Steve Bates
PhD Student
Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies
Film and Media
Steve Bates is an artist and musician. Through his work he listens to thresholds, boundaries and borders, points of contact and conflict. The history of ideas, experiences, and materials are an influence on his work and often lead to a research-heavy path resulting in a suite of works around a theme. Recent topics have included the history of barbed wire as colonizing device, the night as a space of freedom and libidinal desire, feedback as it occurs in sound and video art, politics, economics, and biology, historical and contemporary instances of pathological and non-pathological auditory hallucination and most recently, a speculative project around the sound of Hell. His work has been exhibited and performed in Canada, the United States of America, Europe, Chile and Senegal. He works in the field, on the air, in museological/gallery and performance contexts. These shifting territories reflect the content of his practice.