Ombudsperson Advisory Committee

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Ombudsperson Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

The Ombudsperson shall meet at least twice per academic year with an Advisory Committee, or more often at the call of the Chair thereof.

The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of:

  • The Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity and Inclusion) as Chair, ex officio
  • University Counsel, ex officio
  • The President of the AMS or delegate, ex officio 
  • The President of the SGPS or delegate, ex officio 
  • The Rector, ex officio
  • The AVP (Indigenous Initiatives and Reconciliation), ex officio
  • The AVP (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion), ex officio
  • The AVP (Office for Complaints and Investigations), ex officio
  • A representative from Student Affairs, ex officio
  • A Dean or Associate Dean chosen by the Deans 
  • A faculty member (as chosen by the Senate)
  • A staff member (as chosen by the Senate)

Non-ex officio members shall serve for a term of three (3) years.

The Committee shall provide guidance, advice, and support to the Ombudsperson. The Committee shall do so without becoming involved in the substance of matters and subject to the confidentiality rules governing the Office. More specifically, the Committee may:

  1. make recommendations regarding improvements to the visibility and effectiveness of the Office;
  2. make recommendations concerning the independence and impartiality of the Office;
  3. review and comment on the Annual Report and ensure its wide distribution;
  4. discuss trends, themes, strategic issues and priorities identified in the Annual Report and other reports, and provide advice and feedback to the Ombudsperson on these;
  5. provide advice to the Ombudsperson on appropriate policies and practices to assist the Office to operate in accordance with the Terms of Reference and to meet the needs of the University community;
  6. identify tools, resources, training, and education for the campus community that will enhance the ability of members of the community to successfully navigate the University鈥檚 policies, procedures and decision-making structures;
  7. consider such matters as the Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity and Inclusion) may refer to the committee concerning complaints made pursuant to the Terms of Reference;
  8. plan for the future of the Office, including:
    • reviewing the financial and other resource requirements of the Office to ensure adequate support and commitment to support fulfillment of the mandate of the Office;
    • organizing a review of the Office from time to time and a review the Ombudsperson鈥檚 Terms of Reference and its own composition and mandate in collaboration with the Ombudsperson; and,
    • recommending revisions to the Board through the University Culture Committee;
  9. report as a Committee, through its Chair, to the University Culture Committee of the Board on its deliberations, the effectiveness of the Office and such other matters as the Committee thinks appropriate or as are requested by the University Culture Committee.

The Committee shall be advisory only and shall not have any management authority over the Office of the Ombudsperson, or the employees therein.