Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy (ONSEP)

For questions regarding the conference, please contact ONSEPcontact@gmail.com

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May 6 & 7, 2024   |   In Person Conference  |   Donald Gordon Centre, ˴Ƭ, Kingston, ON

 Agenda - PDF

ONSEP 2024 Annual Workshop - Call for Papers

The Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy’s (ONSEP) 12th annual workshop will be bringing scholars together from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives focused on energy policy. ONSEP is particularly interested in developing greater understanding of the policies, technologies and strategies needed to sustainably decarbonize energy systems.

The workshop welcomes unpublished working papers that focus on analysis and evaluation of energy policies, with an aim of promoting understanding and discussion of effective approaches to decarbonizing energy systems while advancing sustainability. We especially welcome papers with a focus on Ontario, but we also encourage papers that focus on the application of energy policies in other jurisdictions.  We are receptive to a wide range of perspectives and methods including but not limited to empirical research, theory development, energy systems modeling, law, policy, economics, sociology, planning, and experimental methods. Papers presented at our previous workshops have come from a variety of disciplines including political science, economics, management, law, geography, environmental studies, and engineering.  Papers spanning multiple disciplines are especially encouraged.

We are receptive to a wide range of perspectives and methods including but not limited to empirical research, theory development, energy systems modeling, law, sociology, planning, and experimental methods. Papers presented at our previous workshops have come from a variety of disciplines including political science, economics, management, law, geography, environmental studies, and engineering.  Papers spanning multiple disciplines are especially encouraged.

Interested individuals are invited to submit a title and 500-word abstract before January 19, 2024. Abstracts should elaborate on the key contributions of the work, the stage of the work (i.e., work in progress), identify whether it is conceptual or empirical, and outline the research approach that is applied. Authors should identify their position and affiliation and who will present at the workshop if the paper is accepted. Applicants will be notified whether their paper is accepted for presentation at the workshop by mid February 2024. Successful applicants will then have until mid April 2024 (specific date to follow) to register for the workshop. Failure to register by this time may mean that their acceptance will be withdrawn, and that their paper slot may be offered to another applicant.

While paper presenters are not obliged to produce a complete, written paper for the workshop, they are expected to make a presentation using slides and/or a handout. All presenters will be encouraged to submit their materials (e.g., their slides) to the workshop organizers no later than one week after the workshop’s conclusion. 

The workshop will take place at the Donald Gordon Conference Centre in Kingston, Ontario. Discounted registration fees will be available to full-time students.

Abstracts should be submitted via email to ONSEPContact@gmail.com with the subject heading “ONSEP 2024 abstract”.

We hope to see you in person in May!

The ONSEP Executive: Stephen Hill, Warren Mabee, Alexandra Mallett, Balie Walker, and Mark Winfield 

Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy (ONSEP) Workshop 2024 

May 6th-May 7th, 2024 

Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre, Kingston, Ontario 

Day 1: Welcome & Sessions 1-4 

All sessions in Conference Room 

9:30-10 AM Registration and Welcome 

10-11 AM: Session 1 – Canada's Climate & Energy Journey: Policies, Transitions, Federalism 

10-10:30AM: Winters: Developing a Climate Change Mitigation Policy Inventory for Canada 10:30-11AM: Cogan: How Canada’s Handling of the Global Energy Transition Impacts its Soft Power 

11-11:30 AM: Break & Refreshments 

11:30 AM -12:30 PM: Session 2 – Canada's Climate & Energy Journey: Policies, Transitions, Federalism 

11:30AM – 12PM: Walker: Decoding Disruption: Temporal-Spatial Insights into the Canadian Energy Transition 

12-12:30PM: Winfield: Climate Change, Energy Sustainability and Federalism in Canada 

12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch 

1:30-3 PM: Session 3 – Navigating Sustainable Futures: From Dead-Ends to Green Industrial Coordination 

1:30-2PM: Arcand: Green industrial policy and incumbents: A comparison of carbon capture and storage strategy in Canada and the United Kingdom 

2-2:30PM: Southin: Coordinating Green Industrial Policy in Liberal Market Economies 

2:30-3PM: Rosenbloom: Dead-end pathways: conceptualizing, identifying, avoiding 

3-3:30 PM: Break & Refreshments 

3:30-4:30 PM: Session 4 - Energy Research Capacity and Modeling 

3:30-4PM: Zetter Salcedo: Uncertainty analysis in transportation energy system models – a case study with the Canadian Open Energy Model (CANOE) 

4-4:30PM: Rowlands: Beginning to understand universities as energy policy actors: A global mapping of activities 

4:30 – 5PM: Break 

5-5:45 PM: Keynote (Conference Room) 

5:45-6 PM: Break 

6PM: Dinner & Coach House Pub 

Day 2: Sessions 5-8 & Closing 

7-8:30 AM: Breakfast (Overnight Guest) 

8:30-10 AM: Session 5 –Exploring Canadian Energy through Buildings 


9-9:30AM: Ravazdezh: Urban Street Trees and Residential Energy Efficiency: An Investigation into Cooling Energy Reduction 

9:30-10AM: Papineau-Korit: Realized Savings from Canada’s Building Energy Code 

10-10:30 AM: Break & Refreshments 

10:30 AM- 12PM: Session 6 – Exploring Canadian Energy through Buildings 

10:30-11AM: Khastar: Assessing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Residential Heating Electrification through Heat Pump Adoption in Cold Climates 

11-11:30AM: Ward: Solar Driven Adsorption Chiller Systems for Reducing Space Cooling Electricity Use in Canadian Low-Energy Multi-unit Residential Buildings 

11:30AM -12PM: Mallett: Version Control: The Hidden Human Dimension of Building Energy Use 

12-1 PM: Lunch 

Printable Version 

REGISTRATION FEE: $375 for faculty and professionals | $200 for students (all fees are + HST)

Registration includes in person participation in all sessions over the 2 day event.

For Overnight Accommodations: 

To secure your overnight accommodations at the Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre kindly reach out directly to the Front Dest at 613-533-2221 and mention the group reference number 94066. For additional information please visit: /donaldgordoncentre/accommodations/overnight