Leadership Giving

Leadership donors have the power to change lives. They inspire others to give. With a donation of $1,200 or more, Leadership level donors are ready to drive change, willing to set a powerful example and become part of the solution to our community’s complex social issues. Our Leaders are passionate about leaving their mark by creating lasting change.

Leadership giving makes up over sixty-eight percent of the Queen's campaign. In 2023, 152 Leaders of the Way donated almost $380,000 to the overall Queen's campaign.

Platinum Leader ($25,000 – $99,999)
Nicholas & Martha Bala

* Gave through the Queen's Retiree campaign 

Platinum Leader ($10,000 - $24,999)
Caroline & Simon Davis*
Jana Dunfield
John & Nancy Burge
Judith & Rod Fraser*
Katherine & Paul Manley Family Fund*

* Gave through the Queen's Retiree campaign 

Gold Leaders ($5,000 - $9,999)
Anthony Capon*
Brian Frank
David Bruce & Heather Murray
David Gordon
Dr. Arlene Aish*
Drs. Mike & Renée Fitzpatrick
Eugenia Piliotis
Laurie Ross*
Norma Jean Barrett
Peter & Lucille Davies
Selim & Karolina Akl
William Depew*

* Gave through the Queen's Retiree campaign  

Silver Leaders ($2,500 - $4,999)
Amy Kaufman
Anthony Goerzen
Brian and Christy O'Neill
Carol Williams*
Dr. Anthony & Una D'Elia
Dr. David A. Hanes*
Dr. Nancy L. Hutchinson*
Duncan Sinclair*
John Drover
Kathleen Norman
Lola Cuddy & Mel Wiebe Foundation*
Ms. Cherrilyn M. Yalin*
Richard & Lynn Cilles*
Rose & Robert Nolan*
Rowland Tinline and Marjorie Woodbridge*
Tom & Barb Harris*
Vivian Abrahams*
William McLatchie*

* Gave through the Queen's Retiree campaign

Bronze Leaders ($1,200 - $2,499)
Allen & Barbara Fletcher*
Andrea Lawn
Barbara Yates*
Benjamin Bolden
Brenda Paul
Brent & Lynn Gallupe*
Carol Lynne & Norman Rice*
Cherie Metcalf
Christine Overall*
Dan Norman*
Daniel & Julie Woolf
David Maslove
Dean McKeown & Andrea Fraser
Denis Magnusson*
Diane & John Cartledge*
Don Taylor*
Dr Heather McGregor
Dr. A.W. MacLean*
Dr. Gary and Marjorie Burggraf*
Dr. Ireneus Zuk
Dr. M. A. Ashworth*
Dr. Patrick Deane
Dr. Patrick O'Neill*
Dr. Raymond Price*
Dr. Wanda Costen
Eleanor Rogers*
Elizabeth Hanson
Erica McIlquham
Evelyn Morin*
Greg Wanless & Kathryn MacKay
Herwart and Audrey Helmstaedt*
Jackson Crane
James and Susan Reynolds
James G. MacKinnon
Janet Allen*
Janice & Julian Barling
Jennifer Campbell
Joan Stevenson*
John and Lynda Macdonald*
John Peacey
Joseph Pater*
Juergen Dingel
Laura Fissel
Laura Hull
Laurent Karim Béland
Linda & Bruce Hutchinson*
Marc Dignam
Margherita Maloney*
Mark Green
Mark Hostetler
Mark Rosenberg*
Mary Anne Jamieson*
Meghan Norris
Melanie Law
Michael Sayer*
Michael Villeneuve
Mike Welker
Monika Holzschuh
Ms. Kimberley McAuley
Ms. Mary L. Zureik*
Nancy Churchman & Bill Dobson
Nicholas Graham
Nicole MacKinnon
Paul & Nittaya MacKenzie*
Peter D. Taylor*
Rebecca Luce-Kapler
Rob Knobel
Robert Cavanagh*
Robert Wolfe*
Robin Hutchinson
Roger & Anna Healey*
Ruth Wilson and Ian Casson
Sandy Staples
Shai Dubey
Susan Greaves*
Susan Wilcox*
Teri Shearer
Tracy Davidson & David Rappaport*
William Leggett*
William T. Cannon*
Anonymous x 20 (14*)

* Gave through the Queen's Retiree campaign