Indigenous Knowledge Symposium

Start Date

Friday November 5, 2021

End Date

Saturday November 6, 2021


12:00 am - 7:59 pm


Event Category

Indigenous Climate Justice - Online Symposium via Zoom | November 5th and 6th 2021

Keynote Speakers: Winona LaDuke & Autumn Peltier

Roundtable Discussants: Dr. Kim TallBear, Dr. Karen Lawford, and Tasha Beeds, Ph.D. (c)

The theme of Indigenous Climate Justice brings many important topics together at a conjunctural time. We invite you to this year's symposium to share, learn, teach and mobilize Indigenous traditions, research, knowledge and art towards climate justice. The symposium will be conducted with respect to Indigenous protocols.

 Download Call for Proposals here

For more information, visit: /indigenous/indigenous-knowledge-symposium