Lost or Stolen Wallet Checklist

Checklist of Steps You Should Take:

1. Contact KPS: 613-549-4660 Ext.0

2. Cancel Credit Cards:

  • Visa - 1-800-847-2911
  • MC - 1-800-622-7747  
  • Amex - 1-800-668-2639

3. Contact Bank if Debit Cards were in your wallet:

  • TD/Canada Trust – 1-866-567-8888
  • Montreal – 1-800-555-3000
  • Royal – 1-800-769-2599
  • Scotia – 1-800-472-6842
  • CIBC – 1-800-465-4653                   

4. Visit Queen's Lost and Found information webpage and email the specifics as directed.

5. Contacts For Various Cards and Documents:

  • Ontario Health Card – 1-800-268-1154
  • SIN Card or Passport – Locate a site
  • Ontario License – Visit  1201 Division St, Kingston
  • Birth Certificate – 1-800-461-2156
  • Outdoors Card – 1-800-387-7011
  • Queen’s Student Card – Visit Registrar’s Office - Richardson Hall, Rm.103, Open Mon. – Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ($20 replacement fee)

Note: In the event you cannot access your bank account, the Student Awards Office (613-533-2216) may provide you with a short term loan (90 days).