Terminology Guide

Terms to Use


Indigenous" is an umbrella term for First Nations (status and non-status), 惭茅迟颈蝉 and Inuit. "Indigenous" refers to all of these groups, either collectively or separately, and is the term used in international contexts, e.g., the 鈥楿nited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples鈥 (UNDRIP). Recently, it has been associated more with activism than government policy and so has emerged, for many, as the preferred term.

In some contexts, however, it can be ambiguous: a reference to 鈥業ndigenous Peoples in Canada鈥 could include Maori or American Indian (US) people living here, as well as Canadian Aboriginal people, so in contexts in which legal specificity to people originating in Canada is important, 鈥楢boriginal,鈥 or a more qualified use of 鈥業ndigenous鈥 may be warranted (e.g., The Indigenous Peoples of Canada). Thus, it may be acceptable to use both terms in a formal document or across a communications channel. To avoid confusion, however, do not use both in the same article, unless there is a logical reason to do so.

First Nations

Most, but not all, reserve-based communities in Canada refer to themselves as 鈥楩irst Nations鈥. For informal documents, use 鈥楩irst Nation,鈥 or, collectively in referring to reserve-based communities, 鈥楩irst Nations,鈥 but in specific references, it is more preferential to use the name that the community (or First Nation) uses publicly.

The term 鈥楩irst Nations鈥 can be applied to individuals, but, technically refers only to those who have Indian status under Canadian law as part of a recognized community. Many Aboriginal people in Canada do not have this formal connection, and those who are 惭茅迟颈蝉 or Inuit should never be referred to as 鈥楩irst Nations.鈥 Sometimes, the term 鈥楴ation鈥 is more generally applied to a whole cultural group, e.g., 鈥渢he Mohawk Nation.鈥


惭茅迟颈蝉 are a specific Indigenous (and Aboriginal) group in Canada with a very specific social history. Until very recently, they have not been regarded as 鈥業ndians鈥 under Canadian law and are never considered 鈥楩irst Nations.鈥 The term 鈥槻衙┏倬辈踱 may be used as singular or plural, and refers to individuals or groups, e.g., 鈥淭om, a 惭茅迟颈蝉 student, is attending Queen鈥檚 University,鈥 or 鈥淭he Indian Act does not govern the 惭茅迟颈蝉.鈥 Please be sure to use the acute accent over the 鈥榚鈥 in 惭茅迟颈蝉 unless quoting a name or source in which it is not used.


Inuit are another Aboriginal group, historically located in the Arctic and legally and culturally distinct from First Nations or legally-defined Indians and 惭茅迟颈蝉. The singular of 鈥業nuit鈥 is 鈥業nuk,鈥 and because the translation of Inuit is 鈥榯he people,鈥 it is redundant to add 鈥榩eople鈥 after it. Do not use 鈥楨skimo,鈥 which the Inuit consider a derogatory term.

When in doubt as to what is the most appropriate term to use, ask the person or group involved, learn what is in use in your area or subject field, or simply ask someone knowledgeable.

Terms to Avoid


This term is rarely used in respectful conversations and we advise this term not be used unless there is a specific reason to do so, such as in an organizational name that derives from an earlier period (e.g., Queen鈥檚 Native Students Association). However, those with Indigenous ancestry might use the term to refer to themselves or other Indigenous peoples. 鈥楩irst Nations,鈥欌楢boriginal,鈥 and more recently, 鈥業ndigenous鈥 are more current and are preferred by many in the community, though each has particular nuances.

Our Native People / Native Canadian / Indigenous Canadian

Indigenous peoples have been on these lands for time immemorial, thousands of years before Canada became a nation. Indigenous peoples are NOT Indigenous or Native to Canada.

Many Indigenous peoples DO NOT consider themselves Canadians. They are part of their own sovereign nations and do not consider themselves part of one that has actively worked to assimilate their people.

Stop saying "our. " Indigenous people do not belong to Canada. Canada is bound to Indigenous peoples through treaties that were made by early representatives of the Crown. By saying "our" or "Canada's Indigenous peoples", you are reinforcing a false narrative that is paternalistic. This narrative is one that was created by the Canadian state and is false.


"Aboriginal" is a general term that collectively refers to First Nations, 惭茅迟颈蝉 and Inuit people in Canada, and is found in the Canadian constitution. This distinction legalized in 1982 when the Constitution Act came into being. Section 35 (2) of the Act states, 鈥淎boriginal Peoples of Canada鈥 includes the Indian, Inuit and 惭茅迟颈蝉 peoples of Canada. It is broad, on one hand, because it includes all Canadian groups, but specific, on the other, in that it is not widely used in international contexts. (In the US, for instance, it is not widely understood.) Though until recently a preferred term, it does carry a negative connotation because of its use in government policy, though not nearly as strong a one as its predecessor, 鈥業ndian.鈥 Please note that 鈥楢boriginal鈥 should never be used as a noun, e.g., "Aboriginals think..."

Be aware that Aboriginal people, however named, do not 鈥榖elong鈥 to Canada. Therefore, do not preface any of the terms considered above with a possessive, e.g., "Canada鈥檚 Aboriginal (or First Nations, Inuit, Indigenous, 惭茅迟颈蝉) people," or worse yet, "our Aboriginal people." This is profoundly insulting and not easily forgiven, as it invokes an entire history of paternalism and control.

Never use 鈥楢boriginal鈥 as a noun, but rather as an adjective. The former, especially 鈥楢boriginals,鈥 connotes an early colonial time when poorly conceived synonyms like 鈥業ndians,鈥 鈥榩rimitives鈥 and others were casually applied to Indigenous people. It is also needlessly reductive, as it unnecessarily diminishes an agglomeration of distinct Indigenous groups to a singularly blunt term. For example: Do not say 鈥淭he Aboriginals of Canada...鈥 or 鈥渢he student is an Aboriginal鈥. Instead say 鈥淭he Aboriginal Peoples of Canada...鈥 or 鈥淗e is an Aboriginal student (person, athlete, leader, etc.) ...鈥


The term 鈥業ndian鈥 because of its negative connotation, should be avoided in most contexts unless it is used as part of a historical reference or used in reference to a government policy (eg. The Indian Act, 鈥榮tatus Indian鈥).

You may encounter, particularly in legal or policy contexts, the terms:

  • status Indian
  • Indian status
  • status

All refer to the government classification system in which 鈥榮tatus鈥 confers certain agreements based on treaties with the Crown, however; historically, certain penalties were also handed down. This is a technical area with sensitivities, so you may want to consult with knowledgeable people before initiating the use of any of these terms.

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[illustration by Portia Chapman representing truth]