A Visual Guide to Ventus for students

Download: A Visual Guide to Ventus.pdf

Step by step instructions on how to navigate through VentusImage Text:

Getting Started: Register with QSAS in Ventus

  1. Login to Ventus
  2. Complete QSAS Intake Form
  3. Submit Medical Documentation

    4-5 business days

    Receive advisor name and self-booking email
  4. Self-Book Intake Appointment
  5. Meet Advisor

Using Ventus

  1. View Classroom Accommodations and opt-out as required
  2. View upcoming Assessments you are writing with Accommodations
    (opt-out IF required)
  3. Check Ventus Assessment tab regularly for information updates

Communicate directly with your instructor for any assessments not listed in Ventus to confirm how accommodations will be met.