Equity, Diversity, and Anti-Racism

Yellow House

The Yellow House is a safe, comfortable, and accountable space for queer, racialized, marginalized students to create community, to feel empowered, to empower others, and to celebrate and to honour their histories. Yellow House seeks to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist, and colonial ideologies and practices. The clubs in Yellow House are:

  • African and Caribbean Students’ Association
  • Levana Gender Advocacy Centre
  • ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s Black Academic Society
  • ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s University Muslim Student Association

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor

Lavie Williams, ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor, is the central point of contact for individuals and units who wish to learn about anti-oppression and anti-racism initiatives and services at ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s. Embedded within the Equity and Human Rights Offices, she has a particular focus on anti-racism and its intersections, institutional inclusion, and anti-oppression strategies. Lavie is available to meet with students, staff, and faculty at ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s. Email: ltw@queensu.ca

In the Classroom

Yasmine Djerbal, Educational Developer, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion in Queen's Centre for Teaching and Learning, supports educators in designing, planning, and reviewing their courses and academic programs through an equity and inclusivity lens. Yasmine collaborates with Queen's educators and shares resources on cultivating inclusive teaching and assessment practices that reflect the needs and aspirations of all students. Email: yd8@queensu.ca

Financial Awards

Racialized and first-generation students can access financial support through the Ester Margaret Harrison Awards for Black Canadian Students, the renewable Ester Margaret Harrison Awards for Visible Minority/Racialized Students, and the Ester Margaret Harrison Award for First Generation Students. See the Student Awards website for further information.

Admission Pathway

²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s offer first-generation candidates, including Pathways to Education students, Crown Wards, and members of the Boys and Girls Club Raising the Grade program, an alternative admission pathway to the first year of a full-time, first-entry undergraduate degree program.

Offers of admission are made to First-Generation candidates whose total application shows strong evidence of academic preparedness and potential. Students will be introduced to the contacts and services available at the Student Experience Office and the Student Awards Office during the application process and upon admission.

See the Pathways and Policies web page for further information.

Human Rights and Equity Office

Queen's  informs, educates, and advises the Queen's community about their rights and responsibilities in the area of human rights. The Human Rights staff can also provide confidential advisory services to students, staff, and faculty following incidences of harassment or discrimination.

The facilitates the development of new policies, procedures, and programs that remove barriers to equity and ensure greater and equal participation of marginalized groups and individuals at the university.

Assessment and Planning Tool

The was developed by ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s Equity Office to assist units in better understanding their climate relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion. In particular, the DEAP tool helps units in:

  • Understanding the demographic profile of their staff, faculty, and students
  • Assessing how inclusive the unit is
  • Providing an opportunity to reflect on areas in need of improvement using the Diversity Score Card assessment template
  • Supporting requests for resources for equity and diversity initiatives
  • Developing an action plan and timeline to enhance inclusion

The DEAP tool is designed to be responsive to the needs of each unit. Academic and administrative units can contact the Equity Office for further details.

employment equity award web screenshot

The university’s efforts to foster a climate of inclusion and equity were recognized by the federal government in the fall of 2017 – ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s received an Employment Equity Achievement Award in the Innovation category, acknowledging the university’s guiding Accessibility Framework and the Employment Equity Framework, and initiatives such as the Diversity and Equity Assessment and Planning (DEAP) Tool. 


The University Council on Anti-Racism and Equity (UCARE) coordinates, monitors, and reports on the progress of university-wide initiatives to address racism and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Council meetings also provide a community forum to discuss issues related to racism, inclusion, and equity at ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s.


²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s is a group of students, staff, and faculty that works to eliminate racism and discrimination on campus. QCRED advocates and fosters community wellness for historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups.

Women's Employee Network

The ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s Women’s Network (QWN) Employee Resource Group brings together self-identified women staff at ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s to build connections, support professional growth, and foster an engaged workplace. Individuals can get involved by attending a QWN lunchtime meeting or joining a project subcommittee, make connections by attending a QWN social event, or learn something new by attending a QWN speaker panel.

Women's Mentorship

Through the annual ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s Women’s Network Mentorship Program, individuals are paired with volunteer mentors who can provide guidance on career development, challenges in the workplace, and defining and pursuing goals. The mentorship program helps to foster a supportive working environment, enhance career development within the university, and build connections among members of the ²Ï³Ü±ð±ð²Ô’s community.

AMS Social Issues Commission

The of the Alma Mater Society (AMS) facilitates dialogue, education, and engagement on all matters related to equity, identity, and anti-oppression. The commission strives to foster a safer space for students to connect students with resources, and to engage with and promote social justice and human rights issues on campus.