Premiere Party for Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies*

Housed in the state-of-the-art Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, the new Master's and PhD in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies* are unique because of their linkage of adjacent disciplines: film and media studies and, more generally, the study of screen cultures, film and media production, and curatorial studies and practice. These multidisciplinary and professionally-oriented programs provide students with a wide range of course options and professional opportunities, including academia, arts management, programming, media production (from mainstream media, to artistic and activist production), and curation.

The program’s three strongly interconnected areas of focus – studies, production, and curation – are designed to stimulate creative dialogue in ways that ensure their mutual and respective influence, and in ways that open exciting points of access to multiple disciplinary formations and are not offered in any other film, media, cinema or communications Master’s or PhD program in Ontario.

Visiting scholars, filmmakers, artists, and curators in the core professional development course provide opportunities for practice-based learning, integrating new knowledge gained from other graduate level course work, and implementing some of their newly acquired skills in and beyond the gallery, festival, and museum.

Exhibition space will also be available to students at the Art & Media Lab in The Isabel Bader Center and the Union Gallery to accommodate curatorial projects. The program is also uniquely offered in partnership with the (AEAC), a university and public art museum with physical display space paralleled by an active online program presence. The slate of courses offered by this partnership provide robust opportunities to participate in and benefit from experiential, applied learning. 

Research Areas

  • Film, Media and Screen Cultures
  • Experimental Media
  • Moving Image Curatorial Studies 
  • Moving Image Production (Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Animation, Open Media)
  • Film, Media and Performance Studies
  • Historical and Contemporary Film and Media
  • Archives, Curation, and Remediation

Premiere Party

Join us for the launch of our new Master's and Doctoral programs in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies*, offered by the Department of Film and Media, in partnership with the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.

April 5, 2019
Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts

Info Webinar on Graduate Programs in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies*

Join us for a 30-minute webinar to learn about our new Master's and Doctoral programs in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies*. Learn about our unique program and the range of course options and professional opportunities for students. There will also be lots of time for Q & A at the end of the webinar.

  • April 9, 5:00-6:00 EST
  • April 11, 5:00-6:00 EST
  • May 7, 5:00-6:00 EST
  • May 16, 5:00-6:00 EST

*Prospective students are advised that offers of admission may be made only after the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance has approved the programs.