Responsible hosting

Getting together with friends is a great part of university life. When you host, it is essential to remember that you have a responsibility to guests, neighbours, and the community. As a host, be sure to educate yourself and others of local laws, bylaws, and the regulations set out in the , and .

Host respectfully and safely:

  • Inform your neighbours and invite them to come to you with any concerns.
  • Stay sober so that you are able to handle any problems that may arise.
  • Decide on a guest list ahead of time and stick to it.
  • Have food and water for your guests.
  • Keep guests off your neighbour鈥檚 property and clean up immediately afterwards.
  • Try and avoid glass bottles and serve cans. If a glass bottle is broken, someone may get hurt.


  • Know the regulations set out in the 
  • Don鈥檛 be afraid to call 911, if it鈥檚 an emergency.
  • For situations that don鈥檛 require a call to 911, call the Kingston Police Services non-emergency line 613-549-4660 for assistance.
  • Hosts may be liable for the actions of their guests during and after a party even when guests bring their own drinks. Selling alcohol requires a special license, including cups at a keg party.
  • Monitor your guests and ensure they are consuming responsibly.


Be considerate and mindful of noise levels at all hours:

  • Keep singing, yelling, and music at a moderate volume and avoid slamming doors and honking horns.
  • Keep social gatherings inside and close doors and windows to contain noise.
  • Be aware of shared walls and the noise level of electronics and conversations.
  • Review the 
  • Review the  and be aware that an AMP is a fine issued by the City of Kingston for a Bylaw Violation that would usually be processed by the Provincial Offences Court.

Health promotion & harm reduction

Substance use wellness tool

Click here to learn more

Low-Risk Alcohol Guidelines

Low-Risk Alcohol Guidelines

Harm Reduction Course

It鈥檚 against the law to:

  • Have open alcohol in public (including sidewalks and roads).
  • Serve alcohol to an intoxicated person or someone under 19.
  • Be publicly intoxicated.

If a neighbour, bylaw, or police officer comes to your door

Be co-operative and do what you can to resolve their concerns.