Insurance Claims Handling Standard Operating Procedures

Insurance & Risk Management is responsible for managing the university鈥檚 insurance program and is required, in conjunction with the university鈥檚 insurers, to investigate all claims on behalf of the university.

The purpose of these Standard Operating Procedures is to establish a regular and consistent approach and to inform and instruct faculty, staff and students regarding the proper handling of an insurance claim involving university property or personnel. Procedures are based on a commitment by the Department of Risk and Safety Services within the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) to:

  • a) Provide a customer focused, objective and professional level of service to all claimants;
  • b) Ensure a consistent approach to the handling of each claim;
  • c) Comply with the conditions of the universities contract(s) of insurance; and
  • d) Efficiently and effectively manage the claims process.

The following SOPS have been developed to full the obligations as listed above.


Fire plume in front of a dark background

Fire SOP


Close up of a wave

Water SOP

A spray painted stencil of a surveillance camera on a cement surface

Theft SOP