Principal鈥檚 Advisory Committee created to support search for next Dean of Queen鈥檚 Health Sciences

Search committee

Principal鈥檚 Advisory Committee created to support search for next Dean of Queen鈥檚 Health Sciences

July 25, 2024


Jane Philpott, Dean, Queen鈥檚 Health Sciences (QHS), Director of the School of Medicine, and CEO, Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization (SEAMO) will complete her five-year term on June 30, 2025. Dean Philpott has confirmed that she will not seek a second term in order to focus on her commitment to improving health systems.

In accordance with the Appointment of Deans procedure established by Senate, Principal and Vice-Chancellor Patrick Deane is calling for submissions of opinion on the future direction and leadership of Queen鈥檚 Health Sciences. Submissions can be shared via a , which will be open until Aug. 15. General feedback can also be shared to throughout the search process.

Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Matthew Evans will chair the Principal鈥檚 Advisory Committee, which will make recommendations on the appointment of the next dean. Principal Deane thanks the following individuals who have agreed to serve on the Advisory Committee:

  • Cathy Szabo, President and CEO, Providence Care
  • Christopher Booth, Professor and Director, Division of Cancer Care and Epidemiology, Sinclair Cancer Research Institute, QHS
  • Colleen Flood, Dean, Faculty of Law
  • David Clements, Executive Director, Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
  • David Pichora, CEO, Kingston Health Sciences Centre
  • Fahim Quadir, Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Grace Ayoo, President, Aesculapian Society
  • John Sheridan, Chair, SEAMO
  • Kimberly Dunham-Snary, Assistant Professor, QHS
  • Lavonne Hood, Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion)
  • Lynne Postovit, Professor and Department Head, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, QHS
  • Matthew Evans, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
  • Megan Sheppard, CFAO, Queen鈥檚 Health Sciences and CFO, SEAMO
  • Nancy Ross, Vice-Principal (Research)
  • Natasha Jawa, MD-PhD student, QHS
  • Richard van Wylick, Vice-Dean (Health Sciences Education), QHS
  • Roger Pilon, Vice-Dean (Health Sciences) and Director, School of Nursing
  • Ross Walker, Professor and Department Head, Surgery, QHS
  • Sarah Funnell, Associate Dean, Indigenous Health and Chair, Indigenous Health, QHS
  • Stephanie Nixon, Vice-Dean (Health Sciences) and Director, School of Rehabilitation Therapy
  • Stephen Scott, Vice-Dean (Research), QHS
  • Tarit Saha, President, Clinical Teachers Association of Queen鈥檚 Anesthesiology

As stipulated by the Senate procedures, Principal Deane will also write directly to members of the Health Sciences Faculty Board to invite them to submit their views. 

All community members are encouraged to provide their feedback to the Principal鈥檚 Advisory Committee. Principal Deane thanks all for their time and consideration.

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Health Sciences