Exchange program

The Department of Gender Studies at Queen's and the Centre at Oslo have set up a Gender Studies student exchange program with the  and the .  If you are a second year GNDS concentrator, you are invited to apply.

Please contact the Department of Gender Studies for more details.

Application information

The Faculty of Arts and Science has developed a number of exchanges with overseas universities. Under this arrangement, Queen鈥檚 students spend part or all of their third year at one of the partner universities but pay tuition and ancillary fees to Queen鈥檚. All second-year Arts and Science students are eligible to apply upon condition that they return to Queen鈥檚 to complete their honours year. A minimum average of B- to B on first-year marks is required to be considered for most exchange programs.

All students selected to participate in an international exchange are eligible to apply for an exchange bursary. On returning from an international exchange, students are also eligible to apply for the Dean's Special Scholarship for Students Returning from Exchange. Applications will be accepted by the International Programs Office (IPO) until the final deadline for receipt of applications in January of second year. For deadline and other information see the IPO's website.

To apply to the Gender Studies Exchange program in Oslo you must go to the International Programs Office and pick up a general application form or go online for more information from the IPO. Under the section that asks you to list your choices by priority you should enter 鈥淕NDS at Oslo.鈥 If you wish to be considered for the general exchange to Oslo, you should also enter 鈥淥slo鈥 as another choice.

Criteria and selection

In addition to the general Arts and Science criteria, the Department of Gender Studies has the following selection criteria:

  • Academic Preparation: at least one (3.0) GNDS course normally with B average or higher
  • Extra-curricular/volunteer work: preference will be given to a student with women鈥檚 or gender related community work
  • General suitability: ability to benefit from the exchange

Overall assessment: we will take all criteria into consideration, e.g. grades are major factor but not the sole criterion.

Although the Gender Studies Selection Committee will not normally hold interviews, in the event of a tie it might be necessary.

Student experience

Maame Debrah smiles for a photo in Oslo, Norway        Maame Debrah and a friend pose in front of a sculpture.        Pedestrians walking along a cobbled street in Oslo.

"In second year I applied to go on the Gender Studies Exchange to the University of Oslo. I was excited to be accepted into the program and could not wait to go to Scandinavia for a whole semester. Before I left, I had discussed my courses with the Gender Studies Undergraduate Chair so I did not experience any difficulty.

The school year started with an orientation program for new students. It was an enriching experience to meet so many students from all over the world and the European Union. In terms of academics, it was really different from what I was used to at Queen鈥檚. I took 3 courses, one in Norwegian, and Sociology and Gender Studies which were taught in English. There were no compulsory tutorial requirements or papers to submit during the school year. The entire assessment was based on final examinations at the end of the semester.

There were socials and special trips organized for international students. One advantage was the affordability of travel within Europe. But I was stunned by how expensive Norway was. It was quite an adjustment getting used to the prices of food, books and transportation. Nevertheless, there were always free things to do and living on a student budget was doable. The weather is very similar to Canada though slightly colder in the winter. I was also very surprised how many people spoke English in Norway.

Overall I had an amazing experience and I received a lot of support from the Centre from Gender Research. I would recommend Norway to anyone who wants to go on the Gender Studies Exchange. It definitely adds an extra something to your university degree."

-Maame Debrah, past exchange student to the University of Oslo