Student Film Festivals

This is a list of festivals of likely interest to students. There are hundreds of other festivals not listed here that may be perfect for your video. To find them, consult the on-line festival databases at the bottom of the page.

Student-Only Festivals

Windriver International Student Film Festival logo

  • Please check us out at
  • We offer $10,000 US prizes and expense paid trips to Sundance Film Festival. We honor emerging film and documentary students whose work reflects the human condition with creativity and respect.  Past winners have won Academy Awards, Peabody, Sundance etc.
  • We have been around over 15 years, formerly known as the Angelus Student Film Festival.  

Reelshow International logo

  • Continuing Online --
  • Deadline 13 May --
    Youngcuts Logo
  • Deadline 1 July -- (Montreal) 
  • Images Festival Logo
  • Deadline 2 November -- student category (Toronto)
  • Living Skies Logo
  • Deadline 31 January -- (Regina)
  • Deadline 31 January -- (student category)
  • Deadline 4 February -- (Toronto)

Other Shorts Festivals

  • Continuing Online --
  • Continuing Online --
  • Continuing Online --
  • Continuing Monthly -- (Toronto)
  • Deadline 11 May -- (Victoria)
  • Deadline 17 May --
    enRoute Festival Logo
  • Deadline 31 May -- (Air Canada)
    Regent Park Film Festival Logo
  • Deadline 13 June -- (Toronto)
  • Deadline 15 May --
    Montreal Documentary Film Festival Logo
  • Deadline 28 June -- (RIDM)
  • Deadline 15 July -- (1-minute films, Toronto Transit Commission)
    Cabbagetown Festival Logo
  • Deadline 31 July -- (Toronto)
  • Deadline 14 February --  (Edmonton)
  • Deadline 31 July -- (Toronto)
  • Deadline 30 September -- (Kingston)
    NSI logo
  • Deadline 18 March --
    Dawson City Festival Logo
  • Deadline 11 November --
    Wasaga Beach Festival Logo
  • Deadline 28 February -- (Ontario)
  • Deadline 3 December --
  • Deadline 5 December -- (Toronto)
    Homebrew Award Logo - KCFF
  • Deadline 31 January --

Festival Databases

  • at

Please let us know about changes in the sites listed here, or about other sites you think we should include on the list.