 

Find tutorials on using features

Coming soon

The following features and options are slated for the next release:

Have recommendations for features you'd like to see in WebPublish 3.0?

Article Category