What to Expect at an Appeal Proceeding

General Information for Students

Most students find that they are more comfortable and able to communicate more effectively if they prepare in advance. It is important to understand the policies and procedures that apply to your appeal. Tell the NAM Appeal Panel what, if anything, you agree with, what you are responsible for, as well as what you dispute from the original decision. Focus on the eligible grounds (reasons) for appeal and why you think the outcome(s) should be changed. Anticipate questions that you may be asked so that you have a clear response prepared. Additional information about procedural fairness is provided by the Office of the University Ombudsperson.

 Bold text is where you will be asked to speak.


Opening Remarks (Chair)

Welcoming Address and Introductions

Explanation of Appeal Proceeding

Review of the violation(s) and/or sanction(s) under appeal

Appellant鈥檚 Statement (Student)

 Position on any finding(s) of responsibility and/or sanction(s) in the original decision

 Statement on grounds for appeal (reasons why the original decision is alleged to be procedurally unfair or unreasonable)

Respondent鈥檚 Statement (University Representative)

Position on any finding(s) of responsibility and/or sanction(s), including rationale for original decision

Response to Appellant's statement on grounds for appeal

Questions from the NAM Appeal Panel

The NAM Appeal Panel may ask questions to both the Appellant and the Respondent (the Parties)

 Responses from the Parties should be directed to the NAM Appeal Panel

 Appellant may ask to clarify any new points that arise during questioning

Closing Statements & Decision

Respondent makes closing statement and summarizes their position

 Appellant makes closing statement and summarizes their position

 Both the Respondent and the Appellant make submissions on any proposed alternate sanction(s), should there be a finding of responsibility

The NAM Appeal Panel will notify the Parties of its decision in writing, including reasons

The NAM Appeal Panel is the final internal decision-making body for NAM appeals at the university