Policy Development Process

In Fall 2018, a Clean Air Steering Committee was formed to explore the policies, procedures and supports required to support the transition to a smoke-free campus. Following are the committee's Terms of Reference and membership composition. 


Risk and Safety Services, at the direction of the Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) and the Office of the Principal, has established a Clean Air Steering Committee to explore what is needed to make Queen鈥檚 campus smoke-free, focusing on all products that would be consumed by inhalation, and to develop the policies, procedures and the employee and student supports that will be required.

  1. To ensure Queen鈥檚 University adheres to all relevant local, provincial and federal regulations pertaining to the use of smoking products.
  2. To make recommendations on strategies that reduce exposure to second-hand smoke, informed by research studies related to smoking reduction.
  3. To summarize and recommend best practices to Queen鈥檚 administration regarding clean air strategies employed by other universities, especially North American institutions.
  4. To consult with the broader campus community to better understand the effects of smoking on campus.
  5. To ensure adequate access to education and smoking cessation supports and resources that aid users to reduce/stop/avoid the consumption of smoking products.
    • Conduct an inventory of existing support services (Employee and Family Assistance Program, Kingston community resources, student wellness resources, etc.) and make recommendations to Queen鈥檚 administration regarding additional supports required.
    • Identify and communicate available addiction and mental health support resources for individuals impacted by a smoke-free policy.
  6. To identify any appropriate exemptions or allowances needed in respecting medical or cultural considerations.
  7. To develop policies and procedures that address the above items.
    • Recommend a timeline for implementation.
  8. Develop a communications plan, in collaboration with University Relations and other partner departments, to comprehensively inform the Queen鈥檚 community using supportive and compassionate language, of the implications of becoming a smoke-free campus
No Smoking No Vaping sticker image


Steering Committee Membership

Chair: Kim Murphy, Executive Director, Risk and Safety Services

Name Title
B. Blackett Health Promotion Coordinator, Student Wellness Services
J. D'Aurizio Student Peer Health Educator
E. Eisenhauer OC MD FRCPC FRSC
Professor Emerita
M. Erdman Acting Director, Media Relations and Issues 
J. Hill Associate Vice-Principal, Indigenous Initiatives and Reconciliation
D. Langham Director, Department of Environmental Health & Safety
V. Linton Public Health Promoter
Substance Use, Mental Health, and Injury Prevention Team KFL&A Public Health
M. Martinez AMS President 
J. McNaughton Senior Labour Relations Advisor, Faculty Relations
T. Morrison SGPS President
H. Shields Director of Employee and Labour Relations
L. Winger Assistant Dean, Student Affairs