If you’ve already forgotten your goal or resolution for 2024, you’re not alone. Oftentimes, while we have the best intentions, our goals are just too broad or grandiose.

Set yourself up for success by breaking your goal down into smaller more manageable goals that are “SMART.”

Specific: Be clear and precise.

Measurable: Your goal should be quantifiable. Outline the number of times per day or number of days per week, etc. that you will engage in a particular habit or activity.

Action-oriented: Focus on actions rather than outcomes. What are the actions needed to become a healthier version of you?

Realistic: What is feasible under your current circumstances (not under the ideal scenario). Plan for possible obstacles. You should feel at least a 7/10 confident in your goal. If you’re not so confident – change up your goal so that it is more attainable!

Time-framed: Define a timeline. Our suggestion? Look one week at a time!

Your goal should be able to answer the questions:

  • What?
  • How much or how often?
  • When?
  • With whom?

Remember to be flexible. If you didn’t reach your goal this week, try again next week or adapt your goal. Practice self-compassion – be gentle with yourself if you didn’t achieve your goal. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Check out our goal setting worksheet and habit tracking template!

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