Planning Your Off-Campus Activity (Activity Planners)

As an Activity Planner, you are responsible for planning and/or leading an Off-Campus Activity. You may also be a Participant in the activity. As the Activity Planner, you must identify and recommend an appropriate level of risk for the Off-Campus Activity and, based on the approved level of risk, complete a set of required actions and records. â€‹

Low risk off-campus activities conducted within the Kingston area do not require a record in (or with the participant’s department). There are other circumstances where low risk activities would not require a record in . Refer to the Low Risk Off-Campus Activity Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Determine Off-Campus Activity Risk Level

The first step in planning an Off-Campus Activity is to determine the level of risk for your Off-Campus Activity (i.e., Low, High, or Unmanageable).​

This Procedure guides you through the steps to determine the level of risk and obtain any required approvals.   â€‹

NOTE: Activities that involve international travel by undergraduate students (i.e., students in first-entry baccalaureate or professional (J.D., MD, B.Ed.) programs) are automatically considered high risk.​ The exception is travel back to a student’s home country where the student is relying on or can rely on support from their family and the activity is not considered high risk. (e.g., students taking summer courses under an International Letter of Permission over the summer).

Risk Assessment Procedure

Register a Low Risk Off-Campus Activity

This Procedure guides you step-by-step through the actions required for a Low Risk Off-Campus Activity.

This includes the steps to set up an Activity Safety Planning Record using .

NOTE:  Staff and faculty are strongly encouraged but not required to complete a record for Low Risk Off-Campus Activities unless they are the Activity Planner for a Low Risk Off-Campus Activity that includes undergraduate(s), graduate(s), or post-doctoral fellow(s) as Participants. Staff and faculty who do not submit records for their Low Risk Off-Campus Activity are required to provide details of their travel to their Department/Unit. In lieu of tracking travel information, the Department/Unit Head can direct staff and faculty to submit a record for all Low Risk Off-Campus Activities in .

Low Risk Off-Campus Activity Procedure

Register a High Risk Off-Campus Activity

This Procedure guides you step-by-step through the actions required for a High Risk Off-Campus Activity.

This includes the steps to set up an Activity Safety Planning Record using .

High Risk Off-Campus Activity Procedure

Need help with the process?

 For additional guidance, please see the Checklists, Examples, and Resources page on the OCASP website.   Question mark

 Training and other support are available by contacting: