Photo of Nathan Brinklow Thanyeht茅nhas

Nathan Brinklow Thanyeht茅nhas


Languages, Literatures and Cultures

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LLCU Profile

Thanyeht茅nhas (Nathan Brinklow) is Turtle Clan from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. He grew up without the language in a community that had largely lost its heritage language as an everyday spoken language.  Nathan鈥檚 interest in the language was sparked through the 鈥淢ohawk Hymns鈥 he sang with his grandmother as a young man and following his formal studies, he went on to study at Shatiwennakar谩:tats, the intensive adult language program at Tyendinaga.  He now teaches in that program.

Research interests: Mohawk language & culture, learning language through culture,  Adult second language acquisition, traditional Mohawk belief & spirituality