SES Department Student Council (DSC)

Who Are We & What We Do 

ENSC DSC Representatives Sitting on Stairs

The Environmental Studies, Department Student Council (DSC) acts as a liaison between the students of the School of Environmental Studies and faculty members. We represent ENSC  students at monthly faculty and curriculum meetings as well as school functions. AND the fun part . . . we get to organize departmental events! Some events that are typical during an academic year are Pizza with Profs, Beer with Profs, Careers Night, as well as a clothing sale. There is always room for suggestions for new event ideas!

The DSC holds weekly meetings to discuss any issues or upcoming events. These meetings are open to anyone in the Environmental Studies program.

To sum it all up, the responsibility of the DSC is to work for you. What would we love in return? Your IDEAS and FEEDBACK. If you would like to see the DSC organize an event, please let us know. Or if you have any suggestions for the program or curriculum, please inform us so we can bring it up at the next appropriate meeting. 

We hope to see you there!

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