Our Actions and Goals

SDG 14: Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development
14. Life Below Water

Our goals in action

Research and innovation

Understanding our rivers and lakes

Our state-of-the-art  is the largest hydraulics laboratory in Canada. It is also one of the premier facilities for fundamental and applied research and education on a broad range of water issues, and especially in the fields of river engineering, lake dynamics, coastal engineering, water supply systems, and landslides.

Maintain local ecosystems and their biodiversity

Located on the shore of scenic Lake Ontario and adjacent to the wetland-rich UNESCO world biosphere reserve of the Frontenac Arch, Queen’s University is ideally situated for research into freshwater ecology. The members of our conduct exciting research in wide array of topics including zooplankton ecology, population biology, ecotoxicology, paleolimnology, invasive species, fish physiology, and reproductive biology.

Transforming conservation practices

Queen's researcher Stephen Lougheed is leading an Alliance project in collaboration with the First Nations Technical Institute, Invasive Species Centre, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environment Program, the St. Lawrence River Institute, and Thousand Islands National Park to develop new genomics and aerial drone tools for the conversation and restoration of freshwater resources. By continuously monitoring eDNA for early detection of invasive species and algal blooms, this cutting-edge research will set a benchmark for the intersection of science, technology, and environmental stewardship.

[An eel eats out of a bait net in the Mediterranean Sea near Lipsi, Greece. ]

Queen's Art of Research Submission: Creatures of the Sea by Lily Susin, BASc/BA Student (Geological Engineering and Environmental Studies), Lipsi, Greece

Cross-border collaborative research

A number of Queen's faculty members are part of the . The group, which includes 18 universities in New York and Ontario, are conducting research to improve the understanding of the Great Lakes ecosystem.

Teaching and student life

Developing future leaders

LEADERS-CREATE is an NSERC-funded graduate program at Queen’s to educate future leaders in water and watershed sustainability. Students engage with leading experts and researchers with an interdisciplinary focus on knowledge mobilization and training related to policy, risk assessment, and integrated management of watersheds.

Field studies

The (KFS) is a multi-use, watershed facility located in Eastern Ontario on the Salmon River, an important tributary to the Great Lakes. Managed by the Department of Civil Engineering, it serves as an important research centre for our students and as an outreach tool for the university and our partner organizations.

Community impact

Public sustainable fishing programs

Queen’s organizes various public events to promote the sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. Our annual include Family Fishing Day in July and Family Ice Fishing in the summer, where participants can learn from fish biologists about fishing techniques and the importance of catch and release.

Our also offers multimedia resources for the public and for anglers on everything from how to tell the age of a fish to keeping fish in good health.

Exploring local lakes

We encourage visitors to explore and discover the diverse ecology at our Elbow Lake facilities. The helps visitors learn about the wetlands’ environmental features and identifies points of interest along the several kilometres of walking trails.

Global reach

[Photo of a retreating glacier]

Queen's Art of Research Submission: Under the Glacier by Dr. Alexander Braun, Faculty (Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering), Great Aletsch Glacier, Valais, Switzerland

Accelerating water innovations

Queen's is proud member of the , which is dedicated to researching and advancing the commercialization of innovative water technologies across our province.

Partners in protecting Canada’s oceans

As a member of , Queen's is working with other leading industry and academic institutions across the country to solve our ocean challenges and to sustainably grow Canada’s ocean economy.

Administration and operations

Sustainable seafood

Fish stocks around the world are plummeting. To help reduce global overfishing, all seafood sold or served on campus is sustainably harvested.