Class Notes

Catch up on classmates, housemates, faculty, and friends.

We Want Your Class Notes

Marking career and personal achievements, special milestones and the birth of future Queen's alumni - Class Notes helps you stay in touch with former classmates, housemates, and faculty.

  • 1970s

    Storme Blais

    – Ed'79

    Fall 2021

    Storme Blais (née Genge, which is her Facebook name) is enjoying her eighth year of retirement from Calgary Board of Education and winters in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with Jim MacNichol, celebrating 21 years together. Facebook contacts are welcome.

  • 1970s

    Janey Slack and Tim Bates

    – Arts, Ed; Arts, Law

    Fall 2021

    Heather Bates (Artsci’01, PHE’02) and Trevor, Ian and Anne-Elizabeth, Lilianne, Hadley, Fern, Henry, and Mac wish to congratulate their parents and grandparents Janey Slack and Tim Bates on their 50th wedding anniversary. Tim and Janey met at Queen’s during a Frosh Week dance in September 1967 and were married on August 28th, 1971.

  • Nelson McCartney


    Nelson McCartney, Harold McCartney, and Harold's grandson (Harold)

    – BSc'15; Meds'60

    Fall 2021

    This photograph of Nelson McCartney,  BSc'15, likely in senior high school in the early 1900s, was taken looking northeast across the intersection of University Avenue and Johnson Street with what was Nesbitt’s grocery store on the first floor in the background. The scene is unchanged, with the exception that the grocery store is now a sushi restaurant. Nelson went on to enter mining engineering at Queen’s. His son, Harold McCartney, Meds'60, is also known as Mac to his family and friends is also a Queen’s graduate. Harold’s grandson (Harold), has just entered his first year at Queen’s.

  • 1960s

    John Bonn, Bruce Engel, Bob Taite, and Jim Brennan

    – Meds'67, Law'90; Meds'67; Meds'67; Meds'67, MSc'72

    Fall 2021

    John Bonn, Meds'67, Law'90, Bruce Enge, Meds'67, Bob Taite, Meds'67, and Jim Brennan, Meds'67, MSc'72, four of the original members of Meds’67, would like to share that they remain friends after first meeting 60 years ago during Frosh Week in Sept 1961. They got together last month for a game of golf and are looking forward to their 55th class reunion in the fall of 2022.

  • 1950s

    Joseph Bradley

    – Sc'58, MSc'64

    Fall 2021

    Joseph feels older by the day after graduating but would like to announce that every year, week, and day have been more interesting than the last. He’s happy to report that things and events fill his life to the brim, which is why he hardly has time for the internet. By the way, he finds it is getting more invasive of the good life each day.

  • 2010s

    Emily Townshend

    – Artsci'19

    Summer 2021

    Queen’s student constable from 2015–2019, she was awarded the Commandant’s Coin by Commissionaires Hamilton in January for her quick response and calmness during a coworker’s medical emergency.