Get to know Concurrent Education (Con.Ed.)
Popularly known as Con.Ed., Concurrent Education is a program for high school graduates with a passion for teaching and learning. From your very first day at Queen鈥檚, you will work on two degrees: one in Arts, Science or Music, the other a Queen鈥檚 Bachelor of Education.
"The Con-ed program is truly the best in both worlds. I am able to be a part of a small family of like-minded individuals with a passion for education, whilst enjoying the benefits of the Arts and Science faculty. Completing both my degrees in 5 years puts me a year ahead in finishing my education, and the experience of living in Kingston during a summer in my final year. This is all a part of what makes the Con-ed program unique from others, and it is why I believe it is a phenomenal program to be in" - Noah Long. Concurrent Education Student.
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