³ÉÈË´óƬ Policy Review

The Queen's Policy Review (QPR) is a graduate-level scholarly publication edited and reviewed by students and faculty at the Queen's School of Policy Studies in Kingston Ontario. The goal of the journal is to publish exemplary work in the field of public policy and governance from graduate students across Canada.

Reforming to Recover QPR report coverNEW Publication!

Reforming to Recover [PDF 720 KB]
Issue 13 Volume 13 - September 2022

This edition of the Queen’s Policy Review examines the pandemic in terms of social, economic, and structural change. Topics include challenges faced by Canada’s international students, economic shocks felt through remittance payments, and the lasting impact on non-profit organizations. These articles demonstrate the intersectionality of areas of policy and levels of government and how they interact with pandemic support.

Reforming to Recover is a title that encapsulates the positive outlook that the Queen’s Policy Review is looking to create from the challenges of the pandemic. From a policymaking lens, the idea of recovery from the pandemic can be daunting. With that being said, the opportunity to reform policies and programs that have been highlighted as needing improvement by the pandemic is a productive and encouraging perspective we hope to inspire you with.

Edited by: 
Chloe Robinson (Co-Editor In-Chief)
Ryan Fletcher (Co-Editor In-Chief)
Ariel Davis (Editor)
Gabriella Mazumder (Editor)
Kayla Celine Melbourne (Communications Director)



The Queen’s Policy Review (QPR) is seeking paper submissions for publication for the 2024 Journal Edition, Volume XV, Issue XIV and XV. The QPR is a graduate-level scholarly publication, edited and reviewed by students and faculty at the Queen’s University School of Policy Studies. We are welcoming and encouraging potential contributors to submit academic research papers focusing on public policy and politics, either nationally or internationally.

The submission may address any relevant topic related to the field of public administration, public policy, politics, law, or program implementation.

We understand that the world of public administration and policy contains many challenges, and taking a broader approach will allow us to expand the utilization of QPR across many policy areas.

For a paper to qualify as a submission, it must have the following criteria:

  • It must be a graduate-level paper (academic research paper, briefing notes);
  • Have a range of 1500-5000 words (a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced); and
  • Have at least a grade of A- (80%) or higher;
  • Must be written in English or translated to English, including the original language.

Paper submissions should be accompanied by a brief abstract. In addition, please provide your contact information (name, email address, name of affiliated university, and graduate program) upon submission. An editorial committee will review all submissions and arrive at a decision by April or May 2024.

Should you have any question or concerns, please contact our Editors-in-Chief at qpr@queensu.ca. At the time of submission and granted approval, please ensure that your paper will be available for publication in the 2024 Journal of Queen’s Policy Review.

Deadline submission: April 19, 2024



La Queen's Policy Review (QPR) lance un appel à communications pour l'édition 2024 du journal, volume XV, numéros XIV et XV. La QPR est une publication scientifique de niveau supérieur, éditée et révisée par des étudiants et des professeurs de la School of Policy Studies de l'Université Queen's. Nous accueillons et encourageons les contributeurs potentiels à participer à l'édition 2024 de la revue, volume XV, numéro XIV et XV. Nous invitons et encourageons les contributeurs potentiels à soumettre des articles de recherche universitaire portant sur les politiques publiques et la politique, au niveau national ou international.

Les articles peuvent porter sur tout sujet pertinent lié à l'administration publique, aux politiques publiques, à la politique, au droit ou à la mise en œuvre de programmes.

Nous sommes conscients que le monde de l'administration et de la politique publiques comporte de nombreux défis, et l'adoption d'une approche plus large nous permettra d'étendre l'utilisation de la RQP à de nombreux domaines politiques.

Pour qu'un article puisse être soumis, il doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Il doit s'agir d'un document de niveau supérieur (document de recherche universitaire, notes d'information) ;
  • compter entre 1500 et 5000 mots (un minimum de 5 pages, à double interligne) ; et
  • Avoir au moins une note de A- (80 %) ou plus ;
  • être rédigés en anglais ou traduits en anglais, y compris dans la langue d'origine.

Les articles soumis doivent être accompagnés d'un bref résumé. En outre, veuillez fournir vos coordonnées (nom, adresse électronique, nom de l'université affiliée et programme d'études supérieures) lors de la soumission. Un comité éditorial examinera toutes les soumissions et prendra une décision d'ici avril ou mai 2024.

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez contacter nos rédacteurs en chef à l'adresse qpr@queensu.ca. Au moment de la soumission et de l'approbation, veuillez vous assurer que votre article pourra être publié dans le Journal of Queen's Policy Review 2024.

Date limite de soumission : 19 avril 2024

2022/2023 Editorial Board

  • Coming Soon

Issue 13, Volume 13 (Fall 2022)
Reforming to Recover [PDF 720 KB]

Issue 12, Volume 12 (Fall 2021)
Defining the Decade [PDF 980 KB]

Issue 11, Volume 11 (Fall 2020)
The Politics of Climate Change [PDF 2.3 MB]

Issue 10, Volume 10 (Fall 2019)
Developing Policy in a Rapidly Changing World [PDF 1.3 MB]

Issue 9, Volume 9 (Fall 2018)
Security and Insecurity - Balancing Innovation in an Uncertain World  [PDF 3.2 MB]

Issue 1, Volume 8  (Fall 2017)
Canada at 150 and Beyond: Charting Progress and Emerging Challenges [PDF 1.8 MB]

Public Policy word cluster (jpg)QPR was established in 2009. The goal of the journal is to provide a venue for outstanding work by graduate students in the fields of public policy and governance. Past publications have covered a diverse array of topics from contributing authors at several different schools across Canada. 

In order to gain a broader, more interdisciplinary perspective on policy issues, we have expanded the list of departments that receive our call for papers from 73 to over 200. Accordingly, we hope to encourage what may be considered "non-traditional" disciplines to engage with contemporary policy questions.