Overview of Process and Resolution


Reporting Units provide information regarding incident response and immediate resolution options. They also receive complaints for furtherance to NAMIO. Alternatively, a report may be submitted directly on a NAM Incident Report form.

Reporting Units include:

Athletics & Recreation
Campus Security
Human Rights & Equity
Sexual Violence Prevention & Response

Report Non-Academic Misconduct


The NAMIO considers the nature of the matter, the students involved, the impact, and the appropriate University policy for resolution.

Cases can be diverted if a student is at risk, or referred to a NAM Unit.
NAM Units manage and resolve cases in accordance with their applicable procedures.


Cases may be dismissed, resolved informally by agreement, or resolved formally by the Case Manager when an informal resolution cannot be reached or is not appropriate.
Outcomes may include sanctions.

NAM Units include:

Athletics & Recreation
Authorized Agents (AMS)
Student Conduct Office

Contact a NAM Unit


Cases resolved formally may be appealed to the relevant Appeal Body.

Some NAM Units have internal appeal procedures (e.g. Athletic & Recreation, Residence). The NAM Appeal Panel is the final internal body for a NAM appeals at the university.

Student Conduct and Sexual Violence cases have separate Appeal Bodies.

NAM Appeals

For an overview of the entire Non-Academic Misconduct system

If you are interested in learning more about the entire Non-Academic Misconduct system, check out the following overview:

 Non-Academic Misconduct System Overview (PDF 332 KB)

Alternative Format: Non-Academic Misconduct System Overview (PDF 75 KB)

Things to know about the Non-Academic Misconduct Process

The Student Code of Conduct and other University policies fall under administrative law. These processes are separate and distinct from civil or criminal proceedings that take place outside of the University.

A student facing a Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) process may be facing a civil or criminal proceeding at the same time. When this occurs, the University may suspend the NAM process until the civil or criminal process has ended.  Once the external process has ended, the NAM process may resume if it is in the University鈥檚 interest to do so.

Queen鈥檚 University community members who submit a complaint to the NAM system may also choose to pursue legal action outside the University and that is their right to do so.

Many complaints processed through the Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) system are straightforward and respondents feel confident in navigating the process without legal representation. 

However, where a finding of responsibility could result in a serious sanction such as a Requirement to Withdraw from the University, or where the matter could result in a separate civil or criminal proceeding, you may wish to speak to a legal counsel to ensure that your rights are fully understood.

Respondents and complainants are permitted to bring advisors or support persons to any meetings held during the NAM process. Parents, peers, and the Rector are examples of support persons and advisors.

Findings of responsibility for violations of the Code are tracked in a student鈥檚 Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) record.  They do not appear on a student's academic transcript, except for in the most serious cases if the student is required to withdraw due to non-academic misconduct.  A student鈥檚 NAM record may be considered as a factor for resolving any subsequent incidents.  NAM records are maintained in accordance with the University's Records Management Policy and Records Retention Schedules.

Learn more about:

You can appeal Residence Conduct decisions in cases resulting in a total accumulation of 3 or fewer assigned points and most infractions under the Athletics & Recreation NAM Policy through the relevant NAM Unit鈥檚 internal appeal procedures.

Decisions made under the Student Code of Conduct, decisions that impose the sanction of Removal from Residence, and decisions that impose the sanction of athletic suspension and/or removal from athletic sport, team, club, or program may be appealed to the NAM Appeal Panel.

The NAM Appeal Panel has no jurisdiction to hear appeals of decisions made under the Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Involving Students, which has separate appeal provisions.

In cases where you have accepted responsibility and agreed to an Informal Resolution, you are not eligible to appeal. However, you may request that the original case manager consider a revision to the resolution agreement.

If you have questions about the appeal process or would like to discuss your options before submitting a formal appeal, please contact centralnam.office@queensu.ca.