Career Services for Students

Career Services offers Queen's students counselling on careers options, on-the-spot answers to questions about resum茅s or job searches, workshops on job searching and graduate study, and a library of resource material.

Film students should start with a look at their booklet Film Options: Both Education and Work.

Other publications of interest include:

  • Making It: The Business of Film and Television Production in Canada, Barbara Hehner, ed.
  • Getting Into Film, Mel London.
  • Careers in Video, Paul Allman.
  • Exploring Careers in Filmmaking, Robert N. Manning.
  • Opportunities in Television and Filmmaking, Shonan F.R.Noronha
  • The Harvard Guide to Careers in Mass Media, John Noble.
  • Film Canada Yearbook: The Indispensable Directory of the Canadian Film Industry
  • Directory to Funding Sources for Canadian Studies
  • Awards for Postgraduate Study at Commonwealth Universities
  • Grants to Artists, The Canada Council


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